The Climate Change challenge is finally on the worldwide public agenda. In particular, due to the activism of young people demanding more effective measures in the protection of their future from climate change impacts. They are taking on a central role in raising awareness, leading to the engagement of more and more youth worldwide.
The ClimAlt project offered four thematic in-depth Webinars, each 1,5 hours long, in different languages, during April and May of 2020. The webinars provided participants with content about how civil society organizations can proactively contribute to tackling climate change. They were based on showing concrete examples from projects with an emphasis on solutions. The ClimAlt Webinars were also the final step of a training pilot experience in which more than 100 students were enrolled.
April 30th 2020
Thematic focus: Covid19, Climate Change and socio-political implications.
Organization: A Sud.
Language: Italian, sub EN.
May 6th 2020
Thematic focus: Agroecology and Climate Change.
Organization: Navdanya International.
Language: English, sub EN
May 13th 2020
Thematic focus: Energy goals in the programming period 2014-2020.
Organization: DOOR.
Language: Croatian, sub EN
May 19th 2020
Thematic focus: Heating and cooling at home - practical solutions
Organization: Za Zemiata.
Language: Bulgarian, sub EN