White Storm Records

25. White Storm

Minimum percentage for record is - 51%
Highest Placement: 6 (death fr - White Storm - Taco Bell)
1 record registered, out of which 1 is 100%

Verification Video


njacked - 100% - YouTube - 300hz - August 18, 2021

Changelog History

August 23, 2021 - White Storm has been placed at 6th, above Taco Bell and below death fr. This change pushes Walmart onto the extended list and VQC onto the legacy list. This level was created 9+ months ago as a brother level to Dark Fire with it finally being verified.

April 12, 2022 - White Storm and Salvage have swapped, with White Storm sitting above at #10. The LEGENDARY Salvage is now outside of the top 10 after a month of being in the top 10, put #RIPSalvage in #general