
The climate change challenge is finally on the public agenda worldwide. In particular, due to the activism of young people demanding more effective measures in the protection of their future from climate change impacts. They are taking on a central role in raising awareness, leading to the engagement of more and more youth worldwide.

The ClimAlt course offered a youth-tailored training focused on climate change causes, impacts, and possible solutions. The training intended to give youth the opportunity to build their knowledge about climate change causes and effects, individuate stakeholders involved in tackling climate change, and explore innovative experiences. The course’s ultimate goal was to reinforce the perception of possible socio-environmental changes and foster the opportunity to be part of generating them.

Course description

The training developed by the ClimAlt project included a free 32 hour e-learning course available from 25 November 2019 to 25 February 2020. 1 thematic webinar complementary to the course occurred during April and May 2020. The course was provided in 4 language versions: English, Bulgarian, Croatian and Italian.

Each module includeded video lectures (10 hours), quizzes, readings and 1 assignment for each chapter.

The main topics covered during the lectures were: climate change science; energy consumption, food systems and the fossil fuel economy as climate change drivers; environmental and socio-economic impacts of climate change; policy framework and international climate agreements; climate justice; circular economy, zero waste, energy transition and agricultural adaptation; and mitigation options to respond to climate change.

Each version of the course (English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Italian) was finalized with an in-depth 90 minutes webinar on best practices dealing with climate change alternatives.

After the completion of the course, participants will received a certificate of attendance stating the specific knowledge gained.

ClimAlt course programme - EN draft.pdf



The students engaged in the online training, which completed at least 75% of the course activities were 133, thus distributed:

  • 58 from Italy

  • 20 from Bulgaria

  • 23 from Croatia

  • 32 other European countries

E-learning platform

Given the success of the online course, we have developed an e-learning platform that we are happy to make available to young people, youth workers, trainers, teachers, activists, and any individual or group interested in building skills in the field of climate change.

You can access the e-learning platform section from here.


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