SuBZeRO555 Records

16. SuBZeRO555

Minimum percentage for record is - 65%
Highest Placement: 6 (CP - SuBZeRO555 - Trash)
1 record registered, out of which 1 is 100%

Verification Video


Rulmy - 100% - YouTube - 360hz - April 1, 2023  

Changelog History

May 11, 2022 - SuBZeRO555, a level made for the 2 year anniversary of the Demons List, has been placed at #6, above Trash and below CP. This change pushes Psychotomimetic out of the top 10, u n k n o w n out of the top 25, Karpet Kleaning Korporation onto the extended list and dontleavemehanging onto the legacy list

August 22, 2022 - SuBZeRO555 and KINDNESS have swapped, with SuBZeRO555 sitting above at #7