Faculty Pedagogy/Class Activities/Podcasts

Interested in Faculty-Based Podcasts?  In ways to improve your teaching techniques?  

Check out the hundreds of podcast episodes available here.

Source:  Achieving the Dream

TILT: Transparency in Learning and Teaching 

How it affects equity:  Faculty consciously format assignments and their classes to increase transparency and reduce inequity.  

Examples and Resources:  Tilt Higher Education Website

TILT Assignment Template

Resources for Pedagogy using Tilt

The  Jigsaw Classroom

 How it affects equity:  Just as in a jigsaw puzzle, each piece — each student's part — is essential for the completion and full understanding of the final product.   

Examples and Resources:  Jigsaw Website and "The Jigsaw Method" Video

Classroom Response Systems (Clickers/Polls/more)

A Classroom Response System  is any hardware or software that allows students to actively participate and answer questions.

How it affects equity:  All students get an equal voice to ask questions and add to the classroom discussions.

Examples and Resources:  Guide to Using Classroom Response System--Vanderbilt

The Fishbowl

How it affects equity:  As stated by the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching, "The idea is for those who feel similarly about an issue to be able to talk with one another without being interrupted or rebutted by others who feel differently.  Ideally, those who identify with one side of an issue discover that they have differences with others in their group, and similarities with those on the 'other' side."

Examples and Resources:  Having Difficult Dialogues--Vanderbilt

The Fishbowl Strategy--Tolerance.org and CSU

Virtual Fishbowl:  Virtual Fishbowl Technique

Tools for Creating a Hybrid Course
