Racial/Ethnic Trauma Healing

Healing the Hidden Wounds of Racial Trauma (Hardy).pdf
Racial Trauma Issue Brief (FCTF).pdf
Racial Trauma and Coping or Healing brochure 2020.pdf

PTSD and Racial Trauma

This article by Williams et al. (2021) includes (a) Description; (b) Evidence of Harms; (c) Mechanisms; (d) Assessment; and (e) some evidence-based Treatments to address race-based traumatic stress. 

This book presents CBT skills to help teens overcome personal and intergenerational trauma through tools to help balance emotions, and put a stop to unwanted thoughts and memories associated with trauma, so they can find lasting peace of mind.

This handbook offers practical tools to help navigate daily and past experiences of racism, challenge internalized negative messages and privileges, and handle feelings of stress and shame. 

This toolkit (CHN, ABPsi, 2017)  was developed by and for people of African ancestry ­­to comfort and inspire in difficult times. It provides resources for self-care, and strengthening of community.

This compilation of resources, by Micalah Webster MSW (2020) of the Rafiki Coalition, is a reflection of personal identities and social network as a black woman and social worker. 

The Traumatic Impact of Racism and Discrimination on Young People and How to Talk About It (Svetaz et al., 2020) is excerpted from Reaching Teens, 2nd Edition of the American Academy of Pediatrics

This chapter (Svetaz & Coyne-Beasley, 2020) is written primarily to guide parents raising children of color, and understanding the strategies to build resilience in the context of unique challenges, like racism.

The Activity Book for African American Families (NBCDI & NICHHD, 2003) helps enhance the strength and togetherness that is necessary for families during times of major crisis.

This is a guided activity book (Utter, 2014) for children who have experienced or who are currently experiencing the threat of having one of their caregivers deported from the United States. 

This resource by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) helps understand the interplay of race and trauma including the effects by age group. 

This brief (2013) shows how historical trauma relates to the overall experience of Native Americans, and how to tap into the community resilience of many tribal communities.

This brief (2013) describes Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, ongoing injuries and reminders, and trauma among African Americans who are descendants of enslaved Africans. 

This brief (2014) explores the experience of survivors of the Jewish Holocaust, the Japanese American WWII camps, and key events affecting Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. 

Telebehavioral Apps for BIPOC Clients