Skill changes

A great amount of time and attention has been spent balancing all classes across in Castela. Our goal is to give each class it's own place in the game, following their nostalgic roots, but evening the playing field. Players will see that each class excels in it's own way and have something to offer their training party or expedition.

What job should you pick?

Given how closely classes are balanced together, there isn't a single class or job that sticks out for farming or bossing. Players will find that most classes are fairly even - however there are classes that are easier (e.g. Hero). Even for traditional support classes like Bishop and Archers, they'll have an active role to play when playing with others that means they're better as active roles rather than mules. Blunt Weapon Paladins and Axe-wielding Hero's also have a place within Castela - so no class or play-style is truly off limits.

So... our recommendation is that you pick a class that you enjoy playing! 

To help you pick the right class, you can have a read over their summaries below and click into the class that suits you to find out the skill changes.



The Warrior class is still the backbone of Castela. All 3 classes maintain their tanky attributes, making them one of the easier classes to pick up and play. Hero's deal the heaviest damage across the Warrior class, thanks to their Enrage and Combo skills. Dark Knight's are the top mobbing class across Warrior's due to Berserk and their high HP threshold. Lastly, Paladin's are solid in both expeditions and mobbing - a more balanced option in the Warrior class for those looking to excel in all areas due to their Blast skill and huge damage output on Heaven's Hammer.


One of the more difficult classes to balance in v83, Magician's in Castela have gone through extensive changes to make sure they don't lose their impact in late-game. Many skills have been changed to hit multiple targets, such as Fire Arrow, Angel Ray and Paralyze. Their ultimates (Genesis, Meteor Shower and Blizzard) all have 30 second cooldowns, to avoid the Mage-farming/leech meta that dominates many other servers. You'll find that all Magicians have a place when bossing as well, particularly excelling at cleaving, but also having their place in single-target boss parties.


Traditionally, the Archer's role has been more of a support than damage dealer. We've made a number of big changes to this class to make sure Archer's have their place in the game and do more than give Sharp Eyes to their party. Bowmaster's are now one of the top single-target classes, dealing massive damage in the late-game thanks to rescaling Hurricane. Marksman can clear mobs at fast pace, using Piercing Arrow that doesn't require a charge but still does huge damage. They also have a re-worked Snipe skill that hits a whopping 8 times!


The Thief classes at Castela are the masters being elusive in battle, with high avoidability and mobility. This makes them great picks if you want to peak in the late game, as Thieves power grows exponentially the more funded they're. Night Lord's stay true to their old school roots as one of the top damage dealers in-game, and have seen their mobbing skills increased as well. Shadower's are very strong cleavers, being one of the fastest mobbers in Castela and a strong support pick in expeditions.


The Pirate classes required extensive re-working to improve their lacklustre impact in-game. As a result, Pirates are one of the more popular classes in Castela given their damage output and mobility and are the perfect choice for anyone wanting to relive the old school Pirate experience. Buccaneer's are heavy hitters, dealing massive amounts of damage throughout all their jobs and shining in late-game with their Demolition and Barrage combo. Corsair's have seen significant boosts to their 3rd and 4th job skills, making them very strong solo-target characters for those that enjoy bossing.



Aran class has gone through a number of changes to balance it's play style against other classes. It's a well-known fact that Aran in v83 dealt damage much higher than it should have, so we've nerfed a number of skills that gave this unfair advantage, and have buffed other skills to make Aran more aligned with Adventurers, such as making Combo Tempest a cooldown skill. Overall, Aran is a very strong picks still - it's recommended you play with a controller or you're going to struggle with the combo's!



The Knights of Cygnus class gives players an introduction into Castela with a fast and exciting character. The Knights of Cygnus can only level to 120 (Aran's & Adventurer's can level to 250), however on reaching max level as a Knight, you'll be eligible to create an Ultimate Adventurer. These characters will start at level 50 and will have a new skill to use, depending on the Adventurer job you choose! Knights of Cygnus are the perfect class to pick if you're unsure what Adventurer class you'd like to main.