Daily Recap > Friday January 28th, 2022
9am >> 915am > > Ted X > Living an authentic life: Dr. Maria Sirois https://youtu.be/ohGMg-LJCjs
9:30 >> The Monthly Standard | OJ Simpson article | Technology
10:30am >> Very Detroit Radio
Music Playlist
Cheap Trick : I want you to want me
Gino Washington
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Speaker 1 0:24
Good morning everyone and welcome to ask the neighbor It is Friday it is January 28 And we've got less than a month before we hit our one year anniversary had asked the neighbor what a Levin months it's been we're gonna start it off with the tune and we will be back. Jane You
alright DJ
Unknown Speaker 4:17
yeah that was cheap trick
Speaker 1 4:18
with I want you to want me all right what a tune what a tune and you are listening to WNZ K 690 Am I'm your host Danko Sutter offski with ask the neighbor show here with DJ chub cusp and in some tunes and always looking for callers give us a ring. Show us some love. 248557 3300 is the number and you can get get a hold of us at any time. You can also text us at 330333 work. That's 330333 work. And we had a text come in from Alice, actually and I'm going to read it here in just a second. But just Just remember, you can always text us. And this text came in a day or two ago. Wait a minute. Yeah, on Wednesday. Hello Danko. Hope all as well. Can't call in. But I will be listening. Can you ask the neighbors for a recipe for braised short ribs? Alright. She will be making them this weekend. I have a recipe but I would like to mix it up a bit. Thank you and everyone stay warm. That was from Alice. And hopefully someone can come up with a braised short ribs recipe sounds like it's going to be a good one. So give us a rang. 248557 3300 is the number. We also Peggy shared some cottage butter horn recipe yesterday, which was awesome. And then Grace came through with a water pie recipe that Greg was looking for. And hopefully we're satisfying all the neighbors with their requests and our content that we're providing. Again, call in numbers 248557 3300. Give us a ring. If you're a first time listener, first time caller, welcome to the show. We're coming up on our first one year anniversary starting March 1, but this this time slot, the neighbors this show has been going on for a long time here on 690 AM. And we continued the process here on 690 am WNZ K between nine and 11am. For ask the neighbor show, you can go to ask the neighbor calm. And you can check out our website where we have different parts and pieces of the people that we talk to we're also adding more and more content to it every day. So like we do a daily show recap, we put that on there. We've also got some of the content contributors links that go right to their information, like Dr. biters, Jennifer Crawford's Juwan Buford and we'll be adding more and more as we go forward. And also, we're looking to add some more recipes into our website so that people can look at some of these recipes that we've been sharing. And hopefully we can get that done in our second year as we move forward. It's complicated, but there's only so much time in the day. And that's all we can do. So we're trying to do as much as we can here on the radio station every day 9am till 11am. Except on Thursdays, we're only here till 10. So give us a call early on Thursdays. And we will continue right now. We're going to go to a TEDx talk to start the day as we wait for callers and that's going to be coming up here in just a second. Um, DJ, did you have something to say? Okay, all right. Very good. No problem. We will be starting off right there to get the conversation started and we will be back after that.
Unknown Speaker 7:52
Think of one thing that you do when you are procrastinating when you're not doing the thing? You ought be doing? One thing everybody got one? Okay, can I hear a few through email, email? Clean the house Why don't you live with me? Television Facebook one more? Pardon. You play with the dogs right play with the dogs you you have a duty to perform. This is your Paladin roomie, you have a duty to perform, do anything else, do any number of things, clean the house, go on email, eat, eat, walk the dogs, do anything else do any number of things occupy your time fully. And yet, if you do not do this task, your time here will have been wasted. very fierce teaching you have a duty to perform. And yet if you do not do this one task, your time here will have been wasted. What is he talking about what was really trying to tell us he was trying to tell us that it is up to us to come awake, to come alive fully alive in the one life that we can live to move away from the limitations that keep us small and boxed in to come into the unique particular being that we are each of us. Now he understood Rumi that this was a particularly kind of difficult task. It is an easy to know what it means to actually live an authentic life to be fully in yourself all of the time. And so he also then wrote a beautiful invitation to sort of self compassion come he said come whoever you are, wanderers, worshipers, lovers of leaving eaters, house cleaners, email doers, whoever you are. Ours is not a caravan of despair. come even if you have broken your vow, even if we've fallen off our own wagon 1000 times. Come, come yet again. Come I'm Maria Siwon, a clinical psychologist and inspirational speaker I work as James He said in the world of death and dying, but also the world of flourishing and one minute into my first experience of working with a child who had a terminal illness. At Dana Farber in Boston, I figured out that I was going to have to figure out what we knew about how to survive. Well, you know, how do we rise in the presence of difficult moments? How do we thrive when Haiti crashes and crumbles? How do we keep ourselves intact? And it turns out, we do know how to do this we meaning the positive psychologists and the mind body medicine people, and the poets and the artists throughout the centuries do know something. And it has to do with this following this notion of actually living an authentic life. That we live an authentic life when we live our life we actually can thrive when we try and live someone else's life. Have you ever tried that? Have you ever married somebody else's spouse, work somebody else's job, right, more or somebody else is closed day after day after day after day, and what starts to happen is you start to feel alive. The opposite of thriving. Sup at your own table. This is Marcus Tullius, Tyro slave and then eventually assistant to Cicero and Friedman sup at your own table. Drink from your own wells, speak from your own heart follow where your own path leads for anyone who hopes to lead you cannot help but lead you astray. Drink from your own wells. So what does this look like? Like in in real life terms today? What does this really look like? It looks like a woman I was teaching a couple of weeks ago, who was at the start of a five day retreat program. And this was opening night and I was invited to talk a little bit about how we thrive and I had introduced this notion of authenticity. And it was the end of the program. And I was saying okay, now if you were going to do this week, if you were going to do this one week, just one week 5% more authentically than before. What would you do and this woman in her mid 50s late 60s stood up and said from Toronto stood up and said I would wear the bunny suit.
Unknown Speaker 12:08
Well, it was Easter time and she had come to the Berkshires with a full on fairy tale ears the whole thing bunny suit, and had this this urge to be the Easter Bunny. And it was a dream she had had her entire life. And she was determined that at this moment in her life, she was going to do it. Well. I didn't see her the rest of the week. But Friday morning, just as she was getting ready to leave. I saw her again. I said did you do it? Did you wear the bunny suit. She said I did. It was amazing. I put it on and I thought I don't care. I don't care anymore. I don't care anymore what anybody else thinks I am going to be what I wanted to be, I don't care. And I took my basket of chocolates. And every single person I saw that day, I said to them, The thing I most wanted to hear when I was a girl. I said to them here, take as much as you want. Take as much as you want. You see when we're authentic. We are self authoring, we author our own way we offer our own day we create our own Look, our own music, our own sound, we come up with ideas that are that are ours that are uniquely ours. We are self measured in self offering, we quiet other people's voices. And we become who we can best be. And to be authentic also means that we are congruent. What that means is that how you think and feel and act and what you value in the world are all they all sort of cohere together so that if you were to say to the world, I'm a kind person, you would actually be kind and you would move in kind ways and you would elevate kindness when you would see it and you reflect reflected back and you would honor it. And so and you would be kind and bring kindness alive. And third, it also means that we give ourselves permission to be fully human. This is from tal Ben Shahar, Israeli psychologist, former Harvard professor, the notion that we get to have all parts of us exist, and all parts of us be honored because there isn't a person yet. I think in the world, who has figured out how to be perfect. Am I right? At least in Berkshire County. There's one guy, one guy was a rumor. It's a rumor. 2000 years ago, permission to be fully human when I was a younger mother, my head at one of those moments with my daughter frequent moments back then when I had to give her a consequence for something I was going to say punished by thought punished was too hard a word for a modern day mom. So I said consequence. So notice how already just standing here, we edit ourselves for the benefit of others. The truth of the matter is I punished the heck out of her and I sent her slamming upstairs and she got halfway up the stairs. She was three and a half years old. She stopped dramatically on the landing and she screamed down at me, I hate you, and I hate all of your parts.
Unknown Speaker 15:16
When we are authentic, all the parts get to exist. All of them get to play together, all the voices at the table get to be heard. We don't necessarily move from all of those voices. We choose the ones most wisely of course that we live from and that we bring forward. But they all get to exist the depressed voice, the sad voice, the weary, the embittered, the passionate, the end passionate, the kind, the bold, the dull, the soft, the still shy, introverted voices, they all get to exist. And when that happens, when when when the bunny gets to play, whatever that might mean for us. The Buffalo also gets to play Brene Brown talks about from University of Houston, how those of us who live wholehearted lives are those of us who allow all of our parts to come together and be well, you know, just be just be that none of us is anything except who we are most fully when we are wholehearted. And the beauty of being wholehearted is that we can then bring that to others. living authentically, actually generates authenticity in others. It's one of the great benefits it passes itself on like generosity begets generosity and kindness begets kindness, authenticity does the same. If you're standing with someone in the presence of someone who is living, truthfully, you feel that urgency to live that way to to figure out what your own bodysuit might be, right? And the other benefits that accrue to from taking the time to figure out what our one task is, and then going there courageously step by step. The other benefits are increased self esteem, and overall psychological well being less depression, less anxiety, less ridiculous eating in the middle of the night, you know, three, three o'clock in the morning, going for the third bag of Doritos. We actually have more pleasure, a sense of meaning in life. And because of those, we are happier. And beautifully, wonderfully, what we now understand is that those of us who live more and more into the truth of our own particular being actually innovate more, we are more creative, we generate, we make things happen, we are who we are, we can take a problem like Duchenne muscular dystrophy and say, Thank you very much, I understand how this has been done for the last 200 years, we are not going there. We are going here, we are going to talk directly to the scientists. And we're going to talk directly to other parents about what has to happen. And we're going to bring the two worlds together, and we're going to make something happen. Or you can be a doctor like Mark Hyman and say, I know something about obesity, and I'm a medical doctor. But I also know something about the human condition. And I can understand that connection has to live fully in order for health to rise. And so why can't I bring those two together? Why can't I create it together, you can be like, I don't even know his name, who makes organs out of printing machine. You know, when we are authentic, we are freed up to create, because we aren't damped down when you damped down a part of yourself when I damped down parts of myself, the other parts don't get to exist. I think it was Golda Meir who said, If you do not experience the depth of your sadness, you cannot experience the fullness of your joy.
Unknown Speaker 18:48
And so I invite you tonight as you go home, like not right now. But soon when you go home, to think about what it would be like to for the next few hours, maybe just the rest of this day to step into 5% more authenticity. What might that be like? Would you go to bed early would you not? Would you wear you know, flannel pajamas or not wear nothing at all. Would you stay awake late into the night because you've seen or heard one thing tonight. That is so like, fascinating to you that the thought of staying with that one thing for just a little bit longer helps you feel like you're six years old again. And the world was bright and magical. And anything could happen. The Easter Bunny actually could show up the next morning and chocolate could be given and you could take as much as you wanted from the world. Remember when you were six. Remember when we were six and the world had accounting magic to it? When I was six, I spent a lot of time in church and I loved my church and I loved my faith. And I loved it so much the whole thing the story is the Catholic Church, Son of God, the whole, the mystery, the ritual, the right, the inset, the whole thing, loved it all. And so by the time I was eight years old, I'd screwed up my courage enough to go to the nuns and say the thing that had been in my heart for a very long time already, you know, six to eight is a very long time when you're young girl. And I went up to the nuns one day Wednesday, and catechism, I don't know why catechism was always on Wednesday, but it was in the 1960s. And I went up to them and said, I want to go to the priest classes. I don't want to go to the regular classes anymore. I want to know how to be a priest. And she said, Well, you know what she said. She said, that is not gonna happen. And yet, I have to tell you how very grateful I am to be here tonight. The generosity of our hosts, and of this community, to have the opportunity to talk about something that's powerful and meaningful and potent for me because it was at that moment at the age of eight, when some part of me kicked in and said, I'm sorry. I'm going to figure out a way anyway. To teach and to offer and to figure out how this part of me that's alive spiritually gets to live anyway, to say something that is sacred, just because it's sacred to me and share that and see what happens. And see what happens. I urge you to go home tonight. Step out of this room, step into yourself. You we we have a duty to perform. Come, come whoever you are. Do anything else do any number of things occupy your time fully? Wanderers, worshipers, lovers of leaving? And if you do not do this one thing, even if we have broken our vows 1000 times it's okay. Your time here? This is our time. Sorry. Thank you
Unknown Speaker 22:15
Alright, DJ, yeah, that was living an authentic life and that was Dr. Maria cirrhosis. Alright, appreciate that. I'm living authentically Chaka. Is that an easy thing to do? Man? Do you think that's easy? Once you get that certain age, you just you live your authentic life? I
Speaker 1 22:34
guess maybe you don't? I don't know. I don't know. Right now you're listening to ask the neighbor. And we have in studio right now. Rodney Pearson, the publisher, founder of the monthly standard. Welcome to the show every Friday. Thank you. Great to be here. Yeah, it's nice to hear hear your voice here. And we were just kind of talking a little bit about recapping from last week. Some of the different parts and pieces that make up the publication. This is a print publication that Rodney has been doing for over five years here in Detroit. And it's a beautiful publication, it covers a lot of different topics. So it's not just what's around the corner. There's other parts and pieces to the paper like technology, you're talking also about global celebrities, right? So you're not just you're not just around the corner, you give people a little spice about a little bit about everything, but it's primarily a local paper. Absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 23:37
Right. Primarily local paper. But as you said, I like to spice it up and, and definitely have national stories because it's online. And people read me from all over the United States of America. So I want to appeal to everyone. And at some point, I want to expand this brand to different cities as
Speaker 1 23:59
well. Okay, perfect. And by doing that, you'll be able to incorporate different parts. And what made you start this newspaper in a time where newspapers were going away?
Unknown Speaker 24:10
Well, I've looked at the local papers, free papers that we have here in the city. And to be quite frank, I thought I could do better. All
Speaker 1 24:19
right. And you have five years later, you're showing it. Yeah, I'm
Unknown Speaker 24:22
actually approaching five years. I'm in my fifth year. It'd be my five year anniversary in April.
Speaker 1 24:29
All right, well, we're having an anniversary to hear for Aston neighbor a one year anniversary for here. All right. And then very Detroit is going to be celebrating its fourth year in production. So a lot of anniversaries man. We are a system of growth. And we've been growing as a media company. And thanks to having excellent people in our network like Rodney to bring us different perspectives from different parts of the city. And he's got knowledge that is different than radio knowledge. This is he's out and about. He's talking with a lot of different people. And we wanted to touch a little bit about some of the pieces in the paper so that we can kind of walk through them. Rodney if you're up for that. So like, let's talk about a piece we didn't get to last week. I apologize about that. But we were going to talk about an article you have in here about OJ Simpson.
Unknown Speaker 25:27
Yes, OJ Simpson is truly a free man is the title? Uh huh. And he is because we all know about what happened. And la ran on Rockingham, and a lot of people are divided on whether OJ did or not. At least they were then Right. Um, it was truly the trial of the century. And let me just ask you, what do you think
Speaker 1 25:55
about his freedom?
Unknown Speaker 25:57
About OJ did he do it?
Speaker 1 25:59
I don't know. I mean, I don't know. I you know, it was so confusing
Unknown Speaker 26:04
the glove. If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.
Speaker 1 26:07
Yeah, but I also know gloves, leather gloves shrink. If they're in heat. You know, I had myself so like, you know what I mean? Like, if that was all that was, you know? If it was only the leather glove that I kept in a really dry spot for a super long time, of course, it's not gonna choke. It
Unknown Speaker 26:29
has to change.
Unknown Speaker 26:33
If he didn't did if he didn't do who did it
Unknown Speaker 26:39
during the Toronto, he was trying to put on Are you serious? was just hilarious. I mean, I watched I was a OJ maniac. I guess I was watching the I mean, from the very beginning when the slow speeds Chase I was I was living on regarding Jefferson at the palms apartment. So historic bill. Yeah, down there. Jefferson way back there. Yes, it is. And watching the next and the what did they play Nixon rockets. I believe it was. Yeah, yeah. Nixon rockets, finals NBA Finals, and they cut in. I'm like, What the heck, huh? And I Oh, man. And the rest is history as they say. Yeah. Because and then and then when OJ was a fugitive of justice, and and then he wrote the kind of sort of suicide note. I mean, the dude was and then the so say, you know, the slow speed chase and everything. And then I'm gonna tell you, I have a story that no one else on the planet has about OJ. Okay. Okay. There's a restaurant used to be a restaurant in Detroit. It was one of the favorites of good old Jim Blanchard. Oh. Yeah, yeah. Governor Blanchett back in the day. It was the rhinoceros. It was in the room. It was in the river town section of run riot pal. Okay. And Orleans. Gotcha. And no, let me correct that. Orleans and Franklin. It was right on the corner of Franklin and Orleans. Okay. And nice little small, intimate place. And right in the middle of the trial. I'm there with a buddy of mine. And who do I see eating dinner? But Johnnie Cochran himself? Is that right? Right in the middle of the trial. Now now the prosecution. They were killing. They were killing it as far as I was concerned. Marcia Clark and Chris Darden. I thought man, oh, J no way in the world. I mean, this guy's a goner. Okay. Everything that they said, as far as I was concerned was absolutely factual. Uh huh. And, uh, and then, you know, at that point, it was the prosecution's case. And the defense hadn't put on their case yet. So this is when I meet, um, Johnnie Cochran. Well, I see Johnnie Cochran. So then I'm sitting there. I'm standing there having a drink with a buddy of mine who just finished law school. And I said, Man, go ahead, man. Talk to him. You just finished law school. He said, like, man, that's Johnnie Cochran. I say I'm gonna go ahead and talk to him. So I noticed that they were finished eating, and they were just having after dinner conversation. And I said to Johnny, Hey, Johnny. My name is Rodney Pearson And I watched the OJ trial every day and I have to tell you, you guys are getting creamed demand. There's no way in the world that OJ is gonna win. case. And he looks at me. And he says this, I'll never forget it. He says there is no way that we're going to lose this case. There's one thing that I see every day that you do not see. And I said, what is that? He said, The jurors eyes. And believe you me, we will not lose this case, nine months later, when the acquittal came in and record time. I, that's the first thing I thought about was Johnny. I was like, wow, he hadn't even put his case on yet. And he knew he was a winner.
Speaker 1 30:39
I mean, he's a very talented man. You know, there's not a lot of people like, with his expertise,
Unknown Speaker 30:44
they picked the right jury. They picked the right me because LA just it was right after the Rodney King thing, right years after that, right, you know, with the cops getting off and everything. Yeah. And it's so it race was all over this case. And but
Speaker 1 31:02
it was a touchy time, but they're in LA.
Unknown Speaker 31:04
But yeah, you want to answer the question flat out? Well, I'll answer it. Oh, Jay did it.
Unknown Speaker 31:09
Wow. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 31:14
He didn't do it. Like Chuck says, who did?
Speaker 1 31:16
But he's a free man. Now. That's what the articles about he's actually free.
Unknown Speaker 31:20
But and but But see, he did do some jail time. And Nevada. And those charges were trumped up seriously. I mean, come on the guy. They put them in jail for taking back his own memorabilia. And and then they accused him of kidnapping and all of that. It's, that's Yeah, normally if if the if the case hadn't have happened, this would have been a probation case all the way in, it would have even went to trial. Right. Right. But because Oh, J was so notorious at that point. And, you know, those prosecutors in Nevada were like, Hey, man, we're gonna get this guy we're gonna get Yeah, yeah, you're you're going down, pal? Yeah. So well.
Speaker 1 32:05
I mean, he could have probably bought those back or something. You know, I mean,
Unknown Speaker 32:09
I mean, he didn't have to take
Unknown Speaker 32:12
a millionaire. I mean, he's the juice. He's the superstar Rennaker this guy was on Monday Night Football. And now he was announcer there. He's done everything I did the Naked Gun movies and everything, right. I mean, the guy was, I mean, he was OJ and, and, and he just ruined it all, man.
Speaker 1 32:33
And, you know, you got to be careful in your life. Because I think you're, you know, the way we react, right to certain situations, is everything, you know, so like, if we react if we don't take the time to think when we react, and to, you know, not react out of anger to react out of, you know, logic? Yes. You know what I mean? That's the difference. And that's what I think that we can learn from this, you know, your whole life can explode. And then what do you what did you actually do? You know, I mean, he ruined his whole life over jealousy, jealousy, and his inability to handle it, control his anger, you know, and there's a lot of people that blow up relationships and do different things in different ways all the time be based on you responded to, you responded in a negative way. You didn't think about what you were saying you acted in a certain way? Well, you know, as we become more evolved human beings, we've got to take that time to think about that other person, and to take that time to think about what's going to happen to me and is it going to be worth it? Like, if you don't have that ability to think of that? Like he could have just said, You know what, I'm just gonna, you know, I'm not gonna mess with them, let them do whatever. And I'm going to leave my life you know,
Unknown Speaker 33:56
what kind of blind rage that was? That was just incredible. Yeah, when you? Yeah, look at the pictures of it. And it's just, yeah, it was a terrible terrible thing that happened
Speaker 1 34:09
and we could talk about this all show really, if you break down this thing they talked about it for months, but we wanted to touch on this that these are some of the things you'll find in the monthly standard. That's just one example of something that's more of a national international story that you'll find in the monthly standard. Ronnie, what are the things that you did you want to touch base on about your publication here going in order
Unknown Speaker 34:34
well as and we can also prop up good Oh, Gino as we did a couple of weeks ago.
Speaker 1 34:43
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. On the back page of your publication you've got Gino Washington should be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. So I'm going to read right off of here the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame requires an artist must have released their first record at least 25 years before they are eligible for induction. Gino Washington released his first record almost 60 years ago. He has a string of hits from the 1960s including Gino is a coward out of this world, baby be mine and more. Gino has influenced current members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, including Bruce Springsteen pictured here in the newspaper. That's some research you're doing Ronnie, when you're doing these articles, it's not just, you know, you're doing a lot of work here that,
Unknown Speaker 35:31
yes, a lot of work goes into each publication.
Speaker 1 35:36
So you're fighting for the little guy a lot of times Oh, absolutely. In this paper and you call it the people's paper? Yes, I
Unknown Speaker 35:42
do. And and one of the things if we could go back to the edition right before this, and talk about airless tires, technology I'm really big into the technology is well, okay. And, you know, within 10 years, all cars will ride on airless tires.
Speaker 1 36:03
See that? Those are things people don't know, you're you're giving them information that's unique that you might not see in normal media.
Unknown Speaker 36:12
And and I'll read that for the people. All right. Michelin is working with General Motors on a new airless tire system. They are calling it up to us. That acronym stands for a unique puncture proof tire system. This new tire will be flat free, because it's not supported by air. It is supported by a rip suspension system. Now we have pictures on the page, you everyone can go to the monthly standard diet news and go to the archive page and click on the November December 21 issue. And you could actually see the rubber tires or or the the arrows tires. They look like rubber spokes. Okay, the RIP suspension system. Yeah, and those rubber spokes are supposed to provide a much smoother ride to because they act as an extra set of shock absorbers. The main benefit of these tires is obvious. They would never have to be inflated. Drivers will never have to concern themselves about air pressure or blowouts ever again, these tires will be extremely durable. And we're all going to be riding on these tires and about 10 years.
Speaker 1 37:29
Wow, it's pretty cool, especially since the pothole situation in Detroit. No boy, it's it's better than it was. Right. We've had some roads repaired. But there's some super big potholes and people are blowing out tires left and right. Talking about
Unknown Speaker 37:44
Detroit. How about Southfields?
Speaker 1 37:46
Right here, right here, right
Unknown Speaker 37:48
here where we are. But yeah, South feels terrible, man.
Speaker 1 37:51
I mean, there's been what's happened to the roads here in Southfield they don't
Unknown Speaker 37:57
repair them. You know, I mean, Governor Whitmer. She, you know, actually, in the last year, I have seen a couple of roads repaired that were really bad with potholes. So there's so many roads in Southfield that need to be repaired. I mean, I don't happen overnight. But it does seem that they're trying to smooth it out and get things done here in Southfield slowly but surely.
Speaker 1 38:27
Well, I tell you, Southfield on the move, for sure. Here we're overlooking Northland mall and its deconstruction that's been happening and then the reconstruction they're making a city center right here as we overlook that whole big space here on Eight Mile and Greenfield. And so Southfields on the I think on the move, you know what I mean? I really think it's property values have gone up.
Unknown Speaker 38:51
Oh, yeah. I love the skyline of Southfield right along Northwestern highway there.
Speaker 1 38:56
Yes. Yeah, the powers Yeah, right. That's what we're not we're that's where we are. But we're just a little south of the ANC tower. Yeah, exactly. We were the beginning of the towers. Before the tower right,
Unknown Speaker 39:09
right. Yeah, we're at the beginning of the Southfield skyline.
Speaker 1 39:12
Alright, you What do you say we put on some Gino Washington show showcase some of his songs here. The DJ Chuck was pulled up.
Unknown Speaker 39:19
He rocks. Yeah, let's rock with Gina. All right, let's go I'm gonna love you when the sun goes down I'm gonna love you I love.
Speaker 1 41:35
Alright DJ,
Unknown Speaker 41:37
yeah, that was Gino Washington out of this world.
Speaker 1 41:40
So some of our neighbors might remember Gino Washington, spelled G I N. O at Washington. We've been talking with Ronnie Pearson from the monthly standard dot news. And we're reviewing what kinds of things that you might find in the paper, you can also go to our website, very detroit.com and click on the today and Local button. And that's going to take you to a page of all the different publications in Detroit that we think are relevant. And we put the monthly standard in there as a one of the links to go to and connect up with. So with us right now we've got Rodney Pearson, Thank you Rodney for coming into the studio and hanging out with us and sharing this interesting information really a publication that came into play in a time when publications were withering away.
Unknown Speaker 42:31
Yeah, see, and, and something that's also very important is it's the my website, the monthly standard, that news, people have told me that they could get on the website and stay there all day, because of the video content. There's videos of so so so much on there. And I would love you guys to get in there. And check. Take a look, we have movies, we have music videos, in each story has a corresponding video. So for example, if you go to the archive page, and you see a headline that that you like, more than likely it's going to be a video that corresponds with it.
Speaker 1 43:15
Nice. Well, these are the things that we're trying to bring you interesting media that's local. That's our focus. You know, we get down real local Ronnie with our neighbors and asking questions about anything. And yesterday we even decided some recipes about some the water pie recipe that we decided. And we always are looking for interesting content. Interesting questions. If anybody has any questions, give us a call. 248557 3300 That's the number. I want to make sure that we acknowledge the people that support us thank you to fathers justice law 313-819-9176 Thank you to one mag.tv your waiting room media solution. Thank you to Detroit bold coffee.com boldly brewed and Motown you can put in the very Detroit promo code. All one word all lowercase right there and Detroit bold coffee calm or you can go to very detroit.com and click on the shop Detroit button and enter your very Detroit promo code all one word, all lowercase. Thank you to tax solutions. consultants.com. Rene Carcetti can help you be more resilient as we traverse these financial times that are unknown really we're in we're in a situation that we've never been in before with interest rates and prices and inflation. So if you want to make sure you're protected and you got a good strategy, call tax solutions. consultants.com Rene concetti, a longtime listener of ask your neighbor 248-566-3362 That's tax solutions consultants.com 248566336 To thank you to kebab Island, located on 30 T mile road just decided to Shaner right across the street from Rand dazzles on 13 Mile Road kebab island.com Check out the menu right there. You can make an order and they're going to take care of you and they're going to give you some food with love 586-751-7511 Kebab Island, some of the best Mediterranean food I've ever tasted. That's kebab island.com. Check them out. 10% When you mentioned ask the neighbor thank you to Troy jewelers to 485280962 located on Rochester road between big Beaver and wattles. That's Troy jewelers, a family run business for over 35 years folks. You bring in the design and they will make it for you. Troy jewelers you can reach them online at Troy diamonds calm thank you to Louis Tire Service, Louis Tire Service located on Eight Mile Road A 317 East Eight Mile Road 248-542-0930 Let them know ask the neighbor sent you and you'll get half off of your tire repair. Right now. We've got Flora from Arkansas. Hello, Flora. Hey. Welcome to our show all the way from Arkansas.
Unknown Speaker 46:12
Yeah, I've been here. We've been here for a long time and we ended detroit michigan. Oh,
Speaker 1 46:19
wait a minute. Are you in Arkansas? Are you from Detroit?
Unknown Speaker 46:23
We we in Detroit, Michigan. Our homes in Africa and from Arkansas. Okay, me my mother was from Arkansas. Welcome. I've been in Detroit for a while.
Unknown Speaker 46:36
Okay, so you're a Detroit or do you like Gino? Detroit? Oh, yeah. Missy.
Speaker 1 46:45
My name is Danko. And then we have Rodney here.
Unknown Speaker 46:48
Okay, I can't remember your name.
Speaker 1 46:52
Danko Danko. Danko. Oh, so when did you come up to Detroit?
Unknown Speaker 47:03
Oh, I've been here a good man. Really? Yeah, really?
Speaker 1 47:10
You got people call me. Well, you got a beautiful name. And thank you for your compliments. You know, it's really nice. Florida. Ronnie has a question.
Unknown Speaker 47:18
What's your name? Okay, Flora. Flora. How are you? I'm fine. How are you? Sir? I'm great. Great. Now what part of town are you from?
Unknown Speaker 47:28
We from me. My sister. My brother. We my mother had as a last step mother raises. We we from getting I can shop.
Unknown Speaker 47:39
Oh, no. What part of Detroit are you from? Okay, we ate this once you get me a napkin. It's a very nice treat in Detroit. Oh, good. Hey, see, you know, thank you. Calling because you prove my point. I was telling Danko just a couple of days ago. There's a lot of people that that are listening. And they just don't pick up the phone to call. There's so many and you're one of them. Thank you. So we thank you for picking up the phone today to call. Yeah, she confirmed she listens. Yeah,
Speaker 1 48:13
thank you for you know, we
Unknown Speaker 48:14
don't like more like her out there. Yeah, we
Speaker 1 48:16
love to hear that. You know, because we don't know how many people are listening and you know, those compliments really make me smile on my smiles from ear to ear. Right is your
Unknown Speaker 48:27
show? The show?
Speaker 1 48:28
Thank you so much flora. And you know what? Anytime you want to call, please feel free to call in if you have a question. Or just a comment. We love it.
Unknown Speaker 48:37
Just want to shoot the breeze. Yeah, shoot the breeze. So
Unknown Speaker 48:40
yeah. It says my name here. You're not kidding. Call you
Speaker 1 48:47
free. Yeah, no problem when you can when you can. Okay, thank you so much for calling in today. And all those compliments. Okay, all right. Take care. All right, that was Flora Flora originally coming from Arkansas. But now in Detroit for some time loving our show. She's saying she loves the show. So that gives us a lot of enthusiasm, right? What's another good word that you can figure for that? It a lot of enthusiasm, a lot of motivation it gives us to come back the next day. Because guess what, none of us have to either put on the radio or come to the studio, you know, these are all choices that we have to make. And when we do these things, we're showing that look, you know, we are enjoying this company that we have right here on the radio, our community that we have been creating over this last year. And that's a longtime community of neighbors that had really care about each other. I don't know Rodney, if you know, but like this, this is a community like we care about what's happening with other people that are in our sphere here. Much like what I think you do about what you write about. Yes, right. I mean, it's a community Unity you care about what you print you care about what is being said and you want to make sure people aren't being taken advantage of so true right and that's why I think we are on the same page A lot of times we're thinking about this we're thinking about that. You know, I heard Alicia Keys birthday was a couple days ago man and boy Alicia Keys
Unknown Speaker 50:21
didn't she make that song waterfalls or something like that?
Speaker 1 50:25
Probably she is man amazing amazing woman low
Unknown Speaker 50:30
jam it was out TLC to not to see
Speaker 1 50:35
oh right there with with TLC and Alicia Alicia Keys fallen fallen that's it that's the song yeah
Unknown Speaker 50:46
man I love that song Yeah,
Speaker 1 50:48
yeah, you want to hear it? Alright here you go Alicia Keys let's go and sometimes sometimes I feel good you know Me you way you? All right, DJ.
Unknown Speaker 54:20
Yeah, that was Alicia Keys with fallen.
Speaker 1 54:23
Alright everybody. Thank you for listening to our show. We appreciate it. You're listening to ask the neighbor. I'm your host Danko Center. offski with DJ Chubb CA, special guest today, Rodney Pearson from the monthly standard dot news, a publication that has been man it's really special, I think because there's just not much print out there that people can actually pick up like in the old days. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 54:48
I'm all over the city, east side, west side downtown New Center area. If you do not see the paper, it's actually a good thing because that means people are picking them up and and people do pick them up. And so but if you don't see the paper, you have to do is go to the website, www dot the monthly standard dot news and read the paper on there and watch all the video content that I have. There's so much video content, it's you won't believe it, you could spend all day on my website just watching videos.
Speaker 1 55:22
But then also you can go back to the all the papers that you've written Absolutely, and scroll through them and scroll
Unknown Speaker 55:28
and gut and you can read every addition, I have, just click the archive tab and, and you could read every monthly stamp every monthly standard back issue, right,
Speaker 1 55:40
which is pretty cool. And I was perusing through some of that content. And anybody can you just go to the monthly standard dot news or go to very detroit.com and click on the Today button. And that's going to show you all the different media that we have links to and what the first button is to the monthly standard on the first top left dot news. Alright, want to make sure that we acknowledge our supporters, thank you to fathers justice law 313-819-9176 Thank you to one mag.tv your waiting room media solution accessible through a QR code you can go and use this in any waiting room that you feel might need something to entertain the people that are there. Maybe you're an auto service that you don't have magazines anymore, maybe you do pedicures and you're a beauty salon and you don't want to mess with magazines anymore, you don't have to, all you have to do is go to one mag dot two TV, click on the Print button, it's going to take you two options to print it. And you can it'll print out a QR code that gives you give will give your patients or people you're servicing a way to click in and scan the QR code and then it'll bring you right to all the different information. One mag.tv your waiting room media solution. Thank you to tech solutions consultants.com Rene concetti can help you be more resilient during these financial times that we are in to 485663362 if you have money sitting in a bank, and you're wondering how much value and power that will bring you ask Renee, what you should do to protect yourself and the value of your money as we go forward. Tax solutions consultants.com helps businesses with an exit plan if you're looking to somehow pass on the business trying to figure out the valuation. Renee concetti 248-566-3362 from tech solutions consultants. Thank you to Detroit bold coffee.com boldly brewed and Motown and one of our first promo code users Detroit bold coffee.com. You can also go to the shop Detroit button and use that promo code for other retailers within our website. But Detroit bold coffee.com is where you can use the very Detroit button Detroit bold coffee is also available at Meyers Kroger and at the Eastern Market every Saturday. And you can check them out try a cup of joe the proceeds actually go to a Cass corridor homeless shelter there, thank you to kebab Island 586-751-7511 And thank you to Troy jewelers, Troy diamonds.com to 485280962 located on Rochester between big Beaver and wattles and thank you to Louis Tire Service Louis Tire Service located on Eight Mile Road 317 East eight mile road 248-542-0930 And again, that's Lewis Tire Service half off all your tire repair. When you mentioned ask the neighbor we're going to go to a station ID break and we will be back
Unknown Speaker 58:52
WNZ came as available a few good hours of airtime for a few good programs to serve their communities. Radio is better than ever, in targeting an audience that listens to what you say. Learn more about this exciting radio broadcasting opportunity by calling WNZK radio at 248557 3500 Verse is w NZK Dearborn heights Detroit's your ethnic superstation out 690 days 680 Nights
Speaker 1 59:29
Alright, welcome back everybody to the top of the second hour here at Ask the neighbor. Ask the neighbor calm is one way to access all of our information. You can click and stream our show from ask the neighbor calm or go to very Detroit calm and click on the WNZK button and it will take take you to our stream wherever you are. You can take w NZK With you by clicking on very detroit.com and that w NZK button you can also click the listen button on very detroit.com it'll take you to all of our past shows. So that's pretty sweet. Right now we've got Rodney Pearson in the studio from the monthly standard dot news. And we've been discussing his publication,
Unknown Speaker 1:00:12
Rodney, hey, I'm here.
Speaker 1 1:00:15
And we've had some great talk so far, discussing, like, for instance, where the publication is where you might be able to find it, how is it found online? Then the different articles that are discussed and why it was started?
Unknown Speaker 1:00:30
Yeah, well, actually, what I want to promote are the videos on the website. Please go to the website folks. And just take a look at the videos on the website. You'll you'll love them all. For example. See my my phone is locking up and there's so many that even I don't know every video that I have. Alright, but because I want to scroll down but this hey, you know, this isn't this great. You know, live radio, live TV, MA You know, it's like you got to keep it
Speaker 1 1:01:05
rolling. You do? Yeah, sure. No way around it. There's no
Unknown Speaker 1:01:11
dead space man
Speaker 1 1:01:17
knows all about that man. He gets all right. He's not like That's right. Well, we appreciate everybody for tuning in calling in, feel free to give us a call 248557 3300 Like Flora did originally from Arkansas, and now a Detroit resident and letting us know how much she likes to show we really man we get we get a lot of energy when somebody calls in like that, especially a new caller. And just letting us know that some other folks are listening out there. Right. And you know, I mean, right. And I try to do the right thing.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:55
I told you, Dan code, people are out there listening. They just don't want to call for some reason. It's alright. And and it's yes, it's okay. Not everyone calls, right? People like to listen, people like to be entertained by us. Yes, yes. Yes. Yeah. But as far as calling people are like, Man, I don't want to be on the radio. Well,
Speaker 1 1:02:17
you never know what that Danko is gonna ask me.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:21
There's a fear that not everyone is an extrovert like yourself, Hey, yo, people want to listen. Well.
Speaker 1 1:02:29
I mean, it's, it's I do that all the time. I mean, for you know, I listen a lot. You know what I mean? Most, most of my whole day I'm listening. Right me, you know, I mean, I'm not talking most of the rest of the day. I'm just listening. So I can appreciate that. You know, I mean, sometimes we just want to be entertained. We don't want to say anything. You know, after doing the show for almost a year now here steady 9am till 11. And every Friday we do very Detroit as we've done for over three years now. Going on our fourth year with very Detroit and coming up on our I think two year anniversary with very Ann Arbor one year with very with a one year with very Chicago. Right now. We've got David from Detroit on the line. Hello, David. What's up?
Unknown Speaker 1:03:19
Oh my god. I can't believe I'm still with you can't believe it. Can't believe are you doing? Yeah, I'm doing quite well. A lot of situations going on. Yeah.
Speaker 1 1:03:33
What did you have some kind of medical problem? Did you have a medical situation?
Unknown Speaker 1:03:38
Yeah. Oh, no. He can deliver a debt was wondering what racking peanuts by the way.
Speaker 1 1:03:48
All right. Rocky peanut company, man. That's a great place. Shout out to Rocky Pina company in the Eastern Market.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:57
Yeah, go. Hey, these kids fight needs. These kids are fighting over. It's crazy. You know, I mean, boy,
Speaker 1 1:04:07
what are they fighting over? Well, you say money, greed. Money. Tennis shoes.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:14
Yeah, yeah. When I go tennis plant, yeah.
Speaker 1 1:04:19
When? When do you play tennis? There David? In the summertime. We just got to stretch you out a little bit. You'll be just good as new. We just got a stretch you out.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:36
Somebody called me somebody told me for Dolly Parton. Okay, good. And I gave him your number. It was I gave me your number to the radio station. Excellent. And he or she wagon? Children want to call you or whatever. But yeah, I sent him a letter to Dolly Parton. She's in Hendersonville, Anders, real
Speaker 1 1:05:03
Tennessee. Hendersonville, Hendersonville, Hendersonville, Andersonville.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:11
Yeah. I said, Can you? Can you please have protocol the radio station? Code plan diary one time a day? Yes.
Speaker 1 1:05:24
Yes. Have we put? We haven't played Dalia have we? Oh, we didn't get it. That's important man. Where you know, hey, do you know? Yesterday? Hey
Unknown Speaker 1:05:36
guys, neighbors, okay. This this is this is I get I go to sleep when the sun goes down and I wake up at night, I think is the world still turning around? But we got diary diary. That was a certified letter and
Speaker 1 1:06:01
yeah, God bless her. And you know what, I don't know if you're listening to the show. You know if you were listening to the show yesterday, David. Dolly Parton has made a deal with Duncan Hines.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:13
You know me? Yeah, I
Speaker 1 1:06:17
mean, that's right up our alley here, man. I mean, this is what we talk about all the time, you know, so we're talking recipes, baking all this other stuff and Dolly Parton cuts a deal with Duncan Hines. You know, baking products and stuff like that. So your
Unknown Speaker 1:06:32
Speaker 1 1:06:34
Oh, no, man. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:40
youngster the best song to play today. Got it guys do shopping. Too much greed. Just too much greed. Boy. Yeah, usually, usually all the corporation's raised all the taxes and everything by or present. No other product went out 4% They want to make Procter Gamble Kraft and all right, we can't. We can't afford to be in this big corporation guy. And that's probably an galley janitor birthday, I think on Tuesday on Monday.
Speaker 1 1:07:17
Yeah, something like that. Happy birthday to Dolly. And that's how this thing all got started was because of her birthday. And then we started doing talking a little bit more about some of the things that she is a part of. I know she does a lot of philanthropic type things where she's helping charities and children and whatnot. And that's what I really want to talk to her but now with the Duncan Hines recipe thing going I think we're gonna have to have her share some recipes.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:45
Right? What kind of cake is she gonna make now?
Speaker 1 1:07:48
Well? I don't know. I'm not sure. I'm not sure but they're gonna be a Duncan Hines man cut a deal with Dolly Parton to make her southern baking, you know? So it's gonna be good. I think it's gonna be good.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:08
Hey, baby, jet calm me. Mini jet. Benny jet is that okay, I've been eating ramen. I shared the dada. Something going on at that bar. And the token lounge. Yeah. Yeah. token on Sunday. Okay, what date? Are you gonna be calling it? Well, it's
Speaker 1 1:08:32
this Sunday. This Sunday actually coming up on the 30th at the token lounge.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:39
Hey, what should I wear? Well,
Speaker 1 1:08:41
I would wear something rock and roll, man. Okay, what do you think Ronnie? Rock and roll?
Unknown Speaker 1:08:48
Jeans man jeans and a T shirt a to do? There we go. The monthly standard that news dude.
Speaker 1 1:08:58
Monthly stat. You might have seen the publication. It's all over the city.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:03
Right. Are you in Detroit? Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:06
Yeah. Okay, what's your
Unknown Speaker 1:09:10
it's the monthly standard. And I'm all over the city of Detroit. I believe you're downtown. I remember you last week
Speaker 1 1:09:18
for I think you're right on Fourth Street, aren't you? David?
Unknown Speaker 1:09:21
Yeah, I travel everywhere.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:24
Now behind the fox, okay. Yeah. Cuz in your neighborhood, the closest place would be the it used to be called the trolley Plaza apartments. I forget what they call themselves out. They show that? Yeah, it's in there. But if you're not a red that's for the residents, but there's a store right next to it. It's adjacent to the building. We have papers there. And we have papers in the alley right along Woodward Avenue. Those are the new alley. They're
Unknown Speaker 1:09:56
your target market.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:59
Pardon. Oh yeah, that's the one Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:05
He passed away with cancer about three years ago. Real nice lady. And sorry to hear that. Yeah. Well you know what, when I die, made sure dial in makes a big cake.
Speaker 1 1:10:22
Well, you take care of yourself. I don't want to hear that kind of talk. I want to hear talk of living. All right. I want you to live man, you keep living.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:33
Like I say, we need to, we need to tell you a good song and encourage Dolly. I didn't know she was like 78 years old. You don't learn to have I met her and you can see the tendency Gunson and Clayton Moore was there what more fathers do but more fed JDF go meet Gary. I met Johnny. Johnny goes, man. Oh, yeah.
Speaker 1 1:11:05
Haha. Well, David has been great to hear your voice today. And we're gonna play a Dolly Parton song right now, for you here in a second. And we appreciate your call. Rodney Pearson.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:21
I'm Rodney Pearson. Nice to meet you as well. Dave, I look forward to talking to you again.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:27
Yes. left the building. Right What the junk recipe? Exactly, exactly.
Speaker 1 1:11:37
All right. All right. We will. We will play a Dolly Parton song here in just a second. Oh, wait, we got.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:44
Do you want to take Lucy first? Oh, yeah. Before we do that, we'll
Speaker 1 1:11:46
take Lucy David. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:50
Keep in contact, but Dolly Parton is making a new case now.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:55
All right. All right. All right. I love it.
Speaker 1 1:11:57
Thank you, David. All right. We've got Lucy on the line right now. We're gonna go to Lucy right now. Hello, Lucy. Hi, Lucy.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:06
Hello. How are ya? Good.
Speaker 1 1:12:08
Good. How are you today? Good. Good. Excellent. Excellent.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:12
Okay. Dolly Parton's cakes are going to be coconut. Okay, and banana pudding.
Speaker 1 1:12:20
Oh, all right. That's it. Those are the only two
Unknown Speaker 1:12:23
on TV. That means that something about a creamy chocolate frosting and another one. But you wouldn't put those on those cakes. Oh, maybe somebody else remembers. Maybe they said that creamy chocolate and maybe ice. I'm thinking it was some type of anova.
Speaker 1 1:12:43
Okay. Yeah, the standard. The standards.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:47
Yeah, but you wouldn't put the chocolate on banana pudding cake or a coconut cake?
Speaker 1 1:12:54
No, you wouldn't put on a coconut cake.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:57
No. Okay. No, you would put a creamy, seven minute frosting with coconut. Ah, well, that's what my husband's family you know does. Oh, okay, that But see that's just put chocolate frosting on a coconut cake. I don't get to what
Speaker 1 1:13:14
I mean, I probably would. I mean, I'm thinking of an almond jewelry now. Be just like an Almond Joy.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:22
Will not be like a mouse. Mouse. Mouse. Yeah, I'm not sort of be at almond job.
Speaker 1 1:13:27
Correct? Correct. I might throw some almonds in there. But what an interesting thing that that kind of happened here with Duncan Hines. And, and Dolly Parton. Yeah. Really interesting.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:40
Yeah, I wonder how much they'll be?
Speaker 1 1:13:42
I bet you they're gonna be about the same price. I bet you I bet you won't be that much. Yeah, that's a good question, though. I wonder if it's if people would think that it's gonna raise the price. Right? No, no,
Unknown Speaker 1:13:52
March. I believe the TV said.
Speaker 1 1:13:55
All right. Well, that's right when we make our one year anniversary, so
Unknown Speaker 1:13:59
I know. Mark should be Matalan?
Speaker 1 1:14:04
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. So yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:10
Can you get your paper?
Speaker 1 1:14:12
Hey, Rodney, there's a question. Lucy's asking right now. Hey, Lucy, where else can I write papers?
Unknown Speaker 1:14:19
I'm all over the city of Detroit and the suburbs that abuts Detroit. So, Southfield Warren, Lincoln Park, a River Rouge Ferndale? Exactly, yeah. Cities that
Unknown Speaker 1:14:33
get it in Ferndale. Were
Unknown Speaker 1:14:36
right along what we're right at cosmos. Oh, cool walls. Oh, I'm sorry. Almost. Yeah, exactly. Almost. Exactly. Right. And so so there. And um, so that's the only that's my only outlet right there. What about Hazel Park and Hazel Park? that's gonna be a new distribution spot. I'm you. I'm on the Detroit side already, but I'm not on the Hazel Park side, but I'm gonna be at that store that we discussed. Okay. You tell us the name of it. It's your neighborhood. Oh, Lars. Yeah. Oh, ours last stop. Yeah, so I'm gonna be
Speaker 1 1:15:21
Oh, Lars. Oh, Lars. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 1:15:23
Lord. Okay. I know. That's right. I need my rope. Yeah,
Speaker 1 1:15:25
yep. Yeah. Russell and Russell.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:29
Yes, I know. I know.
Speaker 1 1:15:31
Yep. So we'll get him in that. That's, that's a great location.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:35
Yeah. I'm gonna have I'm gonna starting in a couple of weeks, and in a week, actually, by this time, next week, the paper will be out really?
Unknown Speaker 1:15:44
All right. Well, this time next beginning of the month, they're out.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:48
Yes, they're there. They come out every 45 days, actually.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:52
Every 45 days. Okay. So when I can go back to church down in Hazel Park, I can get them. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 1:15:57
yes. And if you can't find because they go fast. You can always go online and go to WWE that the monthly standard that news well, hey,
Speaker 1 1:16:07
we not do line? Yeah. Do the online. Okay. Yeah. Our phone,
Unknown Speaker 1:16:13
I can understand that radio is an hour and I made the paper I created the paper for baby boomers such as ourselves. Exactly. Yeah. Like who likes something tangible? Because I'm not really a wizard online myself, believe me?
Unknown Speaker 1:16:28
A lot of us. Don't go online. Yes,
Unknown Speaker 1:16:32
I am. Okay, I understand.
Speaker 1 1:16:34
But we have, but people that can do that for us.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:37
So but also, if you were to give us your name and address, I could actually mail papers out to you because I do have a subscription services well, to where I mail papers to my subscribers. Pretty sweet. Oh, you go. I do. And that's only $50 for the year. A
Unknown Speaker 1:16:59
year. Okay. A whole year.
Speaker 1 1:17:01
So you get 12 issues.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:04
And what is the what is the number to call to get that don't dummies guideline?
Unknown Speaker 1:17:10
No, it's It's 1-844-595-8859. Okay, one more time. That's 844595859.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:30
Okay, okay. Sounds interesting.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:33
Yes. And I truly appreciate you. Oh, you do? Most definitely.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:39
Appreciate you. And Danko. Lucy. Here is Lucy. Lucy, thank
Speaker 1 1:17:49
you so much for the call Lucy, and we appreciate you every day. Thank you, everyone. Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:54
We appreciate you. I missed you yesterday.
Speaker 1 1:17:57
Well, we're still on.
Unknown Speaker 1:18:00
Yeah, that's That's all right. Yeah. Okay. Well, yeah. You'll take care of that. Yeah, we will. We will keep Okay.
Speaker 1 1:18:08
All right, Lucy, thanks for the call. We'll talk to you later and have a great weekend.
Unknown Speaker 1:18:11
All right, everybody else, so keep warm.
Speaker 1 1:18:14
Yeah, stay warm and stay safe, everyone. All right. That was Lucy from Chesterfield, letting us know that. She's interested in the monthly standard dot news.
Unknown Speaker 1:18:24
Hey, thanks, man. I appreciate it. There's a lot trying to grow. We want to grow my brand. We want to grow your brand. By this time next year, we want to have quadruple the numbers of readers and
Speaker 1 1:18:36
listeners just spread the good word. We want to do spend the good word you
Unknown Speaker 1:18:40
know what it's I say it's time to start talking about John O'Leary.
Speaker 1 1:18:45
Well, you know, I got to do what I promised that I had to do. And that's it. From here. We got to play one Dolly Parton song that we have not played yet. Okay, right. We have not played one yet. So we got to play one Dolly Parton song we're gonna go to that now. Your show, Dan. Yes, it is and then we're gonna pick up we got a great couple guests coming up. After this song. We're gonna go to that. Here we go. This is Dolly Parton song one dolly song a day until she calls
Unknown Speaker 1:19:15
Alright, here we go
Unknown Speaker 1:19:31
I can see you're disappointed. By the way you look at me.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:40
And I'm sorry. You thought I'd be Yes, I made my mistake. But listen, and understand my mess stakes are no just speak oh so when you feel sorry for yourself just just let me tell you this then we'll both know where we stand. My mistakes are no. You just become a good girl and you ruin her reputation but woody stem marry. Well, that's a different situation. Just Whoa, go and leave her. Did do the best she can to wear his wedding now,
Unknown Speaker 1:21:27
I know that angel if that's what you thought you was just me? Yes, I made my mistake. But listen and understand. My mistakes are no just speak. Oh my mistake you just speak oh alright,
Speaker 1 1:22:20
DJ, yeah, those
Unknown Speaker 1:22:21
Dolly Parton just because I'm a woman. All right. Thank
Speaker 1 1:22:25
you so much everybody for tuning in to ask the neighbor program for today. January the 28th. It's Friday. We had a great show. Thank you for all the contributions. Thank you for all the calls. Everyone have a great weekend. We're gonna be going into very Detroit radio right now.