Shadow Light Records

60. Shadow Light

Minimum percentage for record is - 50%
Highest Placement: 16 (GustY Circles - Shadow Light - Grotesque Gallery)
3 record registered, out of which 2 are 100%

Verification Video


TFIBB - 100% - YouTube - 240hz  - February 26, 2021

njacked - 100% - YouTube - 300hz - July 31, 2021

drige - 100% - YouTube - 330hz - October 12, 2023

Changelog History

January 15, 2021 - Shadow Light has been placed at 17th, sitting right above gAmEpLaY II and below NacropoliX. This pushes Code White on the legacy list. This means the first ever former top 1 demon has fallen onto the legacy list. In May of 2020, Code White swapped with War Machine to become top 1, a couple of days after Buff on Track was moved from 3rd to 1st to become the new top 1. This means that of that time frame, the top 1 demon from then has fallen off the list and the 2nd hardest demon is about to fall off real soon (as War Machine was swapped later on down the line in I believe July to be ahead of Code White). This truly is a new era for the CnekGDPS demons list.

March 30, 2021 - Shadow Light has been raised from 24 to 16, now sitting above Grotesque Gallery and below GustY Circles

July 16, 2021 - Shadow Light and Late have swapped with Shadow Light sitting above at 16th 

August 6, 2021 - Rainforest and Shadow Light have swapped, with Rainforest sitting above at 17th 

March 30, 2022 - Shadow Light has been raised from #35 to #32, above bill hacked firework and below i like your ip