Wednesday January 26th, 2022 ( Daily Recap )
9am > >> Looking for Cottage Cheese Crescent Rolls
Clutter > > Hoarding < < Digital Junk?
915am> Grace called in with a Cottage Cheese Crescent Roll Recipe: 9:30>> 10:45am >>
Music Playlist
Andrea True Connection: More more
Dolly Parton: I will Always Love You
Delfonics - Didn't I do it baby
Show to Text
Speaker 1 6:23
The cameras Alright, DJ, yeah, that was Andrea true connection with more, more, more, more, more more. All right, you're listening to ask the neighbor on 698 M WNZ. K Monday through Friday 9am till 11 Except on Thursday, going only till 10 9am till 10 right here on 690 Am w NZK. Thank you everyone for tuning in. And thank you for all the great contributions we've had this week and every week since we've started. It's been amazing every single day. We don't know what we're going to expect, and we're always blown away by what we get. So, today, it's freezing out there. So Stay, stay, stay warm. stay where you're at. We're gonna have Dr. biter be calling us here in a little bit and then renaker Chetty in a little while. just recapping yesterday, boy, I don't even know where to start. We had Sharon from the Grange start called us. We had a lot of the different neighbors gave us a call. We had a salmon Patty recipe that came in. Also, we had a chocolate pie recipe that came in we also gave a vegetarian Shepherd pie recipe. I want to shout out to Richard downstairs that takes care of us when we walk into the building. And Richard said that Dolly Parton was looking for us over here. I don't know man, so she may be around Southfield, Michigan. Today we'll see. 248557 3300 is the number you're listening to ask the neighbor you can check out all of our information and listen to our live stream on very you go to very Click on the WNZK button you could be streaming us wherever you are, or you can go to our past shows and check them out at very and you press on the listen button. You can also connect to us with our social channels forward slash ask the neighbor forward slash very Detroit and as we move forward every single day we're trying to bring you interesting content, interesting conversation, some music in between. Give us a call. Let us know what you're looking for. And we will play it to 48557 3300 is the number I want to make sure we put our Dolly Parton song out for the day we are looking for Dolly Parton to give us a call. Here's the Dolly Parton song it's what our third or fourth day I think and here we go
Unknown Speaker 9:31
he shoots day I would you go but I know. Thank each of boo We memo re that's all I am T king with me. Goodbye please don't cry we both know that what you need me I hope life treats you and I hope you have all that you ever dreamed and I wish you joy and happiness but above all of this I wish you luck you
Speaker 1 12:10
alright, DJ, yeah, Dolly Parton. I will always love you. Alright, we got to figure out what day we're on here. DJ. Come on. Now. This is gonna be official. Come on. Day four. We're pally tracker, Dolly tracker. We're playing Dolly Parton song every day until she calls here on 690 am WNZ K. We decided to do that last Friday, I think was the time that we decided to do that. Now. It's the Wednesday for Day Four. All right. Welcome back. Everybody. Your athlete you're listening to ask the neighbor. We got Peggy on the line right now. Hello, Peggy.
Unknown Speaker 12:47
Hi there. I was probably writing that one for Porter Wagner when she left him so there wouldn't be any hard feelings.
Speaker 1 12:54
I mean, what happened between those guys?
Unknown Speaker 12:57
She wrote that was herself. So oh, I just wanted to let you know I forgot to say that when you serve the pie, you want to put a little cool whip or whipping cream. And use a potato pillar peeler to put a little Hershey bar.
Speaker 1 13:13
Oh, springing it off of it to top it off.
Unknown Speaker 13:16
Yeah, that's all I was. Just say. Oh,
Speaker 1 13:18
you know what? Quick question for you. You know, Lucy was looking for cottage cheese crescent rolls. I know. Well, hopefully one of the neighbors will find it in the whole big stack that was maybe about five inches thick. Oh, boy. Well, who knows me somebody else has. We still got one hour and 46 minutes left in the show. So who knows? Who knows? Maybe somebody I've
Unknown Speaker 13:52
given up maybe somebody else's phone.
Speaker 1 13:55
Right. That sounds good. Thank you for the call peg here. All right. Did she go by all right, that was Peggy letting us know. She gave us a chocolate pie recipe yesterday. And it was a real simple recipe to which I like and it starts off with three and a half cups milk, three egg yolks to three ounce cook and serve chocolate pudding 1/3 cup chocolate chips and two tablespoons butter. And now she just called to let us know that you want to use whipping cream on top with some shaved chocolate that you could put right on on there. That's for a chocolate pie recipe we decided yesterday. We were also talking with Sharon from the Grange. They're in need of some help. There's some homeless families out there that could use some help. If you want to help them out, you can give them a call the Grange Sharon 73474880569. That's 734-748-0569 Sharon from the Grange I only showed up yesterday. Thank you for calling in and letting us know that you're doing all right. You can also send a check to the Grange if you want to help out a homeless family that they're helping right now. It's the Grange 38914835 Eccles Road, EC K L. E. S road. Plymouth, Michigan 48170. That was what we were talking about yesterday. And we were also talking to Billy White House from white A real estate agent, great guy. If you're looking to do anything with real estate, I would give this guy a call. You can give their offices a call 248540 8100 or you can email team at White Those are some real estate professionals that have been in the business a long, long time family owned business. That's White House real estate. And you can check it out at White You're listening to 690 am WNZ K, ask the neighbors the show every day we bring in somebody different, somebody new, different callers calling in from all over the place. And we appreciate that from all over the metro. We are getting some love every single day. And it's awesome because we get the vibe of everything that's going on all around the area. And we're also bringing you some special content like on Mondays we've got all things coming on between 10 and 11. And we got John Buford on Mondays, our business entrepreneurial motivational speaker. And then on Tuesdays we've got Kathleen Graham and Billy Whitehouse came on yesterday. Today we're going to have Dr. Beiter joining us along with Renee chatty hopefully she's doing all right. And especially amidst these financial times that we're in right now. It's going to be nice to talk with rene a little bit later. I want to make sure we acknowledge Louis Tire Service located on Eight Mile Road 248-542-0930 That's Lewis Tire Service 317 East Eight Mile Road to 485420930 let them know ask the neighbor sent you and you will get half off of your tire repair. Thank you to kebab island located on 30 Mile Road just decide to Shaner 58675017511 kabob Island calm is where you can check out the menu let them know ask the neighbor sent you and you'll get 10% off your order. Thank you to Troy jewelers located on Rochester between big Beaver and waddles to 485280962 That's Troy jewelers. been in business for over 35 years folks, check them out, bring your own design, they will make it for you. Thank you to tech solutions Rene concetti can help you be more resilient as we travel through these financial times to 485663362. That's Rene concetti 248566336 To thank you to Detroit bold coffee calm. Boldly Bruton Motown check them out on our shop Detroit button on very or go to Detroit bold coffee, calm and input. Very Detroit promo code very Detroit. All one word, all lowercase. Thank you to one your waiting room media solution. download it, print it, check it out, hang it in your reception area and let your people access digital media without touching magazines. Thank you to fathers justice law 313-819-9176. Fathers justice law is there to serve fathers that need justice in the family law area. Father's justice law 313-819-9176 All right, folks, right now we've got Dr. biter on the line. Good morning, Dr. biter.
Unknown Speaker 18:52
Hey, good morning, Daniel. How
Speaker 1 18:53
are you? Pretty good. Pretty good. You know, since Friday, we've been trying to get a hold of Dolly Parton to give us a call since we felt like nostalgic about her music and everything. And it was her birthday last week. So I'm like, Why can't you give us a call? You know, I mean, I wondered if you had any connections down there in Tennessee with Dolly Parton. I never know.
Unknown Speaker 19:16
You're the one that says we're only we're six, you know, six degrees of separation. Right, right or less. By the way,
Speaker 1 19:25
I think we're less matter of fact, some of our callers or maybe even half related to Dolly Parton. So we've been trying to get a connection with her. And it's just kind of interesting, because you know, when you set your mind to something, and you keep on putting it out there, there's a good chance it's gonna happen, isn't it, Doc?
Unknown Speaker 19:43
Yeah. Yeah. You know, so it's law of attraction.
Speaker 1 19:46
Yeah, you push it, push it hard enough. And then it was funny because I was walking into the studio today. This morning in our security, Richard was like, Hey, man, I think I saw Dolly Parton down here looking for You know, it's like the word is spreading. You know what I mean? The word is getting bigger and bigger and she's gonna hear it sooner or later. And hopefully she can give us a call really want to talk about her charities and all the good stuff that she does. You know, I understand she's gives children books all over the world and does all these great things with with children. So, you know, that's kind of one of our things that we love to do is check out different charities and what they're doing and how they're doing. How you've been so far this week, Doc.
Unknown Speaker 20:33
I'm good. I mean, just like everybody else, you know, when wishing for warmer weather, I'm big fan of this frigid cold.
Speaker 1 20:40
Yeah. How was the walking with the little lady in this kind of weather?
Unknown Speaker 20:45
Well, yesterday truth be told we we walked the inside perimeter of a Lowe's that's close to our house. Today, we're actually going to be walking through our we have one of those really large Kroger's, you know those Kroger marketplaces. Oh, good, we'll do an inside walk.
Speaker 1 21:01
It's just too cold. It really is. Be careful out there, folks. If you're walking, it's also icy, you know, you might, you might slip on piece ice, you don't see and do some damage. So malls are a great thing to do nowadays are big places like that, that you're talking about, like Lowe's and whatnot. You know, hey, since we're talking about that, um, yesterday, we played a piece about clutter. And I wanted to ask you some things about that. Because, you know, it got me motivated to do some organizing and do some cleaning and do some stuff and man that I feel good after I did that. Last night.
Unknown Speaker 21:39
Yeah. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 21:41
So there's a, there's a book that I would, you know, push the listeners to check out. It's Richard Koch's book, the 8020 rule. It's known as The Pareto principle, probably back from your school days. But what's interesting, what he talks about in the book is that, you know, it, you know, it's a, the 8020 rule is that 80% of your outputs come from 20% of your input. So basically, we waste a lot of time. And it's, and then, you know, the, the Pareto principle was actually looking at the wealth in Europe at the time, they were saying that, you know, like, 20% of the people owned 80% of the wealth. But humans don't seem to think that it applies to them. But the 8020 rule, but after reading his book, like you were just saying about decluttering, he said, look in your clothes cupboard, and he goes, I guarantee you that you were about 20% of your clothes, 80% of the time, had to start cleaning out, right, get rid of it, take it over to the goodwill, like one of my friends that I think does, she says that she buys a new outfit. That means she has to take one of the outfits out of recovered and donate it to Goodwill. So that's what she does. That's that's a good way to think about it. That's
Speaker 1 23:04
one good way for sure. Um, you know, it's tough to do that, actually, on a consistent basis. And I think that, you know, if you're disciplined enough, surely you can do it. I think a lot of us, you know, go at it from time to time, you know, I mean, and try to take out chunks of stuff that's accumulated over time. And I think it's interesting, because it's definitely a part of the mind that we're suffering with here as a society, I believe. And not only is it physical stuff, but also digital, right? We've got digital stuff in our phones, we've got things that we don't even know, they're in our old devices, we've got videos that haven't been transferred that we can't see anymore. You know, it's a really weird place, yet, we have so much access to other information. And we were talking with DJ Chaka yesterday, because he's obviously a young, a lot younger. And what I noticed is, you know, I think a little bit older than you are, that you are, you may or might be a little more hesitant to delete digital stuff as like the younger folks do. Right? And I don't know where all that comes from, but have you dealt with people that had a organizing problems and how much this affects their lives?
Unknown Speaker 24:35
Yeah, I haven't worked a lot with people that are kind of, you know, identify themselves as hoarders. Usually, hoarders don't even want to seek therapy. It's usually the people around them that do like they're there. I've had people come in and says, Well, how do I help these people? You know, get rid of all this stuff. And, you know, it's, it's, you know, I don't know, is it a it's an insecurity saying it's something about. But there's another way to look at. I mean, I can't speak to the people that that struggle with that. I mean, if it interferes with your way of being in the world and your relationships, and I'd say, yeah, you probably have some issues that you could probably work through. But I also think that what it reminds me of, and it's funny you bring this up is I was driving to my friend's house yesterday, the one I told you is, is dying from cancer, and I can't tell you how many of those self storage facilities I've passed. So if you don't think that there is a lot of abundance in this world, right, just drive by I mean, that you have to have another location to store your stuff. So I'd say like, I think we have a pretty abundant world. So right, you know, and I think, you know, when you're speaking to as the younger generations, you know, you know, you hear the word minimalists. Like, I think that they, you know, for those that grew up with us that had more than we could actually ever use, or whatever, right? And they're like, Okay, I don't want to clutter my house up with all this, I'm gonna kind of make sure I'm gonna keep around what I need.
Speaker 1 26:09
Yeah, it's really a fascinating thing, because we're such heavy consumers, you know, in America, our whole economy runs on consumption. And so it's part of our, our illness as well. And you know, looking at different different parts of the world, you know, we go crazy for for Christmas, where they might not do that in France, they might just buy like, one nice gift for somebody, where we might buy a bunch of weird stuff that they might not use, or whatever. So, um, and you know, it's kind of fed a lot of times by media, I feel like some of its media. But we got to be really careful. I feel if we want to hit our highest productivity as humans, you really want to clear out all of your digital information and understand it, organize it, I feel it's a very important part of your daily, weekly monthly goals. And then cleaning out your stuff in your house is a massive, massive shift in the way you feel about you know, and being organized and being productive. So just some thoughts on that Doc finishing what was the name of the book that you mentioned the, the the fellows name,
Unknown Speaker 27:38
Richard Koch Koc? Ah, and it's the 8020 the 8020 rule
Speaker 1 27:44
Koc H, okay, the 8020 rule? Yeah, cuz it's always great when you refer to a different book and different things like that. And, you know, so interesting, we're challenged by this in our country in our world right now, I feel like, especially in America, we don't know how to process all this stuff that we have, yet. There's a lot of valuable stuff that we have, many of our neighbors might want to donate different things. There's different organizations that you can donate to. But I've also seen an increase in organizers, you know, people that are organizing other people's stuff, right? Yeah. So it seems like a new career for some people is to like really be able to go in and clean out and help people out, decide what they need, what they don't need, and feel more productive within your day. So those are some stuff though. It's insecurity, that that kind of comes from haunt doc.
Unknown Speaker 28:41
Yeah, I mean, if you think about a why, I mean, you could almost ask yourself, like, Why do I really need this? Like, what purpose? Is it serving for me? Right? And, you know, it's usually, and again, if you think about, like, just from a general perspective, like a hoarder, like if their, their time is consumed with acquiring more things, which means that they're gonna have less time to interact with other people. So it's almost kind of like it's a safeguard, or it's our call, maybe even a defense mechanism to kind of in order for them to feel safe. So you know, surrounded by all these things, so that other things can get to them. I mean, there's, there's a lot of reasons why my again, I'm no expert on this. I, I've worked with people that have had to deal with people that have bad and we're like, I want to be able to help them. But, you know, as the saying goes, you can help somebody that isn't that doesn't want help, right? You know,
Speaker 1 29:43
what about what about here's another piece that kind of stems off of this is, um, what about people that can't control their spending? Have you worked with some of some folks like that?
Unknown Speaker 29:58
Yeah, I mean, that gets down to obsessive compulsive behaviors. So, you know, it's um, and, you know, for some people, it's, there's something missing in their life. And usually what's missing are some, you know, really fulfilling relationships. Right. And so or the relationship that they're in isn't very fulfilling. And so they're looking for an escape. And, and so that becomes, you know, one person's way of dealing with that, that lack of connection, I'll say. So, I mean, you could almost, and I don't want to over generalize, but you can really look at, you know, people that, you know, we call them addictions, some of us call them obsessive compulsive behaviors, right. But if you were completely satisfied, you know, and here's some of the things I get, for example, that people come to talk to me about. So they, they'll say, like, at the beginning of the relationship, it was really good, I wasn't obsessed with doing this, this particular behavior that I'm trying to eliminate, you know, be expanding via drinking, or whatever. And then once they got comfortable in the relationship, comfortable in their own way of being in the relationship, then things changed. And then it seemed like, it was their behavior just came back to the way it was. So it's really learning how to how can I be more fully present? You know, in my relationships, you know, as opposed to looking to the other person to satisfy your need, how can you be better present to and this is where, you know, full circle like meditation, you know, coming around learning how to be fully present, even with just yourself?
Speaker 1 31:41
Yeah, you know, I'm talking about that. On a side note, I think it's related. It's when, when parents and or significant others are overcompensating with things, right? Um, that's a sign of something's not right. So, you know, many, like our children, they don't want more things they want more time. Right. And it's interesting, how some, some of us have done that in our lives is like, you know, to buy more things to think that that's gonna be a be the replacement for time, which it's not. But it's also interesting, I was reading an article and had actually experienced some of this, where, when, when someone in a relationship is feeling bad about what they're doing, they start purchasing more and more things for the other person. So that's a weird thing, right? And because it's kind of like, and I feel like both of those are related, right? In the relationship, that person feels bad, because maybe they're not doing something or they're doing something negative in the relationship. So trying to overcompensate it with gifts. And same thing with like a parenting situation where they're not spending the time with their children thinking that they could buy their way out of it. Is that a two day problem? Or is it always been going on?
Unknown Speaker 33:23
Well, I mean, I think it speaks to what you just said earlier, too. But we live in a consumer oriented culture, where consumption is the, you know, kind of way of
Speaker 1 33:36
the cop out almost like the way to get out of things.
Unknown Speaker 33:41
Exactly. I mean, when you bring that up what you just said to about, like, how we're trying to overcompensate with buying people things because of how we feel about things. I think Gary Chapman's five love languages. We've talked about that before. Yeah. And you know, one of the love languages is gifts. So some people feel most loved when they receive a physical token, but in my experience, and it's not, you know, I'm not saying I know, everyone in the world, seven and a half billion people. Close. Yeah. But the fact is, is that the people that I've ever worked with, they always say, I guess, this kind of love for me. So that doesn't matter. So. So you know, it's real, I think it's really important to understand, again, what the people that are important in your life, what their primary love language is, and then learn to
Speaker 1 34:30
speak it right? No, no.
Unknown Speaker 34:34
And one of the things I know you're gonna ask me at the end, like, what's the word you want to leave us with something and I'm gonna jump the gun on this one because I want to say this now because we're on the topic, but I was sitting with my friend yesterday, and I asked him I said, so. You know, as you look back on your life, what's the most important thing and this my friend was like? He was like a brilliant, technologist, he anything technology He could answer. And, and he said, The most important thing really is love, love for your family or friends. And that's what it came down to it. So it wasn't things. Well, right, it comes down to, like, how are we spreading love in our life? And if we're not doing that, then I think we're missing a big opportunity to have a very fulfilling life.
Speaker 1 35:25
Yeah. Yeah, that's a great, great way to end this segment. You know, actually, right. This is a man that's going through cancer right now. And when the last moments and getting closer to that, that day, nothing of the things really make a difference. It's the people that loved you, and that you loved around you that made all the difference. And remember that remember that in your day, you know, I mean, how can we it's how can we be better? You know, how can we be better at those things? And that's what this show is all about. Doc, you know, you you help me kind of like, get rid of some stuff in my brain. Some spider webs. You know, it's always great to have you on our show. And I want to make sure we let everyone know that your programs are available for no charge at Happy dot life, ha PP E dot life, which is a Emotional Freedom tech technique or tapping. Doc, a couple words on that.
Unknown Speaker 36:37
Yeah. So one of the things I wanted to say that I had an interesting opportunity presented to me lap this past week is that some folks that are retired, and are just kind of looking to make a contribution back because they have free time, they contacted me and said, Hey, listen, we want to learn more about this tapping program, because we know this can help a lot of people. And we're we're looking to basically spread the word. So that was like, Oh, my gosh, this is so wonderful, beautiful. So it's a it's a self administered, you know, technique, it's considered the most effective stress reduction anxiety management technique on the planet. And so it's you can learn it, obviously, our website happy dot life, which you're so gracious to have the link to on your website, so very much for that. Absolutely. And so we're trying we originally, you know, we originally designed our program for children. But like I've said before, many adults have benefited from it as well. And again, you can tap on anything our program happens to deal with worry, but you can tap on pretty much anything that you feel anxious or stressed about. And as a way to just kind of bring a sense of calm peace into your life so that again, good for your health. Right? Right, less stress, less anxiety, your health is definitely going to benefit from all that.
Speaker 1 37:59
So making better decisions.
Unknown Speaker 38:02
And by the way, this was interesting. So my friend was telling me that him and his wife are watching a special on I think it was Netflix, or I think that the title of that Docu series was called healing. And there was a segment on there about tapping. Really? Oh, wow. He said, obviously, we thought of you
Speaker 1 38:24
mean streaming we saw.
Unknown Speaker 38:27
So but yeah, so it's, you know, it's starting to get hopefully getting a little bit more mainstream. But yeah, ideas like you can you can use it for yourself. And I always encourage people just try for yourself once and see how it works. Right? And then when you get the think, Whoa, this is great. And who can you share it with? Yeah, you know, I always think that that's a cool thing to do is like when you experience something that brings you some joy or pleasure or calm or whatever, what can you do to share it with others so that they can benefit from it as well.
Speaker 1 38:58
The way to think like, the first thing that some people do is how can I brag about whatever I'm doing. But the idea is really to see how we can share that. And I guess that's what we're doing right here on WNZ. KS the neighbor we're sharing good information, positive information, information like happy dot life, h a p p e dot life, it's a way to calm yourself down, take down your stress, take down your anxiety, get you out of depression modes, and it's simply administered by your fingers and tapping on different places on your body and your mind on your face, your body. And those trigger different emotions to come out of us and help us calm down and not be stressed and take that anxiety away. It's amazing, really, it really is amazing. And I want to make sure that people understand that they can help themselves with out in minutes. During any thing, anything medical write any drugs or what have you this is you're just using your fingers and you're tapping on different parts of your body to help you feel calmer. When you're coming into a maybe a test situation, maybe you're going into an anxious meeting, you want to make sure that you're clear. And this program happy that life ha PPE dot life can help you but it also was originally designed for adolescents. And this is an excellent time to share this with our adolescents around the world. Hopefully, it's being shown in more and more schools Doc, I hope that you're making some movement there.
Unknown Speaker 40:42
Yeah, yeah, that's, that was our that was our original goal. So and so we're, we're doing it. Here's another thing too, as you were saying that, for adults, people have anxious feelings going to the dentist, right? Oh, yeah. They do it tapping before you go to the dentist, you know, to calm yourself down or any doctor's appointment for that matter if you if you're, if you you know, feel a little stressed or phony about going to the doctor, dude, there you go in your car right before you go into the office. That's
Speaker 1 41:19
the beauty of your program. It can be done anywhere you can, you can see what you should do right on your program on your mobile phone. And it's free to download are free to use, all you have to do is put your email into happy dot life. And it will. It will be sent to you via email, and then you can download it onto your phone. Well, Doc, thank you so much for being on our show every week. And don't forget, you can connect to all of Dr. biters information by going to our website, ask the And clicking under the Home button. There's a nice picture of Dr. biter. And also there's some links to all of your information on if you've checked it out. Thank you. Yeah. All right. All right. Good. All right, doc. Well, you have a great day and we will talk to you next week. Okay, sounds good. You take care. Take care. All right. All right. That was Dr. biter. We were talking a little bit about what makes us want to get stuff buy stuff and go that way. Great conversation. Thank you for that doctor biter. Right now we've got grace on the line. Good morning, Grace. Good morning. How are you? Excellent. Excellent. It's a little bit chilly coming in. But I made it. I made it.
Unknown Speaker 42:36
It's a little bit nippy out there.
Speaker 1 42:38
Yeah. I think he said on the way in. I think it said five degrees.
Unknown Speaker 42:42
Oh, I heard six. So one degree would would differences that make?
Speaker 1 42:48
Yeah, yeah. I think I'm closer to Canada than you are. Oh. degree
Unknown Speaker 42:58
found that recipe for the crescent rolls. So it's kind of vague to start off with then. People have written in and given hints. Okay, so I'll let you know what's going on after the recipe. Excellent. Okay, this,
Speaker 1 43:17
it's okay, but no, go ahead. I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker 43:22
This is the cottage cheese crescent roll ups. And this is the dough. Okay. One cup of butter. softened.
Speaker 1 43:30
One cup butter. softened. Two cups of flour, two cups flour.
Unknown Speaker 43:37
And two cups. Cottage cheese. Two
Speaker 1 43:39
cups. Cottage cheese. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 43:43
that's the dough. Now. Here's the icing. Three tablespoons of butter, softened.
Speaker 1 43:50
Three tablespoons butter, softened. Half teaspoon vanilla, half teaspoon, vanilla.
Unknown Speaker 43:59
One and three quarter cups. It says icing sugar but I believe it's powdered sugar. Okay. And two tablespoons of milk.
Speaker 1 44:10
Okay, so the last ingredient was one in three quarter cups powdered sugar. And then two tablespoons milk. Two tablespoons. Milk. Okay, that was for the icing. The light The last ingredients. Were for the icing. I'll repeat. Both of the
Unknown Speaker 44:30
three are for the dough. Yep. All right. For icing.
Speaker 1 44:34
Alright, for the dough. We've got one cup butter, softened. Two cups, flour, two cups cottage cheese. That's for the dough. For the icing. We have three tablespoons butter, softened. Half teaspoon vanilla. One in three quarter cups powdered sugar, and two tablespoons of milk.
Unknown Speaker 44:57
Right. Okay, now the answer Directions for the dough. Dough method. Okay, together the first three ingredients mix
Speaker 1 45:08
first three ingredients. Okay, chill the dough. Chill how long? Okay, chill the dough
Unknown Speaker 45:20
and preheat your oven to 350
Speaker 1 45:23
Preheat oven to 350 Okay,
Unknown Speaker 45:27
then it says roll out the dough and cut into triangles
Speaker 1 45:34
and cut into triangles. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 45:40
Starting at the wide edge, roll up each wedge
Speaker 1 45:46
the wide edge roll up each wedge
Unknown Speaker 45:53
placing the seam down on the cookie sheet,
Speaker 1 45:58
placing the seam down on the cookie sheet.
Unknown Speaker 46:04
Bake for 30 minutes.
Speaker 1 46:07
Bake for 30 minutes.
Unknown Speaker 46:12
Okay and when cool drizzle with the icing
Speaker 1 46:15
when cooled drizzle with icing. Okay. All right. Go. No, go ahead. Okay, so I was curious. So the actual making of the dough. We're going to put it in a like a KitchenAid mixer to do this or how would you do this? The first three ingredients well with a spoon, I would do it just with a spoon and that's gonna make a dough. picture if you want to. Okay, you would just use a spoon and then your hands. Yeah, okay, and then roll it out. Alright, just so I know.
Unknown Speaker 46:54
All right now people have written in saying that they've made it and what what they've did what we've done with it. So this one says you small curd cottage cheese.
Speaker 1 47:06
Okay, you small curd. I must make a difference. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 47:13
and it says for new bakers. They want you to know the dough will be sticky.
Speaker 1 47:19
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker 47:22
And it says roll into three inch dinner plate circles. So that's three balls of dough.
Speaker 1 47:31
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker 47:33
It make it easier to cut the crescent. You know? That's
Speaker 1 47:36
right. So we want to make
Unknown Speaker 47:39
it so it says it's okay to use extra flour to do this.
Speaker 1 47:44
Okay. And each ball,
Unknown Speaker 47:46
you're going to have three balls, each ball makes 12 crescents. Okay, each failure yield is going to be 36 crescents.
Speaker 1 47:59
12 So each ball makes 12 of them. Okay, so what that so that ball, basically we're gonna cut it up into 12 pieces. Right? And then roll them out into and make and make it into squares. Well
Unknown Speaker 48:21
yeah, train triangles. Yeah.
Speaker 1 48:23
So how big are the triangles?
Unknown Speaker 48:25
They don't look very big. Okay, maybe two bytes.
Speaker 1 48:30
Okay. So, I'm just an inch, two inches. Let me see three inches.
Unknown Speaker 48:41
I'd say about three inches,
Speaker 1 48:42
three inches on the triangle sides. Okay, that helps because, you know, if somebody
Unknown Speaker 48:49
they they say it's they freeze well, okay, after they're baked. Good. Don't ice until there Assad.
Speaker 1 48:58
Huh? Okay, so the icing will get a little bit mushy if we try to freeze it with the icing.
Unknown Speaker 49:05
Right put on if you want to freeze them.
Speaker 1 49:09
Boy so these this is really more the dough has the cottage cheese in it. So that's butter. Yeah, cottage cheese and butter. So there's not cottage cheese in it. That's it within the dough.
Unknown Speaker 49:23
Know that? You mean like a feeling? Yeah, no,
Speaker 1 49:27
there's no feeling Yeah, cuz when I first heard it sounded like there would be something like a feeling that's what
Unknown Speaker 49:33
I thought too. But no, it has no feeling the Hondo is I guess what, you know what he has the cottage cheese and butter in it.
Speaker 1 49:43
It almost reminds me these of those like Christmas cookies that you know everyone's popular about you know when you make them feel not filled. The ones that they just roll with powdered sugar on top of it.
Unknown Speaker 50:02
Speaker 1 50:03
but I know those are different. I know those are different, but
Unknown Speaker 50:06
those are different. Yeah. Doesn't have any kind of cheese or anything in it. Yeah. So
Speaker 1 50:11
the taste is going to be a completely different Well, hey, this is a great recipe, I hope Lucy's listening and got it all.
Unknown Speaker 50:18
Yeah, cuz she said there was only three or four ingredients. So this must be it. Yeah, that's it. I mean, and I've never made it. So it sounds good, though. And they look delicious. They have huge pictures of it on the internet.
Speaker 1 50:31
It looks beautiful. I hope that our neighbors can enjoy that recipe. Maybe someone will make it today even who knows?
Unknown Speaker 50:38
Yeah, I hope so. I hope this is what they're looking for.
Speaker 1 50:40
Yeah, it sounds like it. Other than that, everything good over there. And Troy grace. Oh, yes.
Unknown Speaker 50:45
Yes, everything's okay.
Speaker 1 50:48
How's buddy? How's buddy doing?
Unknown Speaker 50:50
He's mad because I won't let him outside. He came in yesterday. He looked like a popsicle. Oh, boy. So a friend of him was all covered in ice. His face was like frost. It had all snow that hardened on his muzzle. Yeah. And he had ice hanging from his tail. Oh, boy. Do you? I told him no out today. I don't care how much he begs. He is not going out. He's laying by the door wall with his head underneath the drapes, looking out the window.
Speaker 1 51:28
Now the hood if he has to go to the bathroom? Well,
Unknown Speaker 51:31
he can go have these little papers that he goes on. Go in the garage. I know. That's going outside.
Speaker 1 51:39
Oh boy. You're being tough. You're tough. He's not talking to me, either. Oh, no.
Unknown Speaker 51:45
He's not looking at me. That's not listening to what I'm saying.
Unknown Speaker 51:49
Wow. Yeah.
Speaker 1 51:51
He wants to go out. He wants to go out and play more. Right.
Unknown Speaker 51:55
Well, he was out an hour and a half yesterday. And he come in like, I don't know. From head to toe. He was covered in ice. So not today.
Speaker 1 52:04
How old? Is he? Three, three. Well, he's a puppy still puppy. Yeah, he's just enjoying life. And obviously, you know, especially a German Shepherd like that. You know, he's, he's hot inside. He wants to be out there running around. And
Unknown Speaker 52:22
thank goodness. You know, he came in frozen.
Speaker 1 52:25
He didn't know when to come in. And he's like a little kid. And yeah,
Unknown Speaker 52:29
that's another thing that this Breezer canine has to show me how to make him come in the house because he does not listen.
Speaker 1 52:36
Wow. Probably. I bet. I bet you there's a treat involved somewhere in there or something.
Unknown Speaker 52:43
Oh, when he comes in? Yeah. Yeah. Treats and kisses. But he don't care.
Speaker 1 52:48
He's got a full belly. He's got a full belly. He doesn't care. Yeah, those are the foods that.
Unknown Speaker 52:53
Yeah, he's three times a day. Good meals.
Speaker 1 52:57
I bet you you take care of him pretty well. Lucky Dog. Yeah. Well, it's good that you got them a little bit better. And you're you're managing them. It sounds like every day a little bit better and better grace.
Unknown Speaker 53:09
Yeah. as he gets older, he's listening more and understand. So yeah. Hopefully when I'm 90 probably he'll listen very, very, very well.
Speaker 1 53:22
You're right about that. All right. Well, thank you. So
Unknown Speaker 53:25
somebody else get on here. And I hope this recipe is what everybody was looking for.
Speaker 1 53:30
We appreciate that. Grace. Thank you for the call. All right. All right. Talk to you later. Take care. All right. That was Grace calling in from Troy letting us know about a cottage trees. Cottage cheese crescent roll recipe. And we've got a caller that wants us to Yeah, Peggy X. If you could repeat it one more time. Oh, for sure. Oh, yeah, absolutely. We will start off with the ingredients. The ingredients for the dough. One cup. butter softened. That's one cup of butter, softened. Two cups. Flour. Again, two cups flour. Two cups cottage cheese. The recommendation was for the small curd. That again is two cups cottage cheese. That's for the dough. And then for the icing. Three tablespoons butter softened. Half teaspoon vanilla. One in three quarter cups. Powdered sugar. Two tablespoons milk again on the icing ingredients. Three tablespoons butter, softened. Half teaspoon vanilla. One and three quarter cups powdered sugar, and two tablespoons milk. So for the dough, you mix the first three ingredients. And basically you you're mixing it all in Look Gray said what you could do with your hands. You could do it with the mixer multiple ways you take that dough then you chill it. It doesn't have time for the chill. But some of our bakers might figure out a good time to chill. Maybe it's 20 minutes. And then what you do is you preheat the oven to 350 degrees. You roll out the dough and cut it into triangles, roughly three inches in length. Starting at the wide edge, roll up each wedge, placing the
scene seem down on the cookie sheet. Bake for 30 minutes. When cooked, drizzle with icing. What you're going to do is you're going to make three balls with the dough that you create. And each of those balls should make roughly 12 So total output is around 36 of these. And that's the cottage cheese crescent rolls. So All right folks, you're listening to ask the neighbor 248557 3300 is the number thank you so much to all of our supporters. Thank you to Troy jewelers located on Rochester road between big Beaver and wattles 240-528-0962 That's Troy jewelers. Located on Rochester between big Beaver and waddles. You can check them out at Troy They've been in business for over 35 years folks right in Troy family run business they will custom create your own jewelry whatever you're thinking they were showing me some examples of ideas people had and they made them right there Troy jewelers Troy diamonds calm is the web address. Thank you to kebab island located on 13 Mile Road, just decide to Shaner 586-751-7511 That's kebab is the web address 58675175101 Let them know ask the neighbor sent you and they'll give you 10% off your order. Beautiful combo trays if you're looking to entertain some folks or just have a good meal at home, kebab Island calm and it might be time for me to go to kebab island I miss my rice pudding that they make their two Bulli salads amazing. The chicken schwannomas out of this world there Majora is really great. That's kabob Thank you to tech solutions to 485663362 That's tech solutions consultants, Rene Carcetti can help you be ready for these financial times. I'm telling you, we were talking to everyone before, but they're common right now. Tax solutions or naked Chetty can help you make sure that you're in the right place with your money to 485663362 If you're a business and you want a valuation for your business, check it out tax solutions Thank you to fathers justice law 313819176 If you're a father looking for some justice, get ahold of fathers justice law 313819176 Thank you to Detroit bold input the very Detroit promo code and get a discount right there on Detroit bowl boldly brewed and Motown also available at Myers and other retailers in the area. And also thank you to Louis Tire Service located on Eight Mile Road 317 East Eight Mile Road, Louis Tire Service 24854 to 0930. Let them know I asked a neighbor sent you and they'll give you a half off of your tire repair right there at Lewis Tire Service. All right, we're gonna go to a station ID break and we will be back.
Unknown Speaker 58:49
W NZK has available a few good hours of airtime for all few good programs to serve their communities. Radio is better than ever, in targeting an audience that listens to what you say. Learn more about this exciting radio broadcasting opportunity by calling WNZK radio at 248557 3500 Verse is w NZK Dearborn heights Detroit, your ethnic superstation out 690 days 680 Nights
Speaker 1 59:27
Alright everybody, welcome back to the top of the second hour it's January 26. It's somewhere between five and eight degrees out there it is freezing. Thank you everybody for tuning in. I hope everyone's staying warm and being safe out there. 248557 3300 is the number give us a ring right now we've got Lucy on the line. Hello Lucy. Hi first of all, what is Magetta Majora?
Unknown Speaker 59:53
Machado what is that
Speaker 1 59:54
Majora is lentils that are mixed with other Onions and they're cooked on a stovetop.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:05
It's really what kind of water broth what,
Speaker 1 1:00:08
um, I would imagine it's a broth. I don't know the recipe, but I have made it before. And I think that what you do is you start off with you boil the lentil, I think at first, but I'm not really sure. And then you made it with the way I made it before and I think there's different ways of making it is I would take my onions and I would make a lot of onions. Right, I would take my onions and I would get them carmelized and then I would just with some olive oil or a no oil you like that's can handle the heat. And then I would I would put them off to the side, I would take my lentils and I would lightly get my water to a boil. And then I would you know so that they so that they're softer, you know then just trying to cook them you know in a pack on in a pot pan kind of thing. So then then I would take them and then I would take them into that pan and I would put that Majora got the lentils in there. And then I would take my onions and put those in there as well. And then salt, pepper, maybe a little spices that you like maybe some cumin maybe a little spice but it's a beautiful dish and I'm going to try to find more of a recipe for you because I feel like I didn't do a justice you can also put a little lemon I think on it but it kind of in it depends on who makes it each I think Mediterranean area has it makes it a little bit different in the Middle East. Some some
Unknown Speaker 1:01:53
would be good to do like maybe some chicken flaps.
Speaker 1 1:01:58
I think chicken broth would be good. Absolutely. Because that you know if you boil the lentils and the chicken broth is going to give it yeah flavor for sure.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:08
Yeah, that sounds good.
Speaker 1 1:02:09
Uh huh. It's a it's an excellent healthy dish. It's got tons of vitamins and so here we go Hold on a second Mojo recipe. I've got something here that it'll give us some basics. Let's see here. Where are we meals feel happy. Beans and Rice. Majora, Majora, lentils and rice it looks like they mix with rice possibly too. But you know what I know we're going to get some calls on this because it is a great dish. It's a great dish and I don't want to misspeak and I'm going to try to find a good recipe and maybe share it tomorrow with our neighbors and because I do think it's it's a phenomenal funnel here it says vegetable broth here's everything here's everything needed to make homemade Lebanese all this is for the Lebanese rice and then the cot the topping to make the crispy fried carmelized onions for the topping I'm not finding the ETS This is a page with a lot of different get the complete magenta lentils and rice Lebanese Rice Recipe post video below all boy alright, I'll have to look at this a little bit deeper. So what others do as they mix the lentils my juggling spell it okay here we go. Ah m m UJAD a ra a judger Ah okay. Yeah, my giedre MUJADAR A. Okay, yeah, and this one sometimes you you see it it's just lentils and onions and then it's mixed with some spices and here's some of the spices that I'm seeing that they put in the rice is coriander seeds, cumin, seeds, salt, all spice seeds, cinnamon Tumeric black pepper some of the stuff that's in there and like I said every every area does it a little bit differently I feel like some are some add rice Some don't have the rice and different flavors. Like you could you know, make it how you like it. The flavor like maybe a little lemon. Maybe a little this. But yeah, this is just coming up. Yes. Yes. Something that's like not meaty. Right. Excellent. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 1:04:56
why I called was okay, that restaurant He sounds good. But I really remember I don't she didn't say, if you could other ways you could do that. I'm sure there is other, you know, make it savory or sweet, right? I remember using some sugar in that cottage cheese. So we're like a dessert type thing. I remember making them for my husband a long time ago. Well, this is I want to know if anybody else has looked at up okay. And what the other remarks were that you could make come sweet or savory or whatever.
Speaker 1 1:05:45
Right. Now you you said your you remember having like more sugar involved in the recipe
Unknown Speaker 1:05:51
before some sugar? She didn't say any sugar. Right? No, but no sugar
Speaker 1 1:05:56
only on the icing. Only on the icing.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:59
Yep. Powdered sugar, but
Speaker 1 1:06:02
not inside. Not inside the inside. Yeah, you're right.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:07
And I and I really remember putting, but I don't remember how much you know, in the cottage cheese, right?
Speaker 1 1:06:16
Well, let's see if someone else can call in and let us know. Maybe they have a recipe that has that in there. Maybe it's a little bit different. If somebody remembers that Lucy's looking to know if there's any variations of this recipe that might have sugar. A little bit of sugar. You remember putting in there?
Unknown Speaker 1:06:36
Yes. Excellent. As you know, cottage cheese is not sweet. No, I do remember it be sweet because I made it for like a dessert. Yeah,
Speaker 1 1:06:46
it sounds like a great little simple, perfect little recipe.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:50
Right? And I know I remember using regular crescent rolls and making other things. You know, like even making cinnamon rolls on a crescent rolls that you get in a package. You know, Pillsbury cross it? Yeah. Okay, I remember making cinnamon rolls out of those and using pie filling and stuff like that. You know, I have to get my granddaughter to look on the computer. Okay, now. Okay. Well, let's I know there are recipes like that too. That are simple and easy.
Speaker 1 1:07:30
Yeah, get a quick dessert, right? No, I love those those kinds of recipes. So you pop the top and you have the dough ready and add a couple things to it
Unknown Speaker 1:07:40
the biscuits. I'm remember making Danish cheese Danish. But I don't remember how so anyway, that's another thing to look up.
Speaker 1 1:07:50
Well, I love that you brought that up and I feel like hum those Pillsbury Dough. Things are awesome. You know? Those are just Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:59
Love it. Love it. Okay, I guess I better get off.
Speaker 1 1:08:03
It's been great talking to you, Lucy. Thank you so much. We're looking for a little bit of a variation on this cottage cheese crescent roll recipe everybody stay warm and stay warm. And then also Majora. If anyone knows the right recipe for Majora, we'd love to hear it.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:20
Right you know in different lentil things because Lance coming?
Speaker 1 1:08:24
Yes, yes. Yes, it is coming right up. All right. Lucy, take care. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe. Okay, YouTube. Bye. Bye. Thank you. Alright folks, you're listening to ask the neighbor on 690 Am w NZK I'm your host Danko. Sutter offski here with DJ Chubb ca. DJ chub. How's your day going? So far, buddy? Going good. All right, man. Nice and easy. No problem. Chub come and go nice. All right, Way to go man. All right, you ready to play a tune? Yes, I am. Let's do it. I came to you I thought that was true now I've been
doing This? Alright DJ, yeah, those were the Delfonics then I blow your mind this time. The Delfonics man big selection there. Ha DJ. Yeah. A lot of tunes that they made. Oh yeah, they had some hits, big hits. Alright, you're listening to WNZ K 690 am. Oh, what do we have up on the line? Right? Oh, we've got Greg on the line right now. Hello, Greg.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:40
Hi. Hi.
Speaker 1 1:12:41
Hi. Welcome to the show. Greg. How are you today?
Unknown Speaker 1:12:44
I'm good. I'm good. Thanks. Thanks for welcoming me.
Speaker 1 1:12:47
Yes, sir.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:51
I was just wondering if anybody has heard of water pie?
Speaker 1 1:12:56
Water pie? Good question.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:59
It was popular during the Great Depression.
Speaker 1 1:13:04
Water pie. What? What's the flavor? Like?
Unknown Speaker 1:13:08
Like custard? Custard?
Speaker 1 1:13:10
Ah, yeah. I bet you smaller pies.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:16
I don't know all the ingredients. flour, eggs and water. Oh, wow. That's why if anybody knows about it, they can let us smell.
Speaker 1 1:13:28
Yes. I love that.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:34
Yeah, it's got a good flavor to it, I guess. Uh huh.
Speaker 1 1:13:40
I love the name of it. It makes you think like it's gonna be like, hydrating.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:47
Yeah, it's, I guess it's economical to make too, you know, because during the Great Depression, they didn't have a whole lot of things, right.
Speaker 1 1:13:56
Oh, yeah. A little flour, little egg and a little water and you're ready to go? Yeah, that's a good question. And you know, these are the questions that keep our our mind stimulated. And our neighbors aware. If anybody's heard of a water pie. Greg would like to know if the recipe is out there. Maybe someone can call in and, and share their history with the water pie.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:23
There you go. All right.
Speaker 1 1:14:24
Anything else on your mind, Greg, before we let you go.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:28
Oh, that's about it for now. Well, we
Speaker 1 1:14:30
appreciate the call and always thinking about us and giving us a ring showing us your love. Thank you my man.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:38
Okay, go Tigers.
Speaker 1 1:14:40
Alright, go Tigers. Alright, you're listening to WNZ K 690 am. I'm your host Danko. Sinner offski here with DJ Chubb, CA. Right now. We've got Rene concetti on the line, Rene concetti. From tech solutions, consultants. How are you doing?
Unknown Speaker 1:14:58
Pretty good. Pretty good.
Speaker 1 1:14:59
You can The motto of the COVID Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:03
Oh, well, there's a lingering cough. But
Speaker 1 1:15:07
are you a long? What do they call that a long, long holler? Is that what they call
Unknown Speaker 1:15:14
it? Well, I don't know. But I, every once in a while, this this cold weather doesn't help at all, you know? So I'm thinking, What in the world are we doing here? We should all just move this down to a warmer climate by here. Florida is not warm today.
Speaker 1 1:15:31
You were down. You were down there. You've been traveling around even around.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:35
Yeah, well, I went there over New Years, and it was warm. And then right after I came home, the bottom dropped out. I took the warm.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:47
You use it all
Unknown Speaker 1:15:48
dribbled out all the way all the way.
Speaker 1 1:15:52
Well, I'm glad you're feeling better. And you do got to be careful about that. The lingering effects of COVID Hopefully you're treating it properly. And however, I don't know what to do about it. But
Unknown Speaker 1:16:04
while you continue to build up your immune system, so I spoke with my doctor about in zinc. And you know, Violet, lots of Vitamin C, Vitamin D was a couple of the things that were thrown in the mix there calcium and everything else to build your
Speaker 1 1:16:27
immune system up. Also, I'm gonna throw this out there is get your gut health in order.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:36
Right? I did that
Speaker 1 1:16:37
too. Okay, good. That means
Unknown Speaker 1:16:39
I can on that sense. Yes, yes. Kabuto but there's also pre and probiotics that you need to be making sure everything and you just got to get everything back and back in
Speaker 1 1:16:52
order what are the things that so just really briefly what are some of the things to get our our system back stronger? Well,
Unknown Speaker 1:17:00
first of all, okay, we'll get a limit limit the sugar eliminated basically cut down on carbs. You know, instead of, you know, everything being attacked oatmeal is good, you know, it's, it helps but the rest of the stuff bread, you know, all that kind of stuff. You know, I guess I'm fortunate I was easy to do that because we tested a no pasa for gluten free to be gluten sensitivity, oh, when I did it before, when you hit check your, the condition of your guts, it'll tell you whether things are out of balance. Well, that's going to be so far you have to eliminate things that feed the bad guys and bad bacteria love carbs and sugar and stuff, just like cancer loves all that kind of stuff. And they proliferate itself on that. So when you eliminate that you dry up the, the source of their existence. And so, you know, the good guys have to take over. It's right,
Speaker 1 1:18:05
that's even more Well, I mean, that's what it's so good talking to different people on our show, giving us different perspective. As as you know, your your perspective is completely different from anybody else in this world. But especially these last few days in the market, you know, people are freaking out.
Unknown Speaker 1:18:28
Well, they need not to freak out actually. Right as the stock Mart, here's the deal. Okay, the what I'm doing with tactical money management, is we have a bottom, you know, that before when we go to cash, so when we hit about eight, 8% down, we all got we go to cash, gold, silver, you know, precious metals until the things subside. But there are some things Yes. First of all this this because I just sent this to my clients, the stock market was already overvalued. And, you know, like all things when it's worth, it's overvalued need to make a correction every once in a while we have been for a really long time. 2008 Actually,
Speaker 1 1:19:10
yeah, that was a big, big correction.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:14
I'm still feeling that that's not gonna happen. I'm
Speaker 1 1:19:17
still feeling that correction. Ray.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:19
Right, right. Well, unfortunately, yeah. Many people tried to fix that form. But a lot of people have worries, a lot of it's panic. The people that are investing are pulling their money out because they think the world's coming to an end, which it's not, but they're worried that the Federal Reserve rates are going to increase, which that are for lending. Not for saving is that usually is and the stock market reaction to the Russian invasion, potential Russian invasion of Ukraine, right, making everybody nervous? Yeah, I mean, yeah. Yeah, and the actual will increase in inflation. But if you go back to what they say, I think when you know, 3.5 to 4%, you know, in 2022 but it's not anything that it was back in, you know, the, the night, you know, the 90s Oh, or even the, you know that, you know, the inflation before, you know, like the beginning of the 90s inflation was it like, you know, 17%
Speaker 1 1:20:35
Oh, I didn't know that. 7%
Unknown Speaker 1:20:38
cut into it. Yes. At the end of the 80s we get a nice, but when Carter was in, we almost had a 20% inflation. Oh, that's when Ronald Reagan won, you know, with things around? You know, he did. Right. And what did he What did he put it out a nice course.
Speaker 1 1:20:56
What a Reagan call his economic trickle down? Uh huh. Was it trickle down economics?
Unknown Speaker 1:21:02
Well, yes. You know, you you get things back in order. Everybody benefits well, all the way down the line?
Speaker 1 1:21:10
Well, I'm, you know, my Economics professor told me that Jimmy Carter was one of the best economic presidents we had.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:19
He was not he was not, that was a lie. All over the place, as I did with some of the other classes I had, I could finish my degree a little while I was not, you know, I was a little older. I was in the end of my 20s, when in the early 30s, when I finished my degree, okay. And so they had a lot of these 18 year olds that they thought they were going to brainwash, nice, excuse me, I just lived through this. I don't know where you're getting your stuff from. So you think, the same planet we live in?
Speaker 1 1:22:06
Well, you know, it's interesting right now, with the times that we're at hand, right? The President has some powers to do things, but not ultimately, all the financial powers and different things, they don't really have that much power when it comes to the economy.
Unknown Speaker 1:22:26
Well, what he they can set things up in a in a, you know, not we're not going to get into a political thing. But we if you just observe between the two presidencies, the late latter ones, the current one and the latter one, be very, very different letting things go, you know, when you have no, they just did something for the infrastructure bill. And I'm just reading all about that, as a lot of it's going for that. But a lot of there's a lot of waste in there, too. It only be so what should we be watching?
Speaker 1 1:23:01
What should we be watching right now, Renee, as individuals, as dads, as families, as business owners,
Unknown Speaker 1:23:13
we need to pray, pray. Because, as I mentioned, can we can we do anything about it?
Speaker 1 1:23:22
You know, no, no, no, I mean, it takes no, not
Unknown Speaker 1:23:25
really, we I mean, we didn't pray that there Russia, you know, standard down, you know, and doesn't doesn't use the using Ukraine as a pawn to get their own way. That's all. Well, they
Speaker 1 1:23:37
also also you to do that. I mean, Ukraine has a lot of wheat, you know, they're farming? Well,
Unknown Speaker 1:23:44
it has a lot of the things have, you know, natural, you know, minerals and resources and vitamin says, you know, they have minerals, and other things that are needed, you know, radium. And, I mean, we walked away from Afghanistan, and man had one of the biggest deposits of rhenium.
Speaker 1 1:24:05
I can't believe we didn't grab any on the way out.
Unknown Speaker 1:24:08
Oh, we had it. And he gave it up. He walked away from
Speaker 1 1:24:13
it. Wow. You know, I was reading an article that Afghanistan has. This was interesting. This was a while back. This was probably 1015 years ago, where I was reading an article in the Wall Street Journal, and it was just like little blip. It said that the CIA has identified that Afghanistan has the largest natural resource wealth in the planet per capita. And, and that was kind of when the war was going on. So they have some really massive amounts. They
Unknown Speaker 1:24:44
have a big deposit, but what's real close to Afghanistan is also Israel yachtie Arabia and all that. I mean, it's for output, but Israel has a ton of stuff underneath its its ground round to round those groping for that word round. Holy moly. Okay, anyway, they do they do, and they, you know, they have a big oil deposit under there. Well, I bet it doesn't just stop at the border.
Speaker 1 1:25:16
Yeah, you're right. There's a lot of natural resources all over the place. And so we have to be aware, but not panic, you know, we're gonna watch the news. From time to time to see what's happening. Stop watching the news. Stop watching the news. I hear you there. Absolutely. And then just absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:34
Because Are they really telling you the truth? Are they telling you what, you know, what they want you to know, you know, they thing on this morning about their targeting, we realign you know, people that are on television that are giving us you know, they're supposed to be, you know, news reporters or, or just, you know, the On Air talent that delivers the news to us and everything else in the you know, and in there. They're less than 20% believable. I mean, that's how people feel about it less than 20. They feel that the local ones are more, but we don't get much local news. No. Well, that's what we're for international news. And we don't trust you know, the trust factor is not there because they can, you know, well, that's what we're trying to change, bro. Not a portion. Yeah, more than what it is. Because it's kind of did you see the movie wag the dog?
Speaker 1 1:26:27
Oh, yeah. Great movie. Great.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:29
So what'd they do? They turned around and they made an artificial war. Right? So they could hide what was really going on. Right? And so people, I mean, I saw that there was during Mr. Clinton's reign that we that movie came out and it was like, Oh, my gosh, I got boy, this is data. I don't know.
Speaker 1 1:26:48
movie. It was anyway. Yeah. Dustin Hoffman. Yes. Yeah, movie, wag the dog. Yeah. Great movie. I'm surprised you mentioned that. Oh, my gosh,
Unknown Speaker 1:26:58
yeah. Every time this stuff comes up like this, and they have all of these things yet, or the plate, and they try to make one more. I mean, I'm not saying it's not important that we shouldn't protect the crane and all the people that are here in America, in America that have relatives and people family still there. I'm not saying we shouldn't care about that. We should. But we need to realize that Russian I mean, they can sing Oh, no, they're they're just they're just lining, you know, 100 million people along the border, you know, soldiers along the border. You know, but they're, you know, yeah. You know, I know. tactic. Well, we'll I think it's a scare tactic. No, because the sanctions on Russia? I mean, we can put Russia to commission. I don't know if we can, I don't know if we can because they have to, they have to import almost everything. Oh,
Speaker 1 1:27:54
not if they take Ukraine, they'll just go ahead and have all their wheat and everything else.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:59
They're not going to get it. They're not going to get it. They're not going to do it. Because the swift action, you know, would be in it's not just the United States. It's the rest of the world. So well.
Speaker 1 1:28:12
I mean, it's it's a weird place out there. Right now, I know, we're not a political show. We like to express our opinion from what I
Unknown Speaker 1:28:19
know. And I'm not trying to make it political. But I'm just saying I know, things are over. When you say blown out of proportion, but not important.
Speaker 1 1:28:29
But finances are connected to the news that we hear. That's where the politics gets involved.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:34
The finances are connected to the news only in this way. Yeah. If you act on it, right, and take an action, you know, things that are in your portfolio are not they look like they're gone down. But the but the real loss is not there. Unless you sell them. Then you've taken the loss. Yeah, it's on paper. Right? I know, people don't want to hear that. But that is the truth. Because it will come back. I mean, last January, we had a downturn in the market to and by the end of the year, I mean, a bounce back like in middle of February, and in when in kept down going in by the end of the year. The market was really up.
Speaker 1 1:29:16
And you know, is like is that kind of typical. We're in January, some people like just shift up things and the economy's not as strong in January because you know, people are not spending as much Oh,
Unknown Speaker 1:29:29
that's not not necessary. No, not necessarily. Okay, the time where the market is kind of weakest is from May until the end of September. Okay, during the summer months is it's usually the weakest you know, little weaker Yeah,
Speaker 1 1:29:44
when I'm gonna be when I'm gonna be at my island someday. When we when you're on the island, worry about Yeah, you know, no time to look at my stocks when
Unknown Speaker 1:29:56
people are invested. If you need the money next week, then you should even be in the market. Right? If you are saving for long term and getting through retirement, and I say that getting through retirement because you still have to have money, making money, so that you can, you can have as much money as you need until till you're not here anymore. Well, I'm
Speaker 1 1:30:15
worried about, I'm worried about some of our neighbors, to be honest with you, because I feel that whatever they're getting now is not going to be able to buy them as much as it is today, tomorrow, especially
Unknown Speaker 1:30:29
if they've got it all sitting in the bank or in a CD that makes nothing less than less than a half a percent. Well, you know, inflation, I just, we just said that inflation was, you know, temporarily now it's at 7%. So if you're only making a half percent, you're six and a half percent behind you, before you even start
Speaker 1 1:30:47
every day. Am I losing six and a half percent? Or is it monthly?
Unknown Speaker 1:30:52
Six and a half percent is the inflation rates. So that's annually, but they're only making half percent annually.
Speaker 1 1:30:59
Okay. All right. So that's still Yeah, they're
Unknown Speaker 1:31:03
held down. We know they're down. I mean, 7%, they're still down six and a half percent for the year, and already before not doing anything.
Speaker 1 1:31:11
And what if it jumps to 20% inflation rate?
Unknown Speaker 1:31:16
Well, you think that they think that I haven't seen since 2008? Have you seen the interest rates? Were savers?
Speaker 1 1:31:23
No, up. No. No,
Unknown Speaker 1:31:25
they haven't been over 1%? Ever. Since 2008? Yeah, you can't? I mean, it's well over 10. What is it now? 14 years? Yeah. You know, going on 14 years? Yes. And so we have not seen an interest rate, like we did in the 90s, where you could buy CDs for 15% 18%. In the early, but but the inflation rate was high, too. Wow, we have a higher inflation rate higher than what this I mean, if you're only going to make it less than 1%, inflation at seven. That's that's not even, you know, that's the disparity is pretty wide. They're
Speaker 1 1:32:08
interesting times and times to be really cautious and times to really look at working with an expert, like yourself, Renee, I mean, honestly, this is not child's play. When you have when you have your whole night, when you have all of your family's money that you're making decisions on right now. Don't, you know, go off of a whim or off of some crazy uncle saying to do this or do that. You got to work with a tax professional as financial professional that can help you guide where you want to be, because it's getting it's getting more and more challenging. I feel we're in a you know, it's not getting less challenging for people to be able to do things with their money. It's more complicated. There are things
Unknown Speaker 1:32:55
there are things that people who have to, you know, need this money and needed to be saved. There are places that that it can go that it can earn better than a half a percent and be safe, holy liquid. Maybe yes. And that may be not. So they could run down the bank and take it out anytime they want to. But for that you're getting not at all they're loaning that money that you have in your savings account. It's loaned out
Speaker 1 1:33:21
on a much higher rate. Oh, yeah. Big time. They don't. They want you to keep it right in there. Let me ask you, um, what? How do you feel about silver right now? I was thinking about getting collecting up some silver.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:35
Well, I'm not saying that it's not it's not good. But Silver's price right now is $23.76. Oh, boy is down. Point. Yes. Gold is that $1,846.96 An ounce.
Speaker 1 1:33:50
I get a lot more silver ounces.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:53
Deal costs $4,723.
Speaker 1 1:33:59
For what a ton though. But still, yeah, that's a lot. That's a lot. I like 23 bucks. I mean, Silver has gone up I think over the last 10 years. And gold. No,
Unknown Speaker 1:34:15
gold's gone up higher than silver has but then, you know, next it's fluctuating right now. Okay.
Speaker 1 1:34:21
You're checking it out.
Unknown Speaker 1:34:22
Well, yeah, I look at these things. Yeah. So yeah, right now copper is up. 70.79%. Wow. And steel is up at point one. 3%. So it's made over over you know, gold has made 1.33% So far, in a month. Silver is at 3.22%. Oh, no, there we go. Oh, it's but it's more affordable to buy. But it's not going to make those big run like gold does.
Speaker 1 1:34:57
I know. I know. I was just putting it out there.
Unknown Speaker 1:35:01
It's not bad. It's not it's not a bad investment, because it's easier to get in into one, you know, one noun. So that is going to be, you know, less money than gold obviously.
Speaker 1 1:35:11
Right, right. No, it's just some could be in
Unknown Speaker 1:35:15
something that has a lot of these, you know, an overview of gold, silver, and maybe steel and iron ore, and all those things might be precious metals might be all in you know, that's raw, you know, would all be in the same thing, it could be any, you know, something that's easily take, you know, traded not a mutual fund, but there's ETFs, and other things that can be, well, these
Speaker 1 1:35:39
are things that you're going to have to call Rene kocharian to 485663362. That's tax solutions. Give me a call. She's an expert. She's been doing it for a long time. And you don't want to play around with risky things. At this point. I feel like especially if you're up in age, and if you're in retirement, you want to make sure your money is being managed properly. And give Renee a call at 248-566-3362 for tax solutions, consultants. Anything else you want to let our neighbors know, Ernie?
Unknown Speaker 1:36:16
No, no, just just pray that's in control of everything. And you know, these things too shall pass
Speaker 1 1:36:23
these things too shall pass. Yes. Thank you, Renee, for those great message. Okay, and feel better, and hopefully you're not a long holler. Yeah, keep your gut in good health and stay. Well. Thank you so much, Renee. Yes. You're welcome. All right, that was Renee concetti. From tech solutions, consultants giving us a call letting us know some things to worry about not worry about, and some things to understand tech solutions. 240-566-3362. All right. Right now we've got Jerry from Madison Heights. Hi, Jerry. What's happening
Unknown Speaker 1:37:08
tiedown. Good morning to you. Good morning to my shepherd the morning to all the neighbors.
Speaker 1 1:37:13
Thank you. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:15
Indeed. Mr. Rene, she gave us beautiful information, you know, things like we don't know. But thanks again to her. Thank you for you for bringing her to your show. Oh, my pleasure. Thank you, Mr. Danko. You know, I'll try to switch the gear to the real estate market. You know, nowadays donco You know, very good that the the houses prices. high sky. Yeah. I mean, a little Bangalore house, in city Ferndale or hazel park, or Madison Heights. I remember Danko I sold my house is see Ferndale in the abs $45,000. House right two storeys, bungalow, you know, bedroom. Now, the same real estate. I talked to him a little while ago. You said JD No, the house that you sold it for that 45,000. Now it's worth 200,000 Plus.
Speaker 1 1:38:28
Oh, man, that's
Unknown Speaker 1:38:30
crazy. Big. This is it? Yes. I mean a property. It's a good investment. But to jump like this is the icing story. Danko for the newlywed couple when they want to start their life to purchase a small house. And that's what we call the American dream. Right. I don't think they could afford to purchase a two bedroom house for two 300,000 Crazy things about Danko is the interest rate. Okay, big deal. The interest rate went down from 1614 12 11% I remember to uh, say 3.5, whatever. 4%. But you see what's good about Uncle when they lower the interest rate, but they are raising the house value. Right. I feel sorry for the average American people who they live. Check to check. Now you go to rent a house Danko. A little house in a average neighborhood. Certainly $1,500 A month a month. Danko
Speaker 1 1:39:43
crazy money. Crazy money. Now, if someone was retired, if they retired themselves 10 years ago, how can they afford this now?
Unknown Speaker 1:39:54
Exactly. And that's the question I want to address it to our neighbor what they think about the prices? The house is crazy, they're going up, lower the interest rate. I was unable to say, Is this good or bad? We would love to hear from them. And thank you very much for taking my
Speaker 1 1:40:17
pleasure, Jerry, thank you for being one of our neighbors. We love you. And we appreciate you.
Unknown Speaker 1:40:23
I love you, too, brother.
Speaker 1 1:40:25
Thank you. Alright, that's Jerry from Madison Heights, asking the neighbors What did they think about the housing prices? And the affordability? And where are we going as a society? And how are we going to be able, as a young family to buy a house, or even to rent a place if I'm retired at the way the prices are going. So I believe we're going to have to start rethinking many things on how we spend our money, how we live, what we do. And all these things are part of our show. That's why I love doing our show. We're teaching people how to garden, we're teaching people not teaching but you know, sharing these experiences with people that are letting us know about gardening about cooking our own food, these are all things that can make our life more affordable, smarter. And we're also talking about ways to make our mental health better ways to organize our things better. And all of these things. We're going to be starting very in Arbor here at 1045. And I just want to say thank you to everybody that called into ask the neighbor show. Make sure you check us out on our Facebook forward slash ask the neighbor forward slash very Detroit, and you can go to very Ann Or very and you can click on the WNZK button and listen to our stream anywhere you are. That ends our show for Ask the neighbor today, and we will be back in a few minutes with Mary Ann Arbor.