Class/LMS Design

The Syllabus

How it affects equity:  "In many ways the syllabus conveys so much more than rules and course expectations and as such, serves a larger purpose that can shape the students’ academic experiences and foster their success. . . . with well-crafted syllabi, faculty design learning experiences that positively shape and alter how students perceive their instructors and seek assistance for academic challenges."  (Maxine T. Roberts, Center for Urban Education)

Resources: USC Syllabus Review Guide

Syllabus Review.pdf

Sample Inclusivity Statements

Making Your Class and Syllabus More Equitable:  Diablo Valley

Using Google Sites to Create Equity Syllabus

University of Texas Documents:  Sample Syllabus with inclusivity statements/pronouns/safety AND Syllabus Checklist which might provide ideas:

UT Syllabus Checklist.pdf
UT Sample Syllabus with Inclusivity Statement and Other Interesting Ideas.pdf

Course Design Concepts

Sources for #1-4:  "3 Ways to Center Equity In Course Design" and Lauren Goodman, Dean of Teaching & Learning Innovation, Berkshire Community College 

Cal State Equity-Minded Checklist

DEI Online Course Checklist

Temple College Best Practices for Teaching Checklist

CAL State Equity-Minded Classroom Checklist
DEI Online Course Supplemental Checklist 29Apr19
Best Practices for Teaching Checklist