Hyper Paradigmatic Records

5. Hyper Paradigmatic

Minimum percentage for record is - 51%
Highest Placement: 1 (Hyper Paradigmatic - Trash)
1 record registered, out of which 1 is 100% 

Verification Video


TFIBB - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - April 21, 2022

Changelog History

February 18, 2022 - Hyper Paradigmatic has been placed at #1, finally overtaking Trash after it's reign of February 19, 2021-February 18, 2022. Bringing on a new era of the list. This change pushes CRAZENS PRIVATE PART CIRCLES onto the extended list and super poggers level onto the legacy list. Moments like these don't cum often~

March 28, 2022 - Hyper Paradigmatic and kIMmY heAD iIiIiiIiIiIIIiIikIMmY heAD iIiIiiIiIiiiIIiIiIiI Justinfishing7626 have swapped, with Hyper Paradigmatic sitting above at #3 

April 20, 2022 - Hyper Paradigmatic has been raised from #4 to #2, now sitting above AFTERLIFE and below The Furry World II. This is after it's difficulty was reevaluated to be around Digital Descent difficulty, rather than it's previous Auditory Breaker difficulty estimation. This means CP was never top 1 and is a massive "fuck you" to TFIBB and Gelforce on behalf of njacked, OOF  

April 3, 2023 - The Furry World II and Hyper Paradigmatic have swapped again, with The Furry World II sitting above at #3 again