Crackhead Madness Records

37. Crackhead Madness

Minimum percentage for record is - 53%
Highest Placement: 10 (furrious social experiment - Crackhead Madness - TVF)
3 record registered, out of which 3 are 100%

Verification Video


njacked - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - February 18, 2022 

Remy - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - February 20, 202

CookieIsMine - 100% - Discord - 240hz - December 11, 2022 

Changelog History

February 18, 2022 - Crackhead Madness has been placed at #10, above TVF and below furrious social experiment. This change pushes death drink onto the extended list and Code White (former top 1) onto the legacy list

March 30, 2022 - Crackhead Madness has been lowered an ASTONISHING 2 places, going from #16 to #18, now sitting above Thunderous Nostalgia and below pushenka botted cognition 

June 29, 2023 - Crackhead Madness and Return to Death have swapped, so that Crackhead Madness sits above at #36