March 4th, 2021

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Speaker 1 0:17

Good morning Good morning March 5 in Detroit you're listening to ask the neighbor we're gonna go to a song for you too much so he's leaving he's come to me he said he's going he said he's going back to God what's left of the world he left behind not so long ago that chain Georgia Dan said he's going back to a simpler time with him Georgia to live in his way that live without him in my dream that someday he stopped but he still found out the hard way that stone always come out he is a one way ticket back to the life he wants to he said Georgia said he's going back to believe in His words that they will change you yo city's going back to then his then do without him All right, thank you for that DJ Chuck. Who did we Have their I was Gladys nine pips midnight train to Georgia.

Thank you for that what a tune man that that tune just drives me. I don't know where but thank you for tuning in today you're listening to ask the neighbor it's Friday March the fifth with me is Jennifer Hello Jennifer.

Unknown Speaker 5:18

Good morning Genco, how

Speaker 1 5:19

are you? Excellent, excellent. Well, this is our fifth day of doing ask the neighbor and boil boy has it been an interesting week. To recap, we've had quite a few interesting topics that we've had this week. We've talked all kinds of things about doing outdoor work, indoor work, and had some great callers calling in about different ways we can work with our community, and share our tools even, which is a great thing. We've shared some recipes. So Jennifer, was there anything that you made last night? That was interesting that you want to share with the audience? As far as food making?

Unknown Speaker 6:03

I am a little embarrassed. Yeah, I did make something fantastic. It's I'm embarrassed because it's called the TIC tock recipe. Oh, well, let's not talk as a social media sort of thing that's taken our youth in particular by storm. But it's really fascinating to see how much impact a component of social media can have like a channel, let's say. So long story short, this. This meal I made last night was thanks to see Kay market first and foremost.

Speaker 1 6:39

Shout out to see.

Unknown Speaker 6:41

Yeah, I went over there to get the rosewater for that other recipe. We've been speaking about the rice pudding. Oh, did they have? They haven't? Oh, yeah, they had gobs, Rosewater, they had all different varieties and different brands and whatnot. So I got the one with the prettiest label. So I feel good about that. Good, smart, but they also had better, which is the key component of this Tik Tok recipe I'm referencing and you cannot find Fetta in most of the major chains, grocery stores because this recipe has taken the nation by storm. So my our friends at TK had tons of data, I bought a pound and baked it with two little boxes of cherry tomatoes. And some fresh spinach that I also got it seeing came in a mess of garlic, salt and pepper, olive oil. Bake that at 400 for 25 minutes until those tomatoes kind of explode. And then you mash it all up at the fork in it turns into the slug lovely creamy goop. And then I put in I had cooked a you know calendar, so pasta and threw that in there and chopped up some basil and chives. And what else? Oh, but to flatly Faisal ahead. And my kids. That is the whole thing. And it was I loved it.

Speaker 1 8:07

See? Now that was a good That sounds amazing. First of all,

Unknown Speaker 8:12

no, it's so good. Wow,

Speaker 1 8:14

I could just cuz I love feta cheese with tomatoes in the summertime, but boosting it up like that. And then making it into a pasta. That sounds really good. Really good.

Unknown Speaker 8:26

Yeah, it was great. It was great. It's all of 20 minutes to make it well, which is also

Speaker 1 8:33

is that so on tick tock, because I'm not a big tick tock user. But I know it's a real popular application. And probably a lot of our listeners may use it may not. But you know, there's short videos on there. And there's a lot of teenagers dancing most of the time that I've ever seen any tick tock videos, but I guess you could probably go in there and find recipes even.

Unknown Speaker 8:56

Yeah, so my so my eldest son was telling me, you know, because I was a little embarrassed to tell them dinner was courtesy of tick tock. My son was telling me that there are a lot of political vignettes there. So and like you said, everything short. I think you're capped at one minute for your video or your whatever your dance routine or your political expos a whatever you feel like sharing with the world. So he started forwarding me a bunch of political stuff. And my daughter said, Oh, mom there lots of recipes. Little did I know. So my whole world may be taken over by tick tock now, but

Speaker 1 9:38

boy, I thought Pinterest was the place for recipes and YouTube, but I guess Hey, tic TOCs the other place.

Unknown Speaker 9:46

Yeah, I think there are lots of them out there. And you're right. Pinterest has been, you know, I sort of think of that as like, well, just to be perfectly ageist and sexist sort of middle aged women looking at Pinterest. and getting design ideas and restaurant or recipe, excuse me ideas and whatnot. I'm sure it's a broader universe that I'm aware of on Pinterest as well. And I thought tick tock was all for our little, little girls, but it's also catering to all of us.

Speaker 1 10:17

Well, it's interesting, because it's actually a form of marketing for some companies now and that there's a whole world around tick tock and tic TOCs. That program that I think our last president we won't mention his name was the former the former the former president was a talking about that, and like they were trying to restrict Tik Tok, I think and making some people buy it that weren't involved, originally, because I think the application comes from China originally.

Unknown Speaker 10:50

i There's definitely some I don't know if it's urban mythology or otherwise. But um, some thoughts about, you know, tick tock tracks, where you are actually, my daughter was trying to explain this to me last night. And I said, Sweetie, if you don't think that every every application that you access on your cell phone doesn't know exactly where you are at all times. You are kidding yourself, right? And that kind of shocked her. She was like, oh, it's not just tick tock. I said, No, sweetie, it's Verizon. It's apple, it's Microsoft and Google. Everybody knows where you are, what you're spending what you're looking at. So let's not blame it on a company, one company that may have derivations in another country is, right. It's just the nature of big data. That's what they're doing?

Speaker 1 11:36

Well, it's ugly, it's ugly, because at the end of the day, you know, everything that we are, becomes known or used, not really, for our benefit, but for our How would you say it Jennifer, like to take advantage of our weaknesses? I guess, right? I mean, when you think about what big data does that accumulates the data from individuals and then caters products back to you, based on little things that you do and like, and then present to you other opportunities that are in that realm. And then you're wrapped up into this whole ecosystem of marketing? Sometimes, and it's weird, isn't it? Like how much these ads are catered to what we are interested in, like when we talk about it on Facebook and stuff. But, Jennifer, we have a caller here on the line. And it's Richard. Hello, Richard, how are you today? Good. How are you? Excellent. Thank you for calling in to ask the neighbor. Others can call in here at 248557 3300. Ask the neighbors a program to talk about things to do around the home. Maybe there's some questions out there as far as like repairs, things that you want to get done around the house this spring this summer. Richard, tell us a little bit about yourself and your business.

Unknown Speaker 13:08

Well, my name is Richard and I run my company with my fiancee, Jacqueline. We do Property Services and landscaping. We also do trees and strains and staving as well. Pretty much anything outside.

Speaker 1 13:21

What is the name of the company?

Unknown Speaker 13:23

A LJ Property Services

Speaker 1 13:25

ALG Property Services. So right now we were talking, Jennifer and I were talking about French drains earlier this week. What do you do any French strain work?

Unknown Speaker 13:39

Oh, yeah, yeah, we do a bunch of them. Okay.

Speaker 1 13:42

All right. So when it comes to properties, what are the things that you're doing right now to take care and maintain the properties that you are responsible for?

Unknown Speaker 13:51

Well, right now it's kind of our free time from snow to fall cleanups. So right now we're just taking the time to get everything ready. All the equipment, all the trucks, all the paperwork, just get everything ready. Because within a month we'll be doing fall cleanups and tree trimming. Okay, and that that takes a lot of time. So

Speaker 1 14:09

so that that happens in in April, early April.

Unknown Speaker 14:13

Sometimes March, April, you know, sometimes we do cleanups for snow on the ground. Oh, depends, you know,

Speaker 1 14:18

okay. When you mean clean out What do you mean by clean out?

Unknown Speaker 14:22

Well, we blow out all the flowerbeds and the gutters and everything a nice pile, bag it up and put it to the curb for you, you know.

Speaker 1 14:30

And you do that for the you clean out the gutters and all the leaves around the home.

Unknown Speaker 14:34

Oh, yeah, everything. All right, well cut the lawn and

Speaker 1 14:38

I bet you there's some people out here would love to give you a call. Is there a number? They could reach you at Richard?

Unknown Speaker 14:43

Yep, it's 586447271 safe.

Speaker 1 14:49

Okay, one more time if you can.

Unknown Speaker 14:52

Have it safe. 447271 safe. Yeah,

Speaker 1 14:57

we appreciate you calling in and sharing some of your expertise.

Unknown Speaker 15:01

Jennifer do membership. Yeah, it's

Speaker 1 15:03

a pleasure. Um, Jennifer, do you have any questions right now for Richard?

Unknown Speaker 15:08

Of course I do. Yeah, Richard, I, I have about half an acre, which I love. But it's sometimes can be a bit much. I've got some big perennial garden beds that need to be cleaned out. So you've already covered off on that, which is fantastic. Do you by any chance, bring in bulk quantities of mulch? And lay that out?

Unknown Speaker 15:35

Good question. Oh, yeah. And the materials you need. From dirt, oil molds.

Unknown Speaker 15:43

You can, you can get it in bulk because I'm, I usually just run over to one of the big box stores and get as many as my car will hold. And that's not very cost effective.

Unknown Speaker 15:52

Or way more expensive that way, you know,

Speaker 1 15:56

crazy a lot more good. I mean, like, Give us an example, Richard, like, I know if I order a yard of topsoil, for instance. It's a lot different than going by and by the bag.

Unknown Speaker 16:09

Oh, yeah, definitely. You could do like 30 feet by 20 feet two inches thick, you know, with a yard, which will be about $100 $110 installed. That's material and labors and labor. But if you want to how

Speaker 1 16:24

we see that? I missed that. Richard, what was that? Again?

Unknown Speaker 16:28

30 feet by 20 feet? about two inches thick? Okay, well, it's about a yard. Oh, we charge anywhere from like, 95 to $110. For material Labor's labor installed, you know,

Speaker 1 16:42

wow, that's a deal.

Unknown Speaker 16:46

Well, you spend like 400 bucks, you know, right,

Speaker 1 16:48

by the by the bag. Jennifer, you better call Richard quick.

Unknown Speaker 16:52

No, I'm going to but Richard, I am I am notoriously unable to calculate spatial. I'm bad with directions. And I'm bad with space. So could you do you guys offer as part of your service coming over to my home? And like, I could walk you around and say, what about this? What about that? What about this? And can you essentially make a menu of, of course, items and then associated costs. And then I would assume we could work something out. The more things I you know, have you do? Does that help defray the overall cost? Oh, yeah. That sort of thing?

Unknown Speaker 17:28

Yes, definitely. Well, Oh, yeah. The more we work with the cheaper gets. Yeah, we were talking with

Speaker 1 17:37

Jennifer earlier this week about lasagna gardening. Do you know anything about that, Richard?

Unknown Speaker 17:42

No, I don't what does that, Jennifer?

Unknown Speaker 17:45

Oh, yeah, it's just I mean, it's called that just because it's kind of a descriptor of how you do it. But so all winter, I've been saving, you know, big cardboard boxes for my neighbors and for my Amazon purchases due to COVID. And I break those boxes down and remove the tape. And then I'm, I've got a vegetable block garden already. And I'm going to essentially triple the size of that. And the technique I'm going to use is called lasagna gardening. So the first thing you do is lay down that flattened cardboard everywhere, where you want your garden and that effectively, you know, causes a blackout and kills the grass and hopefully weeds as well. And then the second layer is topsoil. And then the third layer is manure, and then compost. And then some people do that whole thing over again, cardboard topsoil. So you get a nice raised bed really immediately that you can plant either seeds or seedlings into because the root system can break through that those those ingredients in pretty short order.

Unknown Speaker 18:52

Oh, yeah, that we were doing that before? How does the know what's called lasagna gardening? It's pretty cool. Yeah, it's

Unknown Speaker 18:57

just so people can remember it, I think just you know, so you can think of it in your head like I've made 1000 dishes of lasagna and it just makes sense. So yeah, that's exactly what I'm thinking. multiples.

Speaker 1 19:11

Yeah, as they're layered over. Sorry. Are there other layers of cardboard that you're doing? That's why it's lasagna? Like, is it one layer on the bottom and then you add more layers of cardboard? Or is it just

Unknown Speaker 19:25

one, man, I mean, I typically do just one layer of cardboard, I find that to be sufficient to kill the grass and hold down the weeds. Okay. But like I was saying some people do two and even three layers. I am not going to put edging around this, the expansion of my garden. So I'm just gonna do one layer and not have it be massively raised up.

Speaker 1 19:51

Ah, okay. All right. Um, I can see that you know, it takes a lot to surround the garden. You know, if you want to put edging on there and raise it even it's going to take more dirt, but it's going to maybe produce a little better product. But, you know, I don't know. So do you do that to then Richard like, whoa to tillering like rototiller gardens and do that kind of stuff for people if they're just starting your garden?

Unknown Speaker 20:22

Oh, yeah. I've done so many gardens over the years. You know? It's, I don't know, it's just becomes like, second nature. You know, it's been 16 years I've been doing this. And when I meet these these seniors and stuff, and I build a garden for them and put the foil in there seem like three months, either. They're handing me huge bags of vegetables and like, they love me to death because it's so massive, you know?

Speaker 1 20:45

Yeah. Well, you're. You're the garden starter. We've been looking for you, Richard. Right, Jennifer? Yeah, we've been looking for you. We've been looking for somebody like that to come around. And we can share that knowledge. And like, you know, one of the things that we've talked about on the show and we keep talking about is it is gardening and how important it is for us to put in gardens, into our homes. I think, wherever you have a spot, not only for yourself, but I think it's also good. Just you know, for the family, for the neighborhood for the property. It gives a little bit of life, you're you're getting something out of your space, it feels good. I wish there was there were more opportunities to garden and making it easier for people because like, you know, sometimes it's the rototiller sometimes you don't have the access, but we have a caller for you rich. We have Donna from Troy calling in for Richard. Hello, Donna. Hi. I just wanted to ask him if he

Unknown Speaker 21:52

Oh, what do you call that? rolls the lawn?

Speaker 1 21:56

Oh, good question. Good question. That's like, that's a great question. Perfect. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 22:05

Well, I have a dog that he loves to run outside in the backyard, and he has mud patches all over where he's Yep. did away with the grass. Yeah. And all I see is paw prints.

Unknown Speaker 22:22

I'd like it rolled. So it's even in when I mow. It's not all bumpy.

Speaker 1 22:27

Right? Yep. Well, that's a huge deal. And I think I'm experiencing some bumpiness at my yard, too. I don't know about you, Jennifer. How about you?

Unknown Speaker 22:39

Yeah, Donna, I had, I'm in trail. So I had a little bit of a mold plague a couple of years ago. And they, they're fast, and they're destructive. And so I've got mounds and valleys and like I can't play I used to be able to play catch with my kids in the backyard, you know, throwing the football or the baseball around. And now it's just a guaranteed Ankle Breaker. Oh, Hi, Richard. If you can do that, I'm going to be so happy because I don't want to go by that damn drum and fill it up with water and then be stuck with it. So tell me you got one. Yeah. Oh, yeah, we got one.

Speaker 1 23:15

All right.

Unknown Speaker 23:19

Yep, three, come on. Richard, if we want him to do a rolling thing?

Speaker 1 23:24

Well, Richard, can we share your number? Go ahead and share first, go ahead and share that.

Unknown Speaker 23:30

It's 586447 to 716. And you can also email us at LJ property Okay. At Gmail. Yes. Okay. Those no big

Speaker 1 23:50

no, but Donna? That's a such a good question. Because those things used to be around like neighbors used to have them but I haven't seen anybody rolling their lawn in a while.

Unknown Speaker 23:59

Well, I do have access to one but it's huge. And I don't have a tractor to pull it. So I mean, in to get it through the gate. I don't know if it would come through the gate. So Wow. It's the happiest? Yeah.

Speaker 1 24:19

It has to be. Right. It doesn't compact the earth. So you can't get at it. You know what I mean? Right? Well, well, what's interesting, I mean, you can roll it right. But you I think Richard wouldn't you have to maybe put some dirt in some of the pot of the patches and maybe some seed as well.

Unknown Speaker 24:40

It's never as easy as just rolling you know, right. Not Hill down or add Brander some Well, slightly, you got to bring in dirt and then roll it in.

Speaker 1 24:51

Right and then then maybe seed right. Yeah. Run there's no grass. Right. Oh, Is there any way that you might be able to block the area where the dogs run? So the grass comes back, Richard or how does that work when there's a lot of dogs run around?

Unknown Speaker 25:11

It all depends, you know, that blocked area knows just hop the fence. So, yeah, like I got to work with the homeowners. Every case, you know, right.

Speaker 1 25:22

Yeah. Well, that's a great question. Donna, we appreciate that. Question. Are there any other questions you might have for Richard?

Unknown Speaker 25:31

Oh, not at this time? No, I'm just concerned about my grass disappearing because of the Dog in the mud problem because he tracks that in. You know, when he comes in Sure. And it's getting to be I don't laugh

Speaker 1 25:49

I'm just picturing you know, like, it's not alone. You're not

Unknown Speaker 25:53

laughing. You not at you got an isolating Darrius with baby gates and wheelbarrows. And he just jumps right over him. So

Speaker 1 26:10

what kind of dog do you have Donna, a

Unknown Speaker 26:12

German Shepherd? I love years old. And he's a beautiful guy. But stubborn.

Speaker 1 26:18

Well, and smart. Yes, yeah. Super smart.

Unknown Speaker 26:25

That's what I was calling about the rolling of the lawn. So if you want to do it, that's great.

Speaker 1 26:30

I love that question. And then the number for Richard one more time, Richard so that our audience can hear it.

Unknown Speaker 26:37

It's 586-447-2716. Yeah. Perfect. Hey, I'll be calling you.

Speaker 1 26:44

Alright. Thank you. Nice talking to Nice talking to you. What a great question. Hi, Jennifer. We were thinking about that question. I know that.

Unknown Speaker 26:52

Yeah, no, it's a perfect question. And I think I mean, Richard, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think once you get Donna's lawn leveled out and mine as well, that grass will have a better time getting hold, and maybe her dog won't be able to tear it up as much.

Speaker 1 27:11

Maybe? Yeah, maybe. But I mean, like, right now. I think it's like this whole muddy time, you know, and things aren't like really, really growing. So she's gonna battle I think, maybe another couple weeks of this. At least. Yeah, the

Unknown Speaker 27:27

wet season.

Speaker 1 27:28

Yeah. So we were we really appreciate our callers here. And that was such a great question from Donna from Troy. Thank you for that. I was thinking

Unknown Speaker 27:37

maybe she could put some hay down or something temporarily here. Yeah. So we level it.

Speaker 1 27:41

Right. That's a good idea. If you're listening down, and maybe a little hay down would would help the issue right now. To take care of it. That's a great idea, Richard. So Jennifer, uh, you know, garden and seasons coming up? What kind of things are you thinking of planting?

Unknown Speaker 27:58

Oh, my gosh. So the other thing I did last night is I put in a gardening Madness has commenced at my house. So I've planted corn, butternut squash till Mateos couple of kinds of tomatoes, and then some flowers. All in seed. So I've got my, I took my daughter's, like baby desk, and I've got it covered and seeds and plastic containers and whatnot, and put the grow light up and have got all that going. So I need Richard to come over and help me build out, you know, double triple my garden size so I can get these babies in the ground. I have to wait until I never wait until I'm supposed to which is around Mother's Day. Right? I can never handle waiting that long to get stuff into the ground. Yeah, I mean, that's ridiculous. But at least I'll have a head start. Right. So I will have had these little babies. You know, hopefully they'll most of them will do fine. And I'll have at least a month growth, which is what we need here because it's a relatively short growing season. I have a follow on question Richard from Donna's call. Would it be possible to do that sort of lawn filling and then rolling now or do we need to wait for the ground to thaw out a little bit more

Unknown Speaker 29:25

geometry? Wait, how is it doing this at least 50 degrees? Yeah, at least

Unknown Speaker 29:30

around 50 degrees or the air is at 50 degrees. The ground? Yeah, definitely.

Unknown Speaker 29:36

If after spent a couple

Speaker 1 29:39

of weeks chomping at the bit to get out there and do some yard work and you get out there I mean

Unknown Speaker 29:47

yeah with COVID and you know the winner Oh my god.

Speaker 1 29:49

Yeah, maybe there's a way though to you know, some people can do some like plastic over their garden maybe to get it you know, some people will do that. almost like a mini greenhouse, right? And yeah, I don't know if you ever do you ever do that for folks?

Unknown Speaker 30:07

I know most people do that ourselves, you know, we're gonna get a frost or anything. They just put plastic downward for the night or whatever, you know.

Speaker 1 30:15

Yeah. That's great. I'm so pumped about spring and summer coming up. We appreciate you calling in today, Richard, I'm sure you've got all kinds of other things to do. Give us your number one more time. And we will share that again later in the show. If somebody wants

Unknown Speaker 30:33

586-447-2716. All right. And that's the end of have any questions. Just give me a call event.

Speaker 1 30:41

All right. Thank you so much. That's a LJ property. 586447 to 716. Thank you so much, Richard, you have a great day. All right. All right. So nice to have a pro landscaper calling into the show today. We appreciate that. You're listening to ask the neighbor, ask the neighbor calm. I want to say a shout out to some of our sponsors. One Work bid ceci Lincoln bank of Ann Arbor. And I want to make sure that our listeners kind of know that we do a show on Fridays this Friday today at 11 o'clock called very Detroit tune in there. You can check it out at very or and right after that we do vary Ann Arbor. So you can listen to us continuously today till about 12 o'clock, right after this show. So thank you for tuning in. You're listening to ask the neighbor on 690 am WNZ K. I'm your host Danko. Souter offski. With me, Jennifer, thank you so much, Jennifer, for being part of this show. We appreciate that.

Unknown Speaker 31:52

I'm happy because I mean, that's, it's like, I wanted to say this yesterday, but I'll say it today, it's been you know, I've been able to join almost consistently this week with you. And it isn't like having a conversation. So that's, I think part of the benefit of what you add. And you know, Donna's called in a couple of times, which is great. And it's like sitting down with friends having coffee. Yeah, but talking about stuff that's really going to help me so selfishly, it's been fantastic. And I think it's helping other people too, because, you know, we've had other people call in and add to the conversation and give us different recipes and different ideas. So it's just it's been a lot of fun.

Speaker 1 32:38

Oh, yeah, no, I was just looking at a couple things here too. And just looking at what we've accomplished this week, the people we connected with, and you know, the, the just the great things that are around us. You know, we're thankful to be on the air. We think that we're doing a great service for the community that we could talk about things around the home. Also, we're we want to be a resource for you so that you can come to us and call us and let us know some of your questions that you might have, we'll have a conversation about it. And we'll try to guide you with the resources that you need. But just for more information, you could go to very and find a lot of resources that you could use from your mobile phone. Also very Ann Arbor comm you can do the same but in one You can look at many different magazines so we offer this connectivity through our program and through our channels. That is really rare. And I want to just thank everybody for listening if you have any questions related that you might want to ask the neighbor come on and give us a call at 248557 3300 We're going to go to a song really quick take a little break and we'll be back

Cajun mo as your as you move across the sunset way too soon Cajun mo sundae bay where you want to me and you find him just like me to him from gauging Where does your as you foster sons get way too soon Hey so he got you Cajun Where does your call whoo hoo that was kind of cool right there DJ Shub Ah, yeah, that was JJ Cale with Cajun moon. Thank you for that. Yeah, kind of kind of good tunes coming at us today we're just appreciating the Friday we've got sun out. You're listening to ask the neighbor. We're broadcasting out of W NZ K 690. Am with me, Jennifer. Hello, Jennifer. Hello. We are back from the tune. What do you think of the tune?

Unknown Speaker 36:38

I love that. I love JJ Cale. I haven't heard him in a blue moon. So very nice. Kudos to the selector on that one

Speaker 1 36:48

DJ chub cub, DJ czerwca. For sure. Right? Yeah, he's been rocking it out. Thank you for that DJ job. Cool, man. He's been great. He's our he's in charge of the motherboard here the mothership. And it's, it's for real. So he's our technical DJ. He's been helping us with all of our shows, doing a great job. Thank you, DJ Chipko for that. Alright, so we had a great first half hour so far, guys. You're listening to ask the neighbor. We're available for questions. Anything that you want to ask the neighbor, we're gonna try to help you. The phone number here is 248557 3300. I'm your host Danko Sutter offski, we're looking for callers to call in. If you're a small business that offers services for the home, give us a call. If you have a question relating to home recipes, or maybe even your car, give us a call. We also talk about work related things. If you have some questions about work related things, we have tons of resources for that. We're also well connected with technology type things. So if you have any questions related to technology or usage, we talked about some programs through the week that were that are pretty influential in our times, such as today, we just talked about tick tock. But we've talked about some other programs, haven't we, Jennifer, this week like that we're applications.

Unknown Speaker 38:19

We talked a little bit about CRM, which is customer relationship management software, and you were talking about a local provider of that. Which is great, because I've only worked with, you know, the 800 pound gorillas in my career. So the Microsoft Dynamics and Salesforce and I think those are the two I've primarily worked with, but it's always good to know about smaller, perhaps more nimble, certainly more attentive companies, and I can't remember the name of the company in Ann Arbor. What is it?

Speaker 1 38:56

The name is nutshell, nutshell is a CRM that's specific to I think it's catered for sales people. And it's got a lot of different support. It's a smaller company. It's not this big 5000 person company. They're located in Arbor, and they have a free trial that you could try. And it's great, I think, for small businesses, because it's not a heavy duty cost upfront, and you can get in one seat or two seats, and it's really not expensive. And there's a free trial with it. And yeah, you know, why not support the local businesses around us that offer those services and Ann Arbor is such a hub for technology. And you could give them a call and talk with people. And if you customer relationship management focuses how businesses salespersons manage their contacts and then inside that what happens is, when you send an email or you add a contact, it reminds you and you can add tasks to I think it's a great way to manage life if you could do it, right. I mean, if you could set up your life in the CRM and be great, because you could be very efficient. Yep, you know, remind me to call back here, remind me to do this remind me to do this task, it does all those features, that you know, keeping a relationship going, which is really, you know, kind of what all this whole world is all about, you know, it's about relationships, and how do we engage in them? Which relationships are we in? And how do they affect us? So relationship management, is a big deal. You know, I know, we've talked about different things related to that. And on our show later, today, the very NRB show, we're going to be talking about psychology. And because it's women's month, we are talking with the psychologist, Amy talk, from Arbor psychology, that's going to be talking about postpartum depression, and a virtual event connected to that. And all these things are really what makes us who we are, you know, and how we relate to the world. And I was talking with my daughter about how important relationships are, and how do we, you know, keep them in good order, which ones do we engage in which ones we don't, um, and it's a lot, sometimes it's a lot easier to engage in a relationship than to get out of a relationship. And I know, this is a little bit off track. But I think we, you know, even when we are working with service providers, we want to make sure that this is going to be a good relationship, right, we want to make sure that we know who we're working with, maybe they've got some good reviews, maybe they've been referred to us, I'm setting up that relationship, when you're working with a service provider is important to to, you know, define your expectations, right. No matter what the project is around the home, you're going to, you know, want to discuss the details about the project. And for instance, with Jennifer, right, you have so many things at the house that you want to get accomplished, you know, listed out, make sure it's defined, and you know, what you're getting and working with the right service provider, you know, as important. So, hopefully, ask the neighbor can bring you these resources. And you can feel free to give us a call at 248557 3300. We're looking for callers that are either small business or people that are have some questions relating to anything that you might ask the neighbor. So all my life, I've always had questions for the neighbor, maybe I haven't asked them. But here's your chance, Folks, you're listening to 690 am WNZ K. And we are looking for callers. Give us a call when you get a chance to 48557 3300. Jennifer, what else is going on today in the world that is relevant right now to the show.

Unknown Speaker 43:25

I've got something hugely relevant to the show. I am a day I was a day late, at least in hearing this. So imagine their other friends and listeners who are not aware but our governor Gretchen Whitmer has just announced that folks 50 years and older are eligible to receive COVID vaccinations starting March 22.

Speaker 1 43:54

Oh, that's a huge mess.

Unknown Speaker 43:57

Yeah, I am excited beyond belief about that. I, my parents have both received their vaccinations and I still can't go see them until I've got mine. So I think it's, you know, selfishly for myself, I sure as heck don't want to get COVID. And more importantly than that, I don't want to by accident, you know, carry it to somebody else. Right. Not knowing if I have it because I think that's a wide phenomenon of this of this virus is that we can be carriers and not know that we are spreading it. So I have pre registered, I googled it or Bing it whatever flavor you use. I went to which is a local chain, which I'm sure most of our listeners are familiar with. Again, it goes back to supporting our local. Let's support our local folks because that's the real economy. So I am pre registered and they're going to give me a call and I can't wait. And I think Meyer know how you got worked with some members of your family. Yeah, to get

Speaker 1 45:09

that. Yeah, shout out to Meyer. I mean, they were the first ones to actually invite my parents to get a vaccine. And we went, I took them to the location on 12 mile and mound, I believe, was the location or 12 mile VanDyke, the Warren location of the Meyers and, you know, that was really organized and everybody there was a single line and they did everything great. So shout out to Meijer, you know, for being a local company doing the right thing and, and having the resources in place. Thank you for that. Jennifer, we've got a caller calling in from Shelby Township. Jean. Hello, how are you Jane

Unknown Speaker 45:50

Danko How you doing? Excellent.

Speaker 1 45:52

Excellent. Thank you for calling into our show Jean.

Unknown Speaker 45:55

So my wife Cheryl and I were We were longtime listeners of Bob Allison's ask your neighbor. Okay. Even though we we weren't in his primary demographic in terms of age wise, I'm 61. My wife's 59 Okay. Of course, Bob Allison was on the air for decades. And yeah, our mothers respectively used to listen to Bob Allison. And when we were kids, how low balling for dollars thing. Right, right. Right, right. We were very disappointed when the show went off the air. And of course, subsequently, Bob went to his reward. And then we suddenly hear you on the radio with a show called Ask the neighbor. Yes. And of course, we're familiar with your very Detroit show, which we loved. Oh, really. So I, I just had to call him this morning to see if this isn't a sense of revival of Bob, Allison's ask your neighbor and your producer Mike said it as in a sense.

Speaker 1 46:51

Yeah, we're, we're a, you know, we started off with the very Detroit talking with nonprofits and community leaders that, you know, we felt weren't being shared in in part of the story here in Metro Detroit. And yeah, you know,

Unknown Speaker 47:09

we were, we were early listeners of that show. I mean, we're with you from Jump Street. Wow. Thank you, Jean. That was great. Back when you switched over to the other station, we would have to listen to it on line because we couldn't get that stations airwaves.

Speaker 1 47:25

Right. And I'm glad we're back here on w NZK. Because the airwaves are much further you know, if you're, you're catching us in Shelby Township and it sounds like you get us pretty clearly over there. And so you were we are you know to define this show you know, it's an extension I think of were very Detroit and really talking about more detail every day relating to the neighbor what you might have questions for sharing some recipes just having a good conversation without fear or all this other things that are happening on other media

Unknown Speaker 48:04

outlets Great. Are you familiar with Bob house as former producer al I forget his last name

Speaker 1 48:09

Al O'Neill Yes, I am for now Neil.

Unknown Speaker 48:12

So when when when Rob kept the show afloat for a while and then decided that it wasn't feasible anymore. Owl reached out to all the listeners and said you know, leave a message with me or call me and I will keep you informed of any future developments relating to awake for Bob because he unfortunately died during the early days of the COVID there was not any formal funeral Right? Or you said are any plans to have the shall resume? So I'm just thinking maybe just to reach out to our so we can reach out to Bob the listeners and you can incorporate some of those into your show? Because you know, that was kind of format that they love. Yeah, faithful listeners. I mean, he had a lot of faithful listeners a

Speaker 1 48:57

lot of faithful listeners and you know, Bob came on my Bob was right before the very Detroit show on Fridays. So he would always introduce our show. He was such a great man he did such great things and then when the station owner here you know, said You know, we have this time slot open would you be you know, interested in that I was honored to take this time slot on

Unknown Speaker 49:21

Oh, great, now we're happy to dead? No, no, we, we we know some other shows that are on the station. Have listeners that used to listen to Bob house and that have called in for instance, the law on money show Steve corn. And also, I like have his show anymore. And if you're new like

Speaker 1 49:45

yeah, I talked to like today.

Unknown Speaker 49:47

Yeah. So so hopefully you can regain some of the asker neighbor listeners like my wife and I

Speaker 1 49:56

Oh, we appreciate that. No, it's so nice.

Unknown Speaker 50:00

out. So you might want to reach out to our Neil so he can put the word out.

Speaker 1 50:04

No, I will for sure. And I will touch base with Al and let them know. You know, OWL kind of retired and he was kind of last time I talked to him. He's like, you know, I was in the radio business a long time. And I just, you know, I'm ready for a break. And, and so no, that's understandable.

Unknown Speaker 50:19

Yeah. But he might be willing to do that now that he you know, he's made aware that the show is kind of revived, in a sense under a different name with a new host. Yeah, or a similar name. Because it grabbed our attention. I actually went on to the website to say ask your neighbor back, they actually list the show as ask your neighbor instead of Ask the neighbor, just let you know.

Speaker 1 50:38

Oh, where do they list that on the program on W. NGK?

Unknown Speaker 50:43

Yeah, their website? Okay.

Speaker 1 50:45

We'll have to adjust that. No problem. We're

Unknown Speaker 50:47

looking at it. I'm looking at it right now. Yeah,

Speaker 1 50:50

that's good. It's so good to have local feedback like that. Jean, thank you so much. We if there's any other questions you want to call, give us a call at any time. We appreciate you.

Unknown Speaker 51:00

All right, man. All right. Take care. Glad to hear you have a good day. You too.

Speaker 1 51:04

Thanks. Boy, that was great. Hi, Jennifer.

Unknown Speaker 51:08

I love those calls. Because I'm I'm relatively new to the metro area. I think I've been here a handful of years now. But just to get that history and perspective is so invaluable, and I love to hear the homage to Bob, he sounds like what a wonderful man he was. I mean, he really brought 1000s of people together. And I think it's important to you know, this is an extension of Bob Show, in essence, I mean, it's gonna morph and change with your leadership. But it really is a huge shout out to Bob and all of his, you know, loyal fans, it's a treat to hear.

Speaker 1 51:51

Yeah, every time. Every time I sit in this seat, I am reminded of Bob, when I would walk in to the studio to do my show, and he would be here working diligently on his show. He'd have his notebook out, and he would be just always in a good mood. And oh, he's just such a great man and happy to see everybody all the time. And I think just live a good great life, you know, and what, what an audience he gained, and so many people that he interacted with, through his life, he was mentioned in all kinds of media from the Washington Post to everywhere else. Wow, yeah, NPR did a piece on Washington Post, I mean, 59 years 59 years of doing that show, so shout out to Bob Allison. And we are honored to have this time slot and to do this work that I think is important because we have lost that connection with our neighbors and we've lost that connection with community. And we've made this connection unfortunately through media with fear and self doubt and doubting your neighbors and doubting all these things and like these shows, I believe are so vital to our economy and to our people that you can actually not be I don't know media big media seems to have this rain around some folks that you just can't get out of and that's what's refreshing about am radio let's doesn't have the ton of ads and it's not trying to position you into some kind of weird place of

Unknown Speaker 53:36

no and it's completely unique. This is the only outlet I found that is truly local news local information where you can actually reach out and be a part of the conversation I think that's a huge value and like I said like I never would have gotten to hear from some of the folks who called in and it's just a it's a fantastic opportunity to strengthen the neighborhood and strengthen the local economy and just find out some cool stuff Yeah, watch bands,

Speaker 1 54:09

watch bands.

Unknown Speaker 54:12

Learn local Meyer is gonna help help us become able to overcome this this viruses. Awesome.

Speaker 1 54:20

Yeah, my your family, you know, and what they've done to for Michigan and around Michigan. I you know, I have to give these guys credit because they've done such a phenomenal job over the years. Yeah. And

Unknown Speaker 54:31

actually go grapeshot on you boomerang back to gardens, I believe doesn't Meyer have a huge like, isn't there a Meyer garden on the west side of the state? Yeah, they have like there is

Speaker 1 54:45

yeah, they have an inn i believe Grand Rapids Meijer Gardens and yeah, just all the way around. They've their huge influence in Grand Rapids where they started from but Meyer I mean has been been a staple in the in the Detroit area for man some time, I would say at least 40 years. And, you know, they came out of West Michigan, like a lot of great businesses have. And, you know, came into the metro Detroit area and expanded all the way through, they were the first to come up with the 24 hour big box concept that was before Walmart before anybody open two hours, 24 hours with like a mega store, like that was just unheard of. Nobody was doing it that long ago. And, and they've done a great job in their pharmacy, you know, took care of my folks. So thank you for that. We appreciate you. Alright, we're at the top of the hour here pretty soon. And we're going to go to a quick song, and then we're going to have the hour break. And then we're gonna come back at 10 o'clock. And continue with Esther neighbor. I just want to say a couple things before we go. We'll have some other people joining us on the second half hour, but I'm kind of curious if we might be able to generate some painters to call in I know that painting properties. When I when I drive around the city and I go to different places I see that there's so much opportunity that paint could do to properties right. Um, and I think that people don't understand like painting. You know, you can do that stuff yourself a lot of times with a little bit of direction. We're hoping to have some people from different paying companies call in. I'd love to hear from some painters that want to get some business. Give us a call at 248557 3300 I'm your host Danko Souter offski with me, Jennifer. rocking it all week here at WNYC K 690. Am I'm looking at a song but I wasn't feeling that one. Yeah, I think I like this one. Let's go with this song. DJ Chubb, CA Talking Heads

Unknown Speaker 1:01:49

Double WNZK He has available a few good hours of airtime for all few good programs to serve their communities. Radio is better than ever, in targeting an audience that listens to what you say. Learn more about this exciting radio broadcasting opportunity by calling WNZK radio at 248557 3500 Verse is w NZK Dearborn heights Detroit's your ethnic superstation out. 690 days 680 Nights.

Speaker 1 1:02:27

Alright, welcome back. Thank you for that DJ Chubb ca you're listening to ask the neighbor, ask the is where you can find some more information. We appreciate you tuning in. I'm your host Danko Soto Rawski coming at you from 690 am WNZKWNZ K brings you the world every week, every day. 690 am check them out all the time. We had a great guest earlier. I just want to reference him one more time. A L j. Property is a way to get hold of Richard, a professional landscaping company. Their phone number is 586-447-2716. They helped us to talk a little bit about all kinds of different landscaping questions, Jennifer. But the rolling one was just great from Donna.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:19

Yeah, I'm literally drafting an email to him. Right now. He and his fiancee. I think I can keep them busy for like seven weeks over here.

Speaker 1 1:03:30

Well, whenever you have an acre,

Unknown Speaker 1:03:34

it feels like several acres, but it's really half an acre.

Speaker 1 1:03:40

Yeah, a lot.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:41

This year. My goal this year is to put in as many gardens as possible to ease up on my mowing needs.

Speaker 1 1:03:51

Well, that way, maybe you'll be able to mow the lawn in one charge.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:56

Exactly. Right. Exactly. And it's just good for the environment. Like last year, I had a bunch of Monarch butterflies. Oh, because I put it in a butterfly garden two years ago. And last year, it really took off. And man, we had monarch. Oh, not all summer, just through their migration pattern. But it was just cool to know like, Hey, here's a little restaurant for you guys.

Speaker 1 1:04:22

Right? Right. What a monarch butterflies like, if they're looking around, what are some of the things people could throw?

Unknown Speaker 1:04:29

Excellent question. So the only food that they can eat, and literally this is it is called milkweed and it's a thistle. And I see it all the time when I'm walking around in Detroit like exploring different neighborhoods. It's, it's it's a native plant and it is beautiful. And it's about three feet tall and it has a flower on it in the summer and then it makes these really cool pod. Yeah, But that's one thing that is the one thing that monarchs eats. And what I've got a lot of in my yard that they love is Bedelia, which is also butterfly bush, that's it's more common name. Bedelia is it's Latin derivation. But I've got this beautiful dark, dark purple, it's called Black Knights. The color of the bush I've got, and they're taller than I am, they're like, five, six feet tall, and they get these beautiful, dark, dark purple fires on and so to have the orange butterflies, you know, flying around those and alighting on those purple spires and my daughter who I want to her nicknames as my National Geographic Cub Scout ographers. She's always trying to snap great pictures of them, and she gets them.

Speaker 1 1:05:56

How cool is that? So it's entertainment for the family, it's good for the environment, it takes care of, you know, not cutting the grass, when you're putting in these new little garden areas that attract beautiful things. So, folks, take a take a new look at what you're doing around your house this year. And I think you're gonna, you know, with the help of Ask the neighbor, we're gonna guide you to a beautiful home, and beautiful relationships with your neighbors, right?

Unknown Speaker 1:06:27

Yeah. Yeah, I think oh, that we should look for to have on would be a landscape architect.

Speaker 1 1:06:36

Yeah, that would be a great person who could just

Unknown Speaker 1:06:40

help with simple questions, we might be able to reach out to MSU to the Master Gardener Program. Yeah, see if we can get somebody on. Because I know, part of the requirement of being a master gardener is fulfilling some volunteer hours. So that might be a great resource. And then that would help publicize the Master Gardener Program and just help a lot of people out with, you know, garden questions that I can't answer, right. And

Speaker 1 1:07:09

then also, maybe, maybe the greening of Detroit, that's another nonprofit. And they do some great stuff in Detroit and gardening. And, and I'd love to get some community gardens on our show as well to talk about what they're doing and how they're supporting the community with their gardening, and how that can work in a neighborhood when you have a community garden. I think that's such a great idea. You know, you go through different neighborhoods around the whole Metro. And you'll see like, empty lots sitting there, and there's nothing going on on there. But, you know, if the community could get together and utilize those lots in that land, you can make food for yourselves. And I think,

Unknown Speaker 1:07:54

no, it's a great idea. I've got neighbors in my community that don't garden on their own properties, because it's a little bit more work than they want to do. But they have lots or plots, I should say, at a community garden. Because again, it's a teamwork. It's like, well, I'm out. Watering, so I'm going to water Maryland plot and wide or you know, what have you it's just that shared, sharing that load can really make things feasible. Yeah. So yeah, that's a great idea to look into that as an option. If you're not ready to bite off gardening on your own.

Speaker 1 1:08:33

Yeah, give it a give it a whirl, maybe contribute some time to a community garden. So many great things happening in our city to try to get our own food grown and to the restaurants. Like we talked with salt and CO, Ryan Salter yesterday about the great things that he does when he's sourcing his kale, right? Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:01

What a great conversation,

Speaker 1 1:09:02

right? And he's doing the right thing. He's opening up a shop on Jefferson called Gold bread lists, or bread lists is the name but go bread. is the actual website. You can check them out, opening up soon, I think this next month, I believe, or this month, so keep an eye out on that. But sourcing local food, I think is important for your body. It's important for our economy locally. But I mean, I think more than anything it gives you like what some of the research I've read is that you want to eat things that are grown near you. And there's something that triggers your body to work with the foods that are grown around you to digest them better to work with your body better. I don't know if you know anything about that, Jennifer, I'm guessing you might. Maybe Maybe Not

Unknown Speaker 1:10:03

sorry, I was in a noisy moment.

Speaker 1 1:10:05

So that's okay. That's all right. We appreciate you being on with us and sharing your morning like this. It's been great all week. Um, you know, launching, ask the neighbor, I know, there's a lot of things on our minds and things to do. So there's no question, I'm sure that you got plenty going on. So, you know, we're just talking about how our foods that we, if we can grow ourselves or get them locally, are much more nutritious for ourselves. And I think we processed the food better if it's grown locally.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:42

Maybe, I don't know about that. I do know that for honey. Specifically, like folks who suffer from springtime or fall allergies, it is definitely scientifically documented that if you're able to eat honey that's locally sourced, those bees are creating that honey from the exact things, you know many of the things that drive allergies in humans. And so by eating that honey, if clicked a vaccination, you're essentially introducing a tiny amount of that allergen into your system. And which then allows your system to adapt to it. And you know, hopefully not attack it, but adapt to it. And then allergies are significantly less severe. I've I've done this personally with my son, Henry, who had a mess of allergies earlier in his life, and I just started feeding them local honey, wherever we were living, and I believe it helped that firsthand.

Speaker 1 1:11:46

Interesting. It sounds like it totally helped it sound like it totally helped.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:51

Yeah, it did for us. And I would just say other than like, direct health benefits. It's just all about the flavor, man. Right? Right. If you haven't had a tomato out of your own garden or a neighbor's garden, you really haven't lived?

Speaker 1 1:12:06

Yeah. Well, I mean, you just haven't, that encourage

Unknown Speaker 1:12:09

everyone to have a tomato as soon as possible. And as locally as possible, right?

Speaker 1 1:12:16

Pick it ripe off the vine and you will never ever want another type of tomato again in your life. Well, I'm looking forward to that time here in Detroit, um, as our tomatoes will come in. I don't know what July maybe.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:33

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. We have to wait a minute. Wait a minute, you know, seasons relatively short.

Speaker 1 1:12:40

I had a huge crop though, folks. Last year of tomatoes. I had a medium sized cherry tomatoes that just went bananas. And I had pounds and pounds and pounds of output. I think last year for tomatoes. It seemed to be the year it was just, it was the right temperature. And the season kept on going. It felt like up until almost October that I was harvesting almost November I think I was harvesting tomatoes. It was like mid October. They were still producing. It was crazy.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:18

It was an excellent, excellent season I had similar tomato, pepper, cucumber, zucchini, sunflowers. I mean, it was last year was a bonanza year after a couple of rougher years, I think. Yeah, I think we have really wet springs, which really cuts into the growing season. So that's why also I've tried to, you know, knuckle down and get these get my feet started indoors so I don't have to spend as much money later on later in the season on seedlings. So they

Speaker 1 1:13:54

can be expensive if you want some varieties of certain seeds for sure. So growing them, I mean, you know, not the seeds themselves, but like the seedlings can get expensive if you're planting a bigger garden like you are.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:10

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I mean, Kelly is about my favorite place on earth. That's a local nursery. There's one the one in Troy's when I go to and I know that got another location, maybe somebody can call in and remind me of where those additional Kelly's locations are. Or if you've got another local nursery chain that you like, I'd love to hear about it. And I'm sure other listeners would as well. Yes. But yeah, Kelly's just had fantastic thriving perennials and annuals and all kinds of good stuff. I go sometimes not to spend money but just to learn and get inspiration. Like a free field trip for me.

Speaker 1 1:14:55

Well, I mean, it's probably you know, if it's Detroit, so it's close to you, which is great. And

Unknown Speaker 1:15:02

yeah, the one I go to is Metro. It's in Troy. So it's super close.

Speaker 1 1:15:07

Right, right, right. No. And there's some, there's some great places to get these kinds of things in the metro tallies being one of them. But I know there's a lot more if there's any callers that want to call in and recommend a few different places where they shop, please give us a call at 248557 3300 You're listening to ask the neighbor, you can reach us at Ask the We appreciate you listening to 690 Am w NZK. We want to thank our sponsors, one Work a place where you can put in a service request mobile service requests if you have any services that you may need. Put it into workflow comm if you are interested in getting some offers on your home, but not really commit to anything. Look at bid a new concept that's come out from our fold. Check out Ceci Lincoln. They're a great company supporting our very Detroit program. And look at Bank of Ann Arbor supporting our very Ann Arbor program. We appreciate all our sponsors, we want you to check out very for art, music, food and style. Check out very Ann Arbor comm for information particular to Ann Arbor. It's a digital guidance system that you can check out through your mobile phone. You can also check out our new show that we started a couple weeks ago called very Chicago. You're gonna have to do that online though, because we're broadcasting today at 12 o'clock Eastern time, but 11 o'clock, central time in Chicago on W N Wi 10 at 8am. So we are reaching some broad some airwaves all around the country now. And I think it's so cool that we are part of Ask the neighbor program that people can call in from anywhere at 248557 3300. And we can talk recipes, we can talk landscaping, we can talk things around your house. We're here for you. And we're sharing some of those things. I want to shout out really quick to something we were talking about yesterday, Jennifer, when Ryan Salter was talking about the balsamic vinegar that you would put into your onions as you're trying to get them to what was the term to get them?

Unknown Speaker 1:17:39

Oh my gosh, you just took it out of my head to not crystallize. carmelize

Speaker 1 1:17:45

carmelized right. So adding just a little bit of balsamic vinegar. I wanted to just a shout out to somebody that's been on the very in Arbor show. Foose deenis In Kerry town has a great selection of oils and vinegars, I wanted to mention them because they were a guest on our show. And they sourced some of the most beautiful olive oils and vinegars that you could imagine. And if you could check them out, Foose deenis You could look at them online, get a little flavor for them, you can actually go to the store, get a little taste test, just a great place to check out. When we're talking food, that's one of the key ingredients right to anything that we make is oil and vinegar. A lot of times and having that and not to mention salt, we still have to talk with some salt people that are gonna, you know, be part of our, our fold here. Alright, so another thing that I want to talk about is in a minute, we're gonna have somebody calling in, but I wanted to take another caller right now, like I call Are you. Yes, sir. Welcome to the show like,

Unknown Speaker 1:18:54

hey, wonderful. I wanted to pipe in on a couple of things that you discussed. And that is the Oakland Health Department and the Livonia health department as far as the vaccine is concerned, if any listeners will call, it's loosened up a bit.

Speaker 1 1:19:19

Okay, good.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:22

The Beaumont Hospital also. And they're much more accommodating. And I thought I'd bring that to the attention of the listeners.

Speaker 1 1:19:34

Thank you so much. So Oakland County, Oakland health department, Oakland health department, Beaumont live

Unknown Speaker 1:19:43

in bomba de Beaumont Hospital. And actually, of course, Myers is the kingpin they were the first Yeah, with it. So that's still available. Also the A caller from Shelby township might be happy to know that I do my show still on Wednesdays from 11 to 12. All right. Oh, good. Yeah. And one last thing. And that is that the El janss. And the nature trail in Bloomfield Hills has tap soil for free. Alright, when you're, yes, Sam Franklin Road. So I just thought some of the listeners might appreciate that. Yeah, we appreciate it. And I just talked to Hal O'Neill. And I'm working with them on some of the stuff that I'm doing. But right now he's working for the Parks and Rec, and he's a busy camper. But he may call in one of these days.

Speaker 1 1:20:58

I know he is. Boy, we appreciate you and all that you've done for this station in the community. And I appreciate you calling in today. Thank you for that advice. Thank

Unknown Speaker 1:21:07

you. Thanks for the time. I appreciate that. You

Speaker 1 1:21:09

bet. I can go in there as a show on Wednesdays from 11 to 12. For our listeners, just so you know. You're listening W NZ K 690 am. I'm your host Danko Sutter offski. Ask the neighbor is the program. Up next. We have Megan from Michigan's handyman. How are you? I'm doing good thing. Go. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Thank you for calling in. You guys have been calling in multiple times this week, we really appreciate that this is our first week of this show as the neighbor. Thank you for that. Jennifer, probably, oh, our pleasure. It's been great, because you've been able, we had your founder on our show. And then you've come on our show. And then we've had some other people that you guys work with. We're trying to establish good relationships for people that are looking to do things out to their home, around their home, in their home, and just might want to ask the neighbor, and I had some ideas of some questions I could ask you because this is something relevant to me. And maybe some other callers, you know, this this time that we're in, I don't know if it's the right time. But you know, I? I have a question about caulking, like, no caulking, to me seems like this whole world that I don't really understand. And I was curious, like, is this the right time to caulk a house inside outside what? Talk? Let's talk caulk?

Unknown Speaker 1:22:42

Yeah, let's talk some car. Yeah, so there's actually tons of different types of caulk on the market. So regardless of what type of project you're looking to do, whether it's you doing it yourself, or hiring a handyman company like ours, you definitely want to make sure you're using the right type of caulk for the right application. As far as exterior caulking goes, this may still not be the best of times is we do still have those falling under freezing temperatures. But interior, absolutely, it would be the perfect time to go ahead and get caulk around those windows that way, then you are securing the little bit of heat that we still have less than the winter, and then getting ready to lock in all that good summer air conditioning. So absolutely. Yeah,

Speaker 1 1:23:26

because I feel um, you know, I think a lot of our callers might have some questions about this, and, you know, the type of clock that you would use, um, and then interior caulk, exterior caulk, I feel like, you know, this might be work that some of our folks might not want to try. Because if you're gonna die on the outside, you got to get on ladders. And then you got to, you know, do the right technique, which you might not know how to do. So tell us a little bit about your company and how people could reach you. Should they need some caulking help?

Unknown Speaker 1:24:07

Yeah, so Michigan's handyman was founded over 20 years ago by three brothers who wanted to provide quality home improvements and an affordable cost to those in Metro Detroit. Our phone number is 248-506-4000 Or we can be found online at www dot Michigan's and that's what's an ask. Handyman. Calm,

Speaker 1 1:24:30

perfect. That's a good way that so that's not only caulk that you can do but that's like something we're talking about. Now. Michigan's handyman can do almost anything for your home I feel. And we're talking COC right now. So but if you if you have some questions about COC people give us a call. We're taking calls at 248557 3300. We've got Michigan's handyman on the line. And we're talking, we're talking COC right now because I feel like it's Such a environmental piece. Like I felt this this winter, I felt it. I had drafts around my windows, different places. So is there a somehow that you can analyze these things? Megan?

Unknown Speaker 1:25:17

Yeah, so there are a few different. Once again, there are a few different methods of clocking and depending on where you want it to go. But when it comes to actually looking at the interior exterior, and we'll take Windows as a start, you can actually gauge how much air is actually coming through pretty easily. If you have the skill set to be able to identify and then apply it in application just to let all the listeners know is actually fairly simple and can be done, you know, in one day, obviously, depending on the size of the project, but you know, essentially, you know, just actually removing the caulk that's there and then replacing it with a fresh bead. I mean, you're looking at up to 10% energy savings over time. So that's huge. It is huge. Also Danko another as caucus here on the talk. A lot of people don't realize getting their bathtubs. Re cocked often, is actually something that will save the integrity of the bathroom and the tile around your bathtub, should you have tile. And if not a tub surround. By making sure that you have that new caulk going around your bathtub, you're ensuring that the water from your general showers and everyday use isn't getting behind the tub. And rotting out a lot of walls are flooring. And that is probably one of the most common problems we have when it comes to, you know, there's leaking in my basement, something's not going on. Well, it's because there wasn't a maintenance of the caulk around the bathtub, to then kind of preserve the integrity of the bathroom.

Speaker 1 1:26:54

And, you know, the cost of caulk is not much. But now it's really not what it can do for you is amazing, you know, especially like what you just said, keeping the integrity of your bathroom, preventing mold. Um, anywhere that you think that you could use caulk, I think it's a great thing to investigate, it's going to save you some some energy costs, and it's just going to make your place look tighter and better. And you know, there's people that I think there's like painting is one of the fields that might dabble in caulking. Right, they kind of like prepare the surfaces and do these things. But I mean, I, for this year, this year, in particular, I felt so much. So many different drafts coming in through different parts of my home, I've got an older craftsman house that, you know, it's built in 1928. So you know, they didn't have the insulation and things like that we have and but cocking it, I think will do phenomenal and cocking it often. So is there like certain types of tips or tricks that you could recommend for our folks, when they're maybe trying to attempt themselves to caulk?

Unknown Speaker 1:28:16

Yeah, just make sure that they do remove as much of the existing costs possible if they were to attempt to do this themselves. Just make sure you remove as much of it as possible. And then when you're applying the new caulk, apply it to that then clean surface and try to keep the same consistency of thickness of the bead that was already there. A statically if there was paint or something around an area, trying to keep that consistency would have it look smoother. And once again, if this is something where it really is an acquired skill, you know, and you didn't feel like you have a steady hand obviously hiring a professional is definitely a way to go.

Speaker 1 1:29:00

It is a steady hand that you need to you know because I've I've I've cocked. Some went well, some did not go so well. And you know, I noticed that in about after about 10 minutes you you know you've got caulk everywhere. And if you don't know what you're doing, you know, you're wiping it, you're moving it, you know, there's certain things and and after about 1015 minutes, you're so frustrated because you've got stuff all over the place and it doesn't look as good. But that's why you know, you can hire a professional like Michigan's handyman to help you out. And especially if you're going to try to reach for some higher places to caulk I think, you know, that's a that's a huge thing. Plus, I think ants and other insects probably can come in if you're not caught properly.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:45

That is also true.

Speaker 1 1:29:47

So keeping that, you know, is I think important. Jennifer, do you have any comments about COC? Are you there Jennifer, are you Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:30:02

I agree with your assessment. I too have tried working with it because it seems so simple, right. But I think a point you didn't make Danko is after that. 10 To 15 minutes when you realize you're in over your head. Yeah, that stuff is drying, that stuff is everywhere. And now you got to remove it and kind of start over again, or you just got a hot mess. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I would defer to professionals. And I prefer, I try to do as much stuff around my house, myself as I can. But this is one of those finishing details that you just you kind of don't want to muck it up.

Speaker 1 1:30:38

No, and I know the importance of it for the investment, I think is something that, you know, our listeners might not fully understand the cost of doing a really nice caulk job can save you energy, but it'll make your house look better. It'll tighten up everything as well, and you won't have draughts in your house and you will, everything will look much better. It's amazing what some little things like that will do to a property. It's just

Unknown Speaker 1:31:12

absolutely and even to keep commenting on the clock talk. gutters are another thing that also require frequent caulking, if you do have seams in your gutters, and that is another thing that I would highly recommend hiring a skilled professional for. We've had some customers in the past who have attempted to caulk their own gutters, and have had to have pieces of siding replaced, have gotten in the mortar of the brick and had to have new tuckpointing. So I mean, definitely making sure that, you know, the job is taken care of properly, the first time sometimes is worth the headache of having to go over it twice.

Speaker 1 1:31:53

I totally agree. I think Jennifer's with us on this one. You know, I try to do as much as I can myself as well. But I mean, when it comes to COC, I you know I, I've had some bad experiences. And I'm kind of gun shy to try it. Because I don't want to make a mess and not do a good job. And at the end of the day, I might have spent many, many hours trying to accomplish it, and then not doing it properly. So you can lose a lot of friends. You know, you can alleviate some of that frustration by calling Michigans And tell us your number one more time Megan so that our audience can hear that.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:33

Yeah, it's a telephone number 248-506-4000.

Speaker 1 1:32:40

All right, one more time.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:43

It is telephone number 248-506-4000.

Speaker 1 1:32:50

Okay, perfect. And Michigan's is the way you can get a hold of the company. And if you have a request for service, they do so many different things that they will be able to handle or refer you to if it's something bigger, but it sounds like you guys can do even up to remodels and all the different things. It's just so interesting like you know, you're a phone call away from taking care of like many many headaches that you might be thinking about all the time. And by calling someone like Michigan's handyman, you can take care of all these things. And you know, maybe your spouse might not be nagging you all the time to get something done. You can just call Michigan's handyman and they take care of it. So we appreciate that. We appreciate you coming on our show and talking about these things as we wind down this hour. Is there anything else you'd like to maybe let our listeners know today Megan?

Unknown Speaker 1:33:48

Um, just look forward to the springtime there's always home improvements that are needed to be maintained and kinda looked out for whether it's better cleanings to new roofs. We're definitely here to help.

Speaker 1 1:34:01

Thank you so much. We appreciate you Michigan's handyman calm Thank you, Megan. We appreciate it. Alright, thanks

Unknown Speaker 1:34:07

have a great day.

Speaker 1 1:34:08

You too take care all right. Um, next up we're gonna go to a little tune for you and we'll be back

loving take one Maka, he can no

Oh man oh hello yo he can help name is Miguel Lima here he can do the name diva EP

NACA Allah.

slowing it down a little bit here en esta neighbor DJ czerwca that was Gabby bahini with Hawaii. Yeah. So thank you too distant lover, distant lover has been our DJ, for very Detroit and very Ann Arbor and recommending songs for very Chicago. We appreciate you my man. I know you're in Hawaii right now. And you won't be back to Detroit for a little bit. But we appreciate you and we appreciate those tunes that you keep sending our way. You're listening to ask the neighbor. I'm your host Danko Souter AUSkey, you can reach ask the and input a question. You can also put in a service If you're interested in selling your home by yourself, check out bid a new concept where you can put a sign in the front of your lawn and someone can scan it and make you an offer. That's called bid If you're bored, and if you're in a waiting room area, and you'd like to do something on your phone, instead of looking at Facebook, and maybe gaining some information and research and knowledge, check out one You can go to that. And it's an omni platform where you can actually check out films music, you can look at hundreds of different types of digital magazines through there. So that's one I also appreciate our sponsors. Ceci Lincoln and Bank of Ann Arbor for supporting very in Arbor and very Detroit and we just want to shout out to them for Ask the neighbor. Thank you everyone for calling in. So far this week, it's been a heck of a week. We've had a great week. We've got Casey on the line right now. Hello, Casey. Hi, how are you? Oh right. We know you're cruising around somewhere right Jennifer? Where are you today? We don't need to know the exact location but I'm glad you're healthy and I'm glad you were able to call in today. So I know we've we've been talking a few different things we haven't gotten to too many recipes so far. But yesterday we did get a hold of a good rice pudding recipe.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:34

Oh, well let me tell you about the recipe I tried last night. Oh, mac and cheese the carmelized mac and cheese Oh my goodness. Oh. Oh so Oh, yeah, it was great. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1 1:40:50

I mean like so Jennifer was talking about making it but you stepped to the stepped up to the plate Casey and actually made

Unknown Speaker 1:40:57

it I did I did and um, what I did there was some Greer. I bought Greer, but I tried the Grand Cru in it and oh my goodness, it was so crazy. So delicious. The kids loved it. That's my new go to

Speaker 1 1:41:13

wow. So you use carmelize the onions?

Unknown Speaker 1:41:18

I carmelized onions. And then then I made the blackmail sauce. And that's what the flour the butter and the milk and everything. Then you add the cheese. I put it in my dutch oven. And oh my goodness. It was bubbling goodness.

Speaker 1 1:41:36

Oh my goodness. And there was a little spicy too right where your kids

Unknown Speaker 1:41:39

okay with the pepper jack? Yeah. With the with the pepper jack.

Speaker 1 1:41:43

And there was that? Okay, was that too spicy? No, no,

Unknown Speaker 1:41:47

no, no, no, no. Yeah. And the kids didn't even complain. They were like, Mom, this is really good.

Speaker 1 1:41:54

Thank you Ryan Salter man. Thank you Ryan. So I was surprised he shared that because like that's a really good really good yeah recipe and I'm sure he's gonna be serving that up through either salt and coal or go red list. So, man, I'd like to get some feedback from Jennifer and want to know why Jennifer didn't try that dish yesterday.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:21

Well, I got sidetracked by I have Okay, let's just I've got ADHD so I've got great intention. Halting it's unclear what will happen by the end of the day, but I will say that I did purchase rosewater. Oh, had intended to make the rice pudding. But I didn't write. And then I got sidetracked, Casey, you'll appreciate this by another cheese based recipe brought to me by tick tock. And I'm curious if you've heard of it. It's the Fetta cherry tomato kind of thing that's taken the internet by storm. Have you heard about that? And no, but I like that a and cherry tomatoes. That combination? Oh, yeah. And then the basil. Yeah, I liked it. Yeah, yeah, that's good. Oh, my gosh, flavor. This is thrown in the oven. You bake it. So you get a break. And it's right. I mean, you just throw everything into your Dutch oven and walk away and come back 20 minutes later to a pretty, pretty crowd pleasing meal. So that's what I did. And I just kind of cleaned out my fridge and put all kinds of extra vegetables in it and I'll tell you what that is. It's Oh, my kids loved it. It was yours. I've got a really finicky daughter who's like, no, it's got flavor. I don't know if I like it, like so disappointing. But it's the FedEx FedEx kind of simmers down in cooking somehow. I don't know I put some some local honey on it. Oh,

Speaker 1 1:43:57

good. So wait a second. So like this is sounding to me like a Mediterranean? Yeah, it's like Mediterranean. Mac and cheese almost.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:12

Yeah, no, it completely. I mean, it's all fresh ingredients. Yeah, other than that, I mean, fella. I don't think it's particularly fresh. But um, yeah, no, it's totally Mediterranean. It's olive oil. I mean, there's nothing bad in there.

Speaker 1 1:44:28

So we'll cut you some slack Jennifer since you did make you know it is still a that's a great recipe. We I love that you made that you know I'm just sticking with Casey here because she said she's gonna make it and she did.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:43

Oh, my goodness. Let me tell you, I there's something else I discovered to remember when I had my meeting. I had this drink. It's called the purple haze. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Now This is my new go to drink. Okay, so it's purple and oh my goodness. It has sugar, lemonade. It has lavender. And it's a butterfly. pte. I don't know what that is. I have to look that up. I don't know what to. Do you ever heard of that? Jennifer? Butterfly P. P? No. Wait. Yeah, I don't know what it is. No, I can't even guess. Yeah. Yeah, butterfly P T. Like a P, P E A. T. And I don't know what that is.

Speaker 1 1:45:39

Well, that's interesting. You know where you could find that out though. I have the perfect resource for you. Casey is the tea house in Ann Arbor has 180 different teas.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:51

Okay. Okay. But I'm telling you, whatever it is, it's only delicious. Oh, I had two of them. Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 1 1:45:59

Was there alcohol in those?

Unknown Speaker 1:46:01

No, but you know what, I can add some alcohol if I have a little party.

Speaker 1 1:46:08

That's easy to do, isn't it? That's easy. So it's so cool, though. I mean, each of you kind of like had the vibe to cook. And Jennifer took it Mediterranean. And then you went with the mac and cheese. So like, I'm so happy that we're actually making things happen from the show. It's just cool to feel that vibe coming back, that we're instigating some cooking or instigating some people doing some gardening and thinking about doing some fresh things. We're sharing some good recipes here on Ask the neighbor. And thank you, ladies for being such a contributing asset this whole week, in this conversation as we build this show, ask the neighbor calm. It's so cool. That drink sounds amazing. And it sounds pretty simple. Sounds pretty simple, very simple. Very simple. There was there was some other drinks during the pandemic, I know that people were making and, and bragging about and there's been this, like, cold drink thing happening on Yeah, you know, and it's cool. But I just want to warn people, be careful how much you take in because that alcohol can be dangerous for us. And especially as we age, you know, our bodies cannot process it. And the sugars that are in there, you know, not to take it on that note, but I'm just worried about my audience. You know, I just want to say that we care about you. And we are thinking about everybody that supports our show. So thank you for tuning in on Ask the neighbor. What are some other thoughts you guys might have? Jennifer, do you have any questions for Casey?

Unknown Speaker 1:47:51

Um, I do Casey and I'm thinking of your or our pineapple kombucha that's coming your way. Oh, yeah. Yeah, no, do you do you know if the folks who were making what you were drinking prior put in chunks of pineapple or were they putting in pineapple juice? I don't know. I can look at that. Or and you know what it Jennifer it's by Kavita.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:23

Okay EBITA and it's pineapple pizza. Yeah, it's

Speaker 1 1:48:28

pineapple peach. Oh. Ooh, yummy. Yeah, look

Unknown Speaker 1:48:33

at that. Yeah. And I'm like, Oh, gee, I didn't see the pizza until I looked at the bottle.

Speaker 1 1:48:38

Is this still gonna be a good trade for you Jennifer because now we're talking more ingredients here

Unknown Speaker 1:48:44

Yeah, no, that's cool. I'm always up for experimenting with kombucha I did a batch I think I mentioned this the other day that had lavender in it and the kombucha kind of overtake overtook the any lavender flavor in that would have been imparted had it not been such a powerful base. But yeah, I'm open to any and all combinations. So I'll that's my next one. And I'll be in touch Casey,

Speaker 1 1:49:10

pineapple peach. Okay, so you're chunks. That's fine, too. I mean, cuz I like pineapple chunks. So I'm gonna throw this Yeah, I'm gonna throw this out there. Maybe that you? Can you squeeze the pineapple a little bit. And then maybe also throwing some chunks. Yeah, you know, maybe that'll, you know, because I don't know. I don't like using juices. They seem to have no evolution or something like that in there.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:39

Yeah, no, I wouldn't use a process to for any reason. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to head to run dados on outer drive. Oh, got pineapples, and I've seen peaches there. They've got a ton of great produce and a huge fruit section. So

Speaker 1 1:50:01

And in Detroit are seeing

Unknown Speaker 1:50:02

KQED CNK yesterday and and as of today, and Eastern Market tomorrow. Whoo hoo. Well,

Speaker 1 1:50:11

if you guys if anybody needs some feta cheese out there, I've got a great spot Max's deli on 15. And Ryan has all kinds of Eastern European foods, check them out. And they have an unlimited supply of feta cheese people. So check them out Max's deli on 15 and Ryan, and also that tea house in Ann Arbor. The tea house in Ann Arbor is run by a tea sommelier. So if you have a question about anything, tea 180 different varieties. These guys are the experts in tea. So you can check them out online or give them a call to the tea house spelled H au s. Okay, and come to find out I guess it's not England. That's the biggest T Connor sewers. It's actually Germany where this house word comes from? Ha us. House tea house. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, like, you know, there's so many different cool resources around the area. I hope that people can explore these areas and different recipes that we can share. We're hoping that we can share these things on our website this week. All the different things that we learned this week, we'll share on our website, ask the If you are out there and you're thinking boy, I really liked the show. I wonder if I could sponsor it. Sure you can sponsor it. Give us a holler. You could reach us here at the station 248557 3300 or through the website. And you guys could be a part of the show. If you have any questions. If you want to be a good neighbor, give us a call. And we can share that, that thought that question. Here live, we could find some resources for everyone. And shortly after this, we're going to be doing the very Detroit show. We're going to be showing off some different artists after that the very in Arbor and after that very Chicago. So we've got a whole great day lined up for you. I'm glad you're listening to 690 am WNZ K with me, Jennifer and Casey. We just are having a conversation here about all things home and neighbor. Anything interesting that you're up to this weekend, Casey? Um, no, not

Unknown Speaker 1:52:35

really just the typical family stuff, but I do have a gardening question. Oh, I just purchased the bamboo plants. And I gave it some water. And now the shoots are yellow. So did I overwater it?

Speaker 1 1:52:52

Sure we aren't bamboo shoots, like you put them in water with a like with like a rock base.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:01

Yeah, well, this one is in dirt. It has this really neat design. It's like over to the side. I don't know if it'll fit or something. It's really weird. Yeah. Like, yeah, and some of the sheets are yellow now. Jennifer Leo? fracture. Yeah. Is it so it's a houseplant Casey, right. Yeah, it is. Good. So for people who don't know, bamboo, if you plant it outdoors is wildly invasive. So think twice about doing that. But indoors. Yeah, it's a fantastic addition. Did you do by chance have a water filter like Britta or anything like that? No, I do that. That I would start there because sometimes plants can react to different you know, I don't know how to describe it, but different tap waters can have you know, fluorides and other additives in them and that can make a plant kind of go wonky. It also could just be adjusting to the shift from you know, wherever you purchased it to your home. Sometimes plants can go into a little bit of shock. I would err on the side of not watering it for a minute like let that soil truly dry out. And then when you hit it again, try and either you know buy just not distilled water but you know, bring water from the store or just go ahead and get a Brita filter and oak drink that yourself and try and give that to your houseplants and then okay, well I feel like bamboo thrives in any kind of light, but try to not have it in direct light. The first few weeks you've got it because I think it's probably just acclimated to your home. Okay, okay. Well what I did I just added some ice cubes because I have orchids all over the house. And I usually add yes, no the ice cube. And that's what I did with this one. But we drink bottled water, so I'll just give it some bottled water. Yeah, next time. Yeah, I can do that. Okay,

Speaker 1 1:55:16

well, that's good to know. I mean, I know, I know. Personally, I had an experience this year when I brought in my olive tree. Now back in coming, it's sprouting a couple leaves, but I had it inside and it dried out on me. And it was so beautiful outside all last summer. And I'm like, I know I got to bring it in because it's not gonna make the winter and I brought it in and then the leaves fell off because it was got to dry in my house and I wasn't paying attention to it. So there's this whole acclimation period, I think you've got to really be careful when you're bringing plants to your home. Bringing them inside or from another place, sometimes will give you that, um, you know, that transition that you're you're experiencing Casey, I think what's your plan? Okay. That's what it is. Yeah. Okay. Thanks. So Well, thank

Unknown Speaker 1:56:08

you, Jennifer.

Speaker 1 1:56:10

Yeah, Jennifer, that was good. And I appreciate you ladies all week. Thank you so much. We've completed ask the neighbor a two hours a day Monday through Friday 9am 9am till 11am And that kind of rounds up our show. So have a great weekend everybody thank you everyone for tuning in and calling in. Thank you all right. Thanks All right. Here's a tune for you bye.


Unknown Speaker 1:57:55

seeing your face so much no way it's all. Night