Mental and Emotional Health


To receive credit, be sure to complete the evaluation form linked to each session.  You will receive email confirmation.

Enhancing Civil Discourse Panel Discussion

Description:  The five-member panel will focus on how the communication strategies of Rhetoric, Debate, and Dialogue can inform the practice of civil discourse in the classroom and community.  After an overview of the current state of civil discourse, the experts will offer basic descriptions of the communication strategies of Rhetoric, Debate, and Dialogue compared to the misconceptions that surround them.  They will lead discussions that analyze the positive and negative ethical implications in each area. The audience will be led through some interactive exercises to promote a positive impact on their participation in civil discourse.

Continuing the Conversation Handout

Evaluation Enhancing Civil Discourse

A Healing-Centered Approach to Student Care

Description:  With students dealing with transfers and transitions, it's best we take a Healing Centered Approach. Through this 22 minute presentation, you will learn about trauma, how it impacts the brain, and how it affects your mindset. By using a Healing-Centered Approach - Protect, Connect, Respect, and Redirect - we can guide our students through those tough transitions. 

Turning the Baggage into Luggage

Description:  As educators, we realize that the past year has weighed us down with too much baggage. However, with the end of the pandemic in sight, (hopefully) we can now start turning that baggage into luggage. What are we going to bring with us from this experience? Chaos is an opportunity, and as we return to “normal," we actually have the opportunity to become better educators and facilitators of learning. 

Managing Our Fears and Stress: Strategies to Cultivate Emotional Agility

Description:  "Join us for a conversation with Susan David, PhD, renowned psychologist, TED speaker, and expert on emotions, as she discusses how to cultivate 'Emotional Agility' in the context of the rapidly changing landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. David draws on her twenty-plus years of research to help listeners gain insight into how to cultivate emotional agility within oneself and within organizations in stressful times."

Cultivate Resilience: Six Steps for Stress Inoculation

Description:  If student affairs professionals want to avoid burning out, they need tools for maintaining and nurturing their own mental health and balance. And these tools can, in turn, be shared to equip students to do the same.  You will be trained in Dr. Kristin L. Roush's comprehensive six-step process for releasing pent-up stress. You will see how to gain a more lighthearted perspective on daily challenges. You will discover how to let go of toxic feelings that self-injure and to construct a more joyful future. 

Directions to Access this Seminar (use your TC Google account to access the directions)

Evaluation Cultivate Resilience