Respondus FAQ

Is the Respondus Lockdown Browser Spyware?

Respondus Lockdown Browser is not Spyware. Privacy is central to the Respondus Monitor architecture. It minimizes the personal date being collected, uses an automated system to analyze it, and then restricts access to the results. Read how Respondus Monitor handles data privacy here

Additonal Resources:

How do I use Respondus 4.0 (Test Generator software)?

First, what is Respondus 4.0?  

Respondus 4.0 is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to Blackboard.

Place new video here

Additional Resources: 

Where do I find the link to provide to students to download Respondus Lockdown Browser?

How to stop sign error when trying to open the LockDown Browser Dashboard

If a Stop Sign "unexpected error" occurs when you open the LockDown Browser Dashboard Tool for some courses (but not others) it may be caused by one of the following:

* there is an unacceptable symbol in the course title.

* there is an unacceptable symbol in one of the quiz titles.

This link explains it in depth and how to fix it.


Respondus Formatting Guidelines (simplified version)

What is the the standard format for importing?