Student Engagement and Interaction Webinars


To receive credit, be sure to complete the evaluation form linked to each session.  You will receive email confirmation.

Welcome Week Fall 2022 Research to Writing Process

Description:  Join Brian Kemp, Interim Division Director, Learning Resources, and Mike Hein, Writing Center and Math Lab Coordinator in this presentation to provide attendees with valuable information about the services and resources offered through Temple College's library and writing center. Participants will also learn about patterns of student needs, and how the library and writing center collaborate to meet those needs. 

Evaluation Form: Welcome Week Fall 2022 Research to Writing Process

Summer 2022 Adult Learning 

Description:  Join Dr. Becky Musil  and other Temple College Faculty in applying andragogy to online course design to increase student engagement and success. 

Evaluation Form: Summer 2022 Adult Learning 

Enhancing Civil Discourse Panel Discussion

Description:  The five-member panel will focus on how the communication strategies of Rhetoric, Debate, and Dialogue can inform the practice of civil discourse in the classroom and community.  After an overview of the current state of civil discourse, the experts will offer basic descriptions of the communication strategies of Rhetoric, Debate, and Dialogue compared to the misconceptions that surround them.  They will lead discussions that analyze the positive and negative ethical implications in each area. The audience will be led through some interactive exercises to promote a positive impact on their participation in civil discourse.

Continuing the Conversation Handout

Evaluation Enhancing Civil Discourse

Using Student Response Systems (Poll Everywhere) to Increase Student Engagement

Description:  Poll Everywhere is an audience response system designed to help bring presentation and lectures from static to interactive. 

Link to the document and the YouTube Video

Evaluation Using Student Response Systems

Magna Seminar:  Wake Them Up!  Engaging Students in the 21st Century Classroom

Description:  Learn strategies to help you achieve performance targets while also restoring student engagement through a variety of practical, actionable teaching techniques. 

Directions to Access this Seminar (use your TC Google account to access the directions)

Evaluation Wake Them Up!

Engaging Students in the Classroom

Description:  John Damaso shares his favorite apps and strategies for engaging students in and out of class, using live polling, backchannels, Google apps, and subject-specific tools. 

Link to the Webinar

Evaluation Engaging Students in the Classroom

Magna Seminar: Using Microlearning to Improve Student Understanding of Course Content  

Description:  This Magna Online Seminar covers how microlearning differs from traditional learning, the advantages of microlearning, and how to create microlearning modules using different tools.   Class tools and technologies will be demonstrated.

Directions to Access this Seminar (use your TC Google account to access the directions)

Evaluation:  Using Microlearning to Improve Student Understanding of Course Content 

Magna Seminar: Increasing Student Engagement, Persistence, and Success Online Using Emotion Science

Description:  Emotions are strongly linked to how we pay attention, focus, engage, remember, and learn. This online seminar will present practical strategies for putting the power of emotions to work in online classes to help capture and hold students’ attention, better engage students in their learning, and ultimately help them persist and succeed.

Directions to Access this Seminar (use your TC Google account to access the directions)

Evaluation:  Increasing Student Engagement, Persistence

Magna Seminar:  Online Group Work:  Making it Meaningful and Manageable

Description:  "With the increasing popularity of online courses, instructors need to have clear, effective methods of creating, implementing, and grading group projects. Change the perception and the results with this seminar."

Directions to Access this Seminar (use your TC Google account to access the directions)

Evaluation:  Online Group Work:  Making it Meaningful and Manageable