What does "No Fixed Time" mean in Zoom?

When scheduling a recurring meeting, Zoom offers you customization in terms of the recurrences.

This means you can decide when you would like the meeting to recur. You can choose between Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or No Fixed Time.

If you'd like to remove the time limit on occurrences, you can use the "No Fixed Time" option.

This not only lifts the occurrence restriction but also removes any time constraints on the meeting.

Usually, when setting a recurring meeting, you need to specify the time and date for the meeting.

However, with "No Fixed Time", you do not need to specify anything.

The meeting will continue indefinitely even once everyone has left.

This might be appropriate for scheduling an Office Hours meeting space where you want students to be able to come anytime you are there.

You can post your schedule and then students will know to go only when you are present.