Deception Records


This level is currently on the legacy list, records will no longer be accepted
Highest Placement:
81 (death drink - Deception - BH)
2 record registered, out of which 2 are 100%

Verification Video


fruitsalad - 100% - YouTube - 144hz - June 11, 2021

Koozoo2k - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - January 23, 2022

Changelog History

September 6, 2021 - 3rd list extension: 50 -> 100, initial placement at 81st

January 22, 2022 - Deception has been lowered from #88 to #97, now sitting above Excidium and below UndergrounD

January 27, 2022 - Deception has been moved from #98 to the legacy list on account of it's placement being reevaluated. This change pushes Gaynos back onto the extended list