Besides the impacts of climate change all over the world there are many inspiring grassroots mitigation and adaptation solutions for youth and adults.
The ClimAlt project, a follow-up of the Clim’Act project and its Edukit, aims at raising awareness of youth in the climate change debate, in particular solutions and alternative practices, by discovering, discussing, analysing and spreading local and concrete examples of alternative economic models, thereby reinforcing the perception of possible socio-environmental changes and the self-perceived ability to be part of, or generate them. The project (January 2019 – December 2020) foresees a one week youth workers’ training, an online youth training on global environmental issues, the development of an educational game in which the youth will apply knowledge and competences acquired during the training, and the organization of 4 public events to share the project’s products, results and to multiply the project’s impacts by inspiring the public.
ClimAlt project promotes youth empowerment and enhances their critical attitude towards the multiple aspects of the climate change issues by making them aware of causes, effects and real solutions under way in different countries, in order to inspire them to become actors of change. In particular, the project aims to:
- Enhance youth critical attitude towards climate change issues
- Increase the offer in terms of contents and tools for youth, youth workers, educators in the field of environmental education
- Strengthen cooperation among organizations promoting climate friendly alternatives
- Reinforce youth networking and capacity to take action and their social and political participation.
- Youth aged 20-30: 100 from different countries selected by partner organizations, directly involved in ClimAlt activities
- 10 Youth workers from partner’s organizations trained on gamification tools
- 250 youth and adults reached through the 4 public events
- 10.000 youth, youth workers, educators, students, volunteers, activists, citizens, reached through communication and dissemination activities
- Some 15 local experiences promoted in the training activities.