Instructional Design Webinars and Training


To receive credit, be sure to complete the evaluation form linked to each session.  You will receive email confirmation.

Communication and Organization:  Keys to Online Learning

Description:  In this session, Dr. Jason Caudill of King University will address a fundamental area of online learning design; the value of clear, consistent communication with students and how to help them organize their work. While the technical details of different LMS platforms will vary, good design translates to all types of environments and sets students up for success, along with making the job of a teacher easier. A live Q&A will follow this presentation! 

Trading Spaces: Designing a Virtual Learning Space (using Google)

Description:  It is important to create an environment in which students are encouraged to interact with that space, as well as with their peers and instructors. In this webinar, you will walk through an example of an interactive virtual classroom using Google Slides, resources and tips for creating your own space.  After the walkthrough, participate in designing a “practice” space alongside Professor Streett and fellow audience members. 

Rethinking Rubric Design

Description:  In this session, Gregory Ramirez of Madera Community College will address the pros and cons of rubrics as part of assessment. Additionally, he will review his past rubrics so as to encourage strategies for designing rubrics for writing assignments. Attendees—especially those teaching freshman composition courses—will be encouraged to reflect on how they create rubrics and will have the opportunity to participate in a live Q&A session at the end of the presentation. 

Magna Seminar:  How to Improve Academic Lectures with TED Talk Principles:  Connect, Convey, Communicate 

Description:  For faculty who struggle with engaging content delivery (lecture) How to Improve Academic Lectures with TED Talk Principles: Connect, Convey, Communicate is a Magna Online Seminar that gives specific, practical steps to add enthusiasm and excitement to lectures and presentations. 

Directions to Access this Seminar (use your TC Google account to access the directions)

Evaluation:  How to Improve Academic Lectures with TED Talk Principles

Magna Seminar:  Course Design for Faculty:  Instructional Design Basics 

Description:  This Magna Online Seminar is perfect for those of you who are just a little lost, a little confused, or really want a glimpse of course planning with a real-life instructional designer. This seminar will focus on the prep work that happens BEFORE the syllabus is given to students. 

Directions to Access this Seminar (use your TC Google account to access the directions)

Evaluation:  Course Design for Faculty:  Instructional Design Basics 

Magna Seminar:  What to Teach when There Isn't Time to Teach Everything

Description:  Get advice on what to include, and what you can safely disregard, as you write your syllabi and plan your busy semesters. 

Directions to Access this Seminar (use your TC Google account to access the directions)

Evaluation:  What to Teach When There Isn't Time to Teach Everything

Culture & Course Design: Building Diverse & Inclusive Learning Experiences 

Description:  Researchers agree that creating a classroom culture that values diversity has a positive impact on student learning outcomes and motivation. In addition, it arms students with skills such as empathy, social perceptiveness, and teamwork that helps them prepare for the 21st century workplace. In this session, you’ll learn specific strategies and practices for integrating diversity & inclusion in your online or hybrid classroom. 

Directions for Access:   The link to the ASU Conference is here.  Once there, you will have to enter your email to access the conference materials.  Go to Main Hall and search for the title above. 

Evaluation for Culture and Course Design 

Magna Seminar:  Applying Andragogy to Online Course Design to Increase Student Engagement and Success

Description:  "Naturally, adults and children learn in different ways. However, this truism does not necessarily translate when learners transition from secondary to post secondary educational settings. It’s even more elusive in online learning environments as students are not immediately visible to their instructors." 

Directions to Access this Seminar (use your TC Google account to access the directions)

Evaluation Applying Andragogy to Online Course Design to Increase Student Engagement and Success

Magna Seminar:  Strategies to Shift to Student-Centered Learning

Description:  You have the basics of teaching well in hand. Your students are successful. You feel comfortable with your content knowledge and teaching methods. So why would you change anything? This Magna Online Seminar invites you to peek behind the classroom doors and LMS screen of college and university instructors who win national teaching awards to find out what they do that is so different.

Directions to Access this Seminar (use your TC Google account to access the directions)

Evaluation Strategies to Shift to Student-Centered Learning