Night City Records

8. Night City

Minimum percentage for record is - 50%
Highest Placement: 1 (Night City - The Furry World II)
3 record registered, out of which 2 are 100% 

Verification Video


njacked - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - September 25, 2022

Gelforce - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - September 28, 2022

Bitto - 69% - YouTube - 360hz - January 11, 2023 

Changelog History

August 24, 2022 - Night City has been placed at #3, above kIMmY heAD iIiIiiIiIiIIIiIikIMmY heAD iIiIiiIiIiiiIIiIiIiI Justinfishing7626 and below Hyper Paradigmatic. This change pushes NJACKED IS THE BOSS out of the top 10, LayoutCore out of the main list and Rage onto the legacy list

September 26, 2022 - out of nowhere, Night City has been raised from #3 to #1, finally overtaking The Furry World II as the hardest level since March 2022. Thanks to Jakob Michael Partridge, The Furry World II is no more. Brought to you by Gelforce's friend, who beat KZ/Kay Zed, frustrating Amza enough to make this top 1. Dm TFIBB#7125 for Gelforce's opinion on the level

November 27, 2022 - The Furry World II and Night City have swapped, so that The Furry World II sits above at #3 (BOB)