Original Demons List

March 29, 2022

To celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the demons list, we've added a section that is the original demons list of when we first created it. The demons list was first created on April 30, 2020 with Electro, Deadblue, OfficialJacobA/VioletJ and CnekYT as the original list leaders. In addition ALOCIN, MrMummy and alexismelonz were chosen as list staff.

1. The Furry World II

2. CP 

3. kIMmY heAD iIiIiiIiIiIIIiIikIMmY heAD iIiIiiIiIiiiIIiIiIiI Justinfishing7626  

4. Hyper Paradigmatic 

5. Trash

6. Dark Fire 


8. death fr 

9. Psychotomimetic 

10. Salvage 

11. White Storm 

12. furrious social experiment 

13. Site C 

14. Eleventh Triangle 

15. Taco Bell 

16. Crackhead Madness 

17. TVF 

18. pushenka botted cognition 

19. Thunderous Nostalgia 

20. Lucid Hell 

21. Wake up the Wublins 

22. Luminous Nostalgia 

23. Embers 

24. Doomsday Tarnish 

25. u n k n o w n 

26. JordanTRS is Crazens alt 

27. KZ 

28. Lucid Predator 

29. InterroBANG 

30. i like your ip 

31. Armageddon Delpris 

32. Buff on Track 

33. Shadow Light 

34. Tough Wave 

35. KFC 

36. bill hacked firework 

37. Late 

38. tfibb autoed paroxysm 

39. Bills Revenge 

40. Rainforest 

41. Classical 

42. Walmart 

43. Karpet Kleaning Korporation 

44. experimental lvl 

45. starree corridore 

46. Awakening Inferno 

47. Mazen 

48. Bare Minimum 

49. Balls 

50. sAlvAtIOn