Luminous Nostalgia Records

64. Luminous Nostalgia

Minimum percentage for record is - 50%
Highest Placement: 10 (furrious social experiment - Luminous Nostalgia - Crackhead Madness)
2 record registered, out of which 2 are 100%

Verification Video


njacked - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - February 19, 2022

TFIBB - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - February 28, 2022

Changelog History

February 19, 2022 - Luminous Nostalgia, the official sequel to Thunderous Nostalgia that has been in verification for over 16 months, has been placed at #10, above Crackhead Madness and below furrious social experiment. This change pushes gAmEpLaY II onto the extended list and Code White onto the legacy list

March 3, 2022 - Luminous Nostalgia has been lowered from #11 to #15, now sitting above Lucid Hell and below Thunderous Nostalgia 

March 4, 2022 - Lucid Hell and Luminous Nostalgia have swapped, with Lucid Hell sitting above at #15 

April 18, 2022 - Luminous Nostalgia has been lowered from #22 to #26, now sitting above Lucid Predator and below JordanTRS is Crazens alt 

April 3, 2023 - Luminous Nostalgia has been lowered from #48 to #59, now sitting above Bare Minimum and below End Battle. This is a temporary change as it's pending to get lowered further due to a recent nerfdate it's received, but whilst the placement of that change is pending, we determined that it was still vicely overrated before the nerfdate, and it's current placement reflects where it should've been pre-nerfdate