Recommended sources: Centers for Disease Control , and Florida Department of Health, Broward County Government, City of North Miami Government.

Other sources:

Public Announcements from the Governor of Florida, the Mayors of Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, and the City Managers of North Miami. Local news media.

What are we doing:

  • We have increased the cleaning frequency and disinfection of surfaces in high traffic common areas such as entryways and elevators.
  • We have instructed our staff to follow the personal sanitation and social distancing guidelines outlined by the CDC.

What can we all do:

  • Monitor official government announcements regarding the rapidly changing situation. It is important to verify information with reputable news sources as there is harmful misinformation floating in the internet, social media, and community in general.
  • Follow the enhanced sanitation and social distancing guidelines provided by the CDC and local government. In short, wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds, keep at a distance from people, avoid gatherings (as of 06-16-20 CDC guidelines warns about gatherings of 50 people or more in close proximity).
  • Be mindful of those around you. Cough or sneeze into your elbow or use a tissue and then quickly dispose of the tissue. Remember that you might have mild or close to no symptoms but can still infect others that might be more vulnerable to the effects of the disease.

Let each do our part as a community to keep everyone safe.