Moonlight Monsoon Records

Moonlight Monsoon

This level is currently on the legacy list, records will no longer be accepted
Highest Placement: 32 (The Challenge V2 - Moonlight Monsoon - Paliopolis)
7 record registered, out of which 7 are 100%

Verification Video


Koozoo2k - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - February 21, 2021

Vink - 100% - YouTube - 120hz - February 28, 2021

Bangaled - 100% - YouTube - 144hz - March 2, 2021

LLunaa - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - March 3, 2021

JayWithABitOfK - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - March 15, 2021

Daxy - 100% - YouTube - 288hz - April 12, 2021

AlooxChugs - 100% - YouTube - 144hz - April 12, 2021

Changelog History

February 12, 2021 - 2nd list extension: 25 -> 50, initial placement at 33rd

February 17, 2021 - Moonlight Monsoon has been removed due to it being unrated due to secret way located in the level. As a result this pushes HB back onto the list

February 17, 2021 - Moonlight Monsoon has been readded at 32nd due to a secret way patchdate, pushing HB back onto the legacy list

April 12, 2021 - Moonlight Monsoon has been lowered from all the way up at 40th down to 49th, now sitting right above SeparatisT and right below Project A