TVF Records

36. TVF

Minimum percentage for record is - 39%
Highest Placement: 4 (Dark Fire - TVF - Trash)
2 record registered, out of which 2 are 100%

Verification Video


TFIBB - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - February 27, 2021

njacked - 100% - YouTube - 300hz - May 16, 2021 

Changelog History

January 10, 2021 - TVF has been added at 4th, right above Trash and below Dark Fire. This change pushes ARMAGEDDON onto the extended list and Exasp onto the legacy list. Due to this change, this is the first time in the history of the demons list where a former top 1 is at the very bottom of the extended list. This certainly shows how much the difficulty bar has been rising...

March 16, 2021 - TVF has been raised from 6th to 4th, now sitting right above Dark Fire and below Psychotomimetic. This change finally pushes Thunderous Nostalgia out of the top 5 after it has been in for over 7 months

April 24, 2021 - List percent for TVF lowered from 76% to 56%

May 17th, 2021 - TVF and pushenka botted cognition have swapped with TVF sitting above at 5th