Awakening Inferno Records

89. Awakening Inferno

Minimum percentage for record is - 100%
Highest Placement: 18 (Shadow Light - Awakening Inferno - tfibb autoed paroxysm)
6 record registered, out of which 6 are 100%

Verification Video


KrisKing - 100% - YouTube - 144hz - November 14, 2020 

njacked - 100% - YouTube - 300hz - July 1, 2021 

TFIBB - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - November 7, 2021

Pushenka - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - April 17, 2022

tc7742 - 100% - YouTube - 288hz - May 10, 2022

Koozoo2k - 100% - YouTube - 360hz - December 2, 2022

Changelog History

July 3, 2021 - Awakening Inferno a version of old Dark Fire with some balancing and decoration polishing, has been placed at 18th, above tfibb autoed paroxysm and below Shadow Light. This change pushes sAlvAtIOn onto the extended list and Gas Gas Gas onto the legacy list. 

August 23, 2021 - Awakening Inferno has been lowered from 21st to 24th, now sitting above Walmart and below KFC 

December 12, 2021 - Awakening Inferno has been lowered from #27 to #31, now sitting above Balls and below i like your ip  

July 2, 2023 - Awakening Inferno and starree corridore have swapped, with Awakening Inferno sitting above at #88