Fractured Nuts Records

144. Fractured Nuts

Minimum percentage for record is - 100%  
Highest Placement: 36 (Future Circles - Fractured Nuts - NacropoliX)
6 record registered, out of which 6 are 100%

Verification Video


Mone - 100% - YouTube - 360hz - June 16, 2021 

Heater123 - 100% - YouTube - 120hz - August 26, 2021

TFIBB - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - October 6, 2021

Koozoo2k - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - May 19, 2022 

Sky - 100% - YouTube - 240hz - August 9, 2022

VoltreN - 100% - YouTube - 288hz - August 16, 2022

Changelog History

April 30, 2021 - Fractured Nuts has been placed at 36th, right above NacropoliX and below Future Circles. This pushes Underground onto the legacy list

August 25, 2021 - Fractured Nuts and Shaolin have swapped, with Fractured Nuts sitting above at 49th