Sakupen Circles V2 Records

148. Sakupen Circles V2

Minimum percentage for record is - 100%  
Highest Placement: 77 (Shaolin - Shaolin - late halloween level lol)
3 record registered, out of which 3 are 100%

Verification Video


Bangaled - 100% - YouTube - 165hz - January 23, 2022

njacked - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - February 22, 2022 

tc7742 - 100% - YouTube - 288hz - April 6, 2022 

Changelog History

February 21, 2021 - Sakupen Circles V2 has been placed at #77, above late halloween level lol and below Shaolin. This change pushes We Did It onto the legacy list 

July 9, 2023 - Burger Planet and Sakupen Circles V2 have swapped, so that Burger Planet sits above at #147