Classical Records

78. Classical

Minimum percentage for record is - 100%
Highest Placement: 10 (OVERDRIVE - Classical - Future Circles)
6 record registered, out of which 6 are 100%

Verification Video


TFIBB - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - July 27, 2020

KrisKing - 100% - YouTube - 120hz - November 1, 2020 

njacked - 100% - YouTube - 300hz - July 31, 2021 

Butterfish - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - February 17, 202

Amza - 100% - YouTube - 300hz - July 25, 2022

zMrMummy - 100% - YouTube - 360hz - September 24, 2022 

Changelog History

July 27, 2021 - Classical was added at 11th, between Future Circles and untitled, this knocks Galactica onto the legacy list

April 4, 2021 - Classical raised from 23rd up to 17th due to it's nerfdate being reverted, now sitting right above Grotesque Gallery and below Shadow Light

April 24, 2021 - List percent for Classical lowered from 58% to 50%

August 1, 2021 - Classical has been lowered from 23rd to 26th, now sitting above Salvage and below Sharp Lights 

February 21, 2022 - Classical and Walmart have swapped, with Classical sitting above at #36 

January 8, 2023 - Rainforest and Classical have swapped, so that Rainforest sits above at #65