VQC Records


This level is currently on the legacy list, records will no longer be accepted
Highest Placement: 20 (Gaynos - VQC- Realistik)
9 record registered, out of which 9 are 100%

Verification Video


KrisKing - 100% - YouTube - 120hz - November 19, 2020

Koozoo2k - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - February 27, 2021

Daxy - 100% - YouTube - 288hz - April 12, 2021

Amza - 100% - YouTube - 300hz - June 22, 2021

njacked - 100% - YouTube - 300hz - August 3, 2021

ButterFish1413 - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - February 18, 2022

CnekYT - 100% - Discord - 144hz - March 25, 2022

ninjabeary - 100% - Discord - 360hz - March 28, 2022

tc7742 - 100% - YouTube - 288hz - April 4, 2022

Changelog History

July 27, 2020 - VQC was added at 20th, between Realistik and Gaynos, knocking HB onto legacy

March 21, 2022 - VQC has been lowered from #79 to #83, now sitting above late halloween level lol and below Sakupen Circles V2

April 3, 2022 - VQC has been lowered from #84 to #99, now sitting above shart machine and below Project A