Janurary 31st, 2022

Play All Shows Here: Soundcloud.com/verydetroit

Music Playlist


Golden Sun> Hotel Eden

Dolly Parton : Light of a Clear Blue Morning

Monday January 31st, 2022 ( Daily Recap )

9am >>

915am > > JuJuan Buford > NextOppSocial.com

David Detroit > Bozo the Clown

9:30 >> Rodney Pearson: The Monthly Standard |Recap from the Token Lounge

10:00am >>

10:39am >> The difference between winning and succeeding | John Wooden

10:45am >>

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Speaker 1 0:50

Good morning everybody and welcome to ask the neighbor I'm your host Danko Sutter offski coming to you this morning on the 31st of January here with DJ Chaka and tomorrow will be February so we are officially going to be in February tomorrow we're going to start it off with the song and we will be back

there's no need to fill down a young man just because you're in a new town is a place you can go when you're short on your dope you can stay fun to stay in young man can make million dreams but you know no man by himself shell to the YMCA I was once in your shoes I sat down with the blues a lot someone came up to me and said Go walk up the street they can stop is fun it's fun to stand out man no man no man Young man

All right, TJ.

Unknown Speaker 5:50

Yeah, those are the village people with YMCA. All

Speaker 1 5:53

right. All right. All right. Welcome to the show everyone. You're listening to ask the neighbor. I'm your host Danko. Sen. offski Right now we've got Karen on the line. Good morning, Karen.

Unknown Speaker 6:03

Good morning. I just wanted everybody to know that those Duncan Hines cake mixes apologize and ones that are coming out. Uh huh. There will be a buttercream frosting too. Oh, good. Because we were trying to figure out how you would put the chocolate frosting on the two cake flavors that are coming out? Yes. And they'll be out in the stores in March and they'll cost about $2 A

Speaker 1 6:28

box. How much is that more than what they're regularly selling for sometimes,

Unknown Speaker 6:32

like at the dollar store? He could find? You know, cake mixes for $1 I don't know if I've seen him. Really looked in the grocery store. But with the prices have gone up? Yeah, I don't think $2 is really unreasonable.

Speaker 1 6:46

So I'm guessing normal pricing is right around like 180

Unknown Speaker 6:50

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, cuz I know the dollar store was cheaper. But the Dollar Store is very limited. You can get like chocolate and vanilla. Yeah, you know. And that's it.

Speaker 1 7:02

So you're saying that they're going to be carrying a frosting, the butter

Unknown Speaker 7:07

cream, the butter cream, which is a white, like a vanilla butter cream. And then they're gonna have a chocolate butter cream, coconut cake and a banana. Wow. And when she announced it, they immediately sold out online the first day is that right?

Unknown Speaker 7:28

They should, should be

Unknown Speaker 7:29

and but if anybody's ever tasted her Gooey Butter cake, it's a recipe you make? That is delicious. Is that right? We've been to three of her restaurants and the one lady and sons in Savannah and tune Pigeon Forge. And we never pass that. And you can make that with a cake mix too. But you know, you can find that recipe online anywhere easily. So

Speaker 1 7:55

we butter cake. Uh huh.

Unknown Speaker 7:57

It's got cream cheese and butter and that kind. It doesn't have a frosting on it. But it's really really good.

Unknown Speaker 8:03

All the good stuff all the goods

Unknown Speaker 8:06

in it. Fall. She makes a pumpkin one so

Speaker 1 8:09

Oh, minor stuff. This is gonna be interesting for what she does with this career. This part of her Right,

Unknown Speaker 8:15

right? Yep. Yep. Everybody should get their snow shovels sharpened and bread and milk because they've updated it to 12 to 18 inches. That right?

Speaker 1 8:27

Oh, yeah. Are we coming into the studio or what?

Unknown Speaker 8:31

What's the plan is I am.

Speaker 1 8:33


Unknown Speaker 8:35

I think it's probably gonna be the most difficult day because it doesn't start until late, late. Wednesday, you know?

Speaker 1 8:44

So where's this coming from?

Unknown Speaker 8:46

Yeah, I don't know. It.

Speaker 1 8:48

Sounds like it's coming. everybody's worried about everybody's talking about it. Everybody's, you know, we weren't worried about it last night at the token lounge. Oh, did you go? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 9:00

Anywhere less than two miles from my house. On the other side of the street is where Lavanya starts. Oh, okay, cuz,

Speaker 1 9:07

boy, boy, it has not. It's like the same place the token lounge and they had a tribute and it was really nice. Yeah, that what they did? Yeah, I thought it was really well done. And there was a lot of people there and that's great. Yeah. You know, doing you know, there's different performers and everything up there too. And, or, but it was like you're in. In the past. Everybody was.

Unknown Speaker 9:36

I told you we used to go there in the 70s in the 80s. It was way younger.

Speaker 1 9:44

But I mean, that's probably the only rockin club left in Westland. From what I bet. I don't know. Is there another one?

Unknown Speaker 9:51

He not that I know of? It seems like everybody knows about talking loud.

Speaker 1 9:55

He used to be blondies, right? Yes. Was that in Westland?

Unknown Speaker 10:00

She I don't know that there was another dance club on Telegraph to de Soto's or something like that. And that was I had never been in in cement, in fact, one of my daughters, her ex longtime boyfriend she had before she met this gentleman whose wonderful brother performed at the token lounge, you know, sometimes they would take just amateur people in record kind of open mic. Get some? Yes, yes. Yeah. Oh, looks like

Speaker 1 10:43

they're still pretty active, you know, like, doing bands and all that other stuff there. They've got a lot of things lined up. And I went to their Facebook page, and I followed them and shared that information yesterday. It was just such a tragedy when you hear something like this happen to somebody like John O'Leary, and you know, you just wonder, you know, what's, what saw what was the world coming to? Yeah, it's just the shame. And what a nice tribute though, that they were able to do that there was there was a video that came in from Peter Wolf from the Jay Geils Band, and there was other names that were there and all that other stuff and Doug Poe dowel and everybody else was there. And it was really nice that we were able to, you know, just acknowledge this career that this man had in this city for so long.

Unknown Speaker 11:38

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Part of it. Fellow DJs

Speaker 1 11:41

got to support our DJs out there in the world.

Unknown Speaker 11:46

I even think they were talking about John O'Leary on Sirius XM on 60 channels, because I listen to that. He was, I think they were even mentioning him there. There was a DJ. I think his name's Pat St. James. from the Detroit area back in the 60s and 70s. And he's on Sirius XM. He's got like an afternoon show that starts at noon. And they even play like a C KLM. W like little song and stuff. So there's ties. Some of those DJs went on bigger things, I guess. So. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1 12:31

It's pretty cool. Pretty good. Okay, well, I left for that call, Karen. I appreciate that update on the weather, the Gooey Butter cake and also the buttercream vanilla frosty outs coming out. That's awesome. Thank you so much, Karen.

Unknown Speaker 12:47

Alrighty. All right. Have a great Day. Bye Bye.

Speaker 1 12:50

All right, that was Karen from Lavanya. Letting us know that there are some other frostings available that are coming out with the Dolly Parton line butter cream, vanilla and looks like other ones as well. Just so our neighbors know and you can check it out online I believe and see all the flavors but I guess they were sold out the first day they were announced. Right now we've got John Buford on the line. Good morning, John.

Unknown Speaker 13:12

Good morning. Good morning. Danko. How are you?

Speaker 1 13:14

Oh, you know, it's a good morning. I know it's cold out there. But it is Monday. It's a chance for us to show the world what we got. John, what do you think? You know, we took the weekend a little low. But now we're ready to go.

Unknown Speaker 13:32

Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I cannot say it better myself. Man. You already know who I am a lot. Mondays. I feel like a rocket like I'm excited. Right? That's right. Get the week started.

Speaker 1 13:44

And it is exciting, because people are I think people are starting to be ready to do business. Well, yeah. I mean,

Unknown Speaker 13:56

you know, there are some of us that never stopped, right? We just trucked on through it. We don't keep it moving. Right, right. But then there's people who I believe are on the opposite end of the spectrum. And I think the way I've heard people talk about it is fatigue. People are just fatigued with it, you know, right. It was, they're fatigued with different variants the same it feels like a different variants coming out every week. Right? Right. And we say, well, we're gonna overcome this one than another, we're gonna overcome this one than another and then, of course, people are fatigued with all the different protocols that can get introduced. Are my kids, my kid going to school, are they not?

Speaker 1 14:37

Right, you know, right. The virtual right?

Unknown Speaker 14:41

Yeah, you know, a lot to wear a mask Do I not do I have to get 15 20 million

Unknown Speaker 14:48

shot or, you know,

Unknown Speaker 14:50

every time a veteran come out, you gotta kill you can be shooting me my pinky toe. Right people are

Speaker 1 14:54

T I know. They?

Unknown Speaker 14:56

They are. Yeah. And with that fatigue come restlessness, right. And just a willingness to say, You know what? Let me just go ahead. And as I've heard people talk about it once again, live with it, so to speak. Right, right. Except the fact that is here, that we're all going to contract it at some point. Yeah. And that, depending on how, whether or not you've acquired the shot, depending on your health, and how you take care of yourself, right? Oh, yeah, it was a huge piece of the story, I just think was lost in this. I know. Well, a lot of the individuals, if you look at the statistics, the statistics show that people who suffer disproportionate from it are people who are not backed. The people who are also 65 and older. Yeah. And people who had what they what they're referring to was comorbidity issues. In other words, bad health.

Speaker 1 16:01

There you go. There's the there's the short and simple answer. It's that simple, you know, if you don't take care of yourself, health is the new wealth, you know, mentally and physically and you can't be physically fit, unless you're mentally fit. You know, I mean, I don't, you can't, you can, but it's difficult. I think that you know, your mind and your body work together. And, you know,

Unknown Speaker 16:26

you're not able to perform at peak levels. Let's put it that way.

Speaker 1 16:29

Exactly. And, you know, the the point about not talking about how important diet is, you know, I don't think that's an accident. I think that's a that's a systematic kind of message that is being tolerated. through media, and they're not talking about what's good for you, and they're keep pushing was bad for you, you know, and it just, if you read between the lines, you see exactly what's happening is that, you know, the truth is not getting out about how important our health is, and don't eat junk food and don't eat the baloney that's being sold, packaged, and everything else, you know what I mean? So that message is being lost because of the media power. You know what I mean? No one's gonna say don't eat McDonald's when McDonald's is pushing the ads, you know what I mean? They can't

Unknown Speaker 17:23

Oh, and, man, look. We live in a capitalistic society. Oh, yeah. We can we can we can just we can agree with that as a baseline. Yes, we live in a capitalist society. Yes. And so what I've learned over the course of time is if you ever want to understand why something is happening, yeah, 99.9% of time, the answer is follow the money. There you go. Everything in everything,

Speaker 1 17:57

right? Well, if you want to be successful, you got to follow your money, you got to make sure you're on it. You know what I mean? And how you're going to get to the next level. You know, John, you and I talk about entrepreneurialism, and we know that that doesn't, it's there's a lot of moving parts and pieces to that. And every week we get to we get a chance to share our thoughts and our conversation here on 690 AM, I want to make sure we acknowledge all the work that you do on a normal basis with next stop social.com. That's where jawaan podcast is at next, stop social calm. And you can also go to ask the neighbor, calm our website, and under our home button, you're going to see Jawan Buford page where you can go to John, all of John's information like your LinkedIn information, your your main web page, and a couple other links to your stuff. The next app social is all there. So it's really, folks, if you want to follow any part of John's social media, you can do it right through Ask the neighbor or you can go to next app social. I'm sure everything's connected. You can also search on Google at J. S Buford. And get to that point. So um, what do you think about right now? As far as networking and expanding your network as an entrepreneur, how do you do it today?

Unknown Speaker 19:28

Well, briefings come to mind when I think about networking, right. The first thing is be intentional. Yeah, be intentional. I'm a huge fan of the mindset of you recruit the interests and talents of people before you need them. Yeah, so when I'm networking with people, you know, so often people go out there trying to be interesting, I try to be interested. I try to be interested in the things that people are passing About, I take notes on the things they have an interest in, I take inventory of their talent. Because the entrepreneur of your growing if you're scaling, at some point in time, you're gonna need more talent, you're gonna need people who are interested and passionate about what it is you're

Speaker 1 20:16

doing. Right? Right. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 20:18

And so that's one of the biggest mistakes people make, I don't care if you're doing it via zoom. Or if you're doing it online, if you're meeting people in person, if you meet someone randomly at the coffee shop, you know, for me, the first thing I'm taking aim at is I want to know, why is this person waking up in the morning? What are they interested in? What are they passionate? What are they trying to achieve? Right? Entrepreneurship mindset full time always thinking, how can I serve this person? How can I get them or give them or provide them what they need? Because if I can do that, then we can really have a substantive relationship. Right, right. And so that's the first thing that I encourage people to do. The other thing when it comes to networking, you know, a strategy that I employ and is is more of a deeper dive right? Even on what I just said, No, once again, I've seen this time and time again, people go to a networking event and run around splashing their business cards all over the place. Right? You're running around. I mean, it'll give a person 30 seconds or their their into their sales pitch exact. Right? Yeah. And my experience has been that just doesn't make you memorable. Right. You know, there's a room of 50 to 100 people. I rather go deep on the five people that I have an interest in. Yeah, really walk out of there. And they remember who I am. Yeah. Because I took the time to understand. Ask them about their family. Ask them about the occupation, or their business endeavor. Ask them about what motivates them, what gets them excited when they wake up in the morning? What are the challenges they're going through, really take an interest in them? And I'll tell you, after networking events, I've never had a problem set up a file appointment. And 90% of the time, after a networking event, I end up doing business with people whom I talk to, you spent

Speaker 1 22:12

the time that he spent the time to take a take that inventory of what they who they are a lot of people don't do that.

Unknown Speaker 22:21

No. And so it's shocking, right, right. And in a world today, especially a social media world today, where we're supposedly all where people all pretty much doing the same thing or similar things, or making similar claims. Right. One of the ways in which you separate yourself is as see by going deep. Hi, yeah. Know, I'm going to I know I'm going to jump on LinkedIn already did as part of my you know, that's how I built my business via LinkedIn as the platform I use primarily. And I would jump into my inbox. And I know the majority of time, people are not asking me questions about what it is I do who I am, what's important to me, they're pitching me something. Right? They're pitching me something. Nine times out of 10. If I jump in your inbox, whether it's Facebook, LinkedIn doesn't matter, nine times out of 10. I'm asking questions, right? I'm able, you know, hey, I'm here to network people who are interested in financial independence and growing businesses. But look, I took a look at your profile. Talk to me what's most important to you? When you take an aim at what matters most? I noticed you have this occupation? How'd you get involved? Now? I'm asking questions, right? What do you see? How many individuals will respond back to like, okay, let's talk.

Speaker 1 23:42

Yeah, right. What do you find? What do you what do you find that they go to when you ask them that? That kind of stuff? Is it? Family? Is it vacations? Is it what's their interests?

Unknown Speaker 23:56

Well, it really depends on the platform, right? My personal experience has been, if you're on LinkedIn, in particular, you're on LinkedIn for three reasons. You're on LinkedIn acquire a job, right? You're only tend to hire someone. Yeah. Or you're on LinkedIn to level up, you're looking for something, someone some type of resource or connection to help you level up as an entrepreneur, professionally or personally. Right. So nine times out of 10, even though the platform is starting to change a little bit, but nine times out of 10. If I start asking questions about a person's and endeavors, or what's important to them, they're going to tell me we start talking about the profession or occupation or business, right? Because that's what people are there for. Right? And that's part of the reason why I appreciate the platform. Right, right. I don't want to have to sift through all the randomness to happen this past weekend about some music videos. are athletes messy social life? You know, I'm saying like, yeah, I don't have any interest in that I'm on there because I want to meet people who are interested in leveling up. But, you know, on the subject of networking, the other reason why it's important as we talk about this pandemic, is I just truly believe you have a lot of people who are very, very, very disconnected. Yeah. Right. We're very disconnected. And I just, you know, I'm an introvert. But even I enjoy human interaction, connection, conversation, exchange, right? We need it for individuals who, who really aren't all introverted, who aren't comfortable and quiet spaces with themselves. This pandemic has really done some damage. Yeah. And, you know, for me, I'm going to be networking quite a bit and rolling out a lot on empathy as well. You know, something that caught my attention last night was of course the news reports that model Miss USA the jump from the building?

Speaker 1 26:08

Oh, right. I didn't hear about that. Wow.

Unknown Speaker 26:10

Yes, Miss USA Today. One wanted Miss USA one and 2019 You know, if you look at her social media, it was Miss Chelsea Chris. And God bless her family. You know, I just wish them that craters great to be in their lives. And you say that first and foremost by Avon speaker her name. But, um, you know, she, you look at her social media, you look at the things she was posting. You would think everything was all good, right? She's living a comfortable life, relatively speaking. She's getting endorsements. She's having success. She's working. She's beautiful.

Speaker 1 26:48

She's beautiful. Yeah. You think she

Unknown Speaker 26:51

got the entire world from her? She's young man. And when situations like that transpire, right? You know, I always ask myself, who is she talking to? Does she have someone that turns I've had friends call me up in the middle of night. I've had people calling me up in the middle of day, talking, like, they're going to do self harm. And it was stressful. But I was glad that I was there for them. Sure. Sure. thing, right, right. And you have a lot of people right now who are quietly going through pain going through hard a Kylie going through feelings of disillusion, because they don't have a usual network of people around them that uplift their spirits, and they don't have a connection, right? Socially, I think about that a lot. When we talk about networking, like, I'm really going to dedicate a lot of time and 2022 to not just understanding academically or psychologically or mentally, where a person is going through and what they're taking aim at, and what matters most to them. But I'm really going to have my antenna up to what's going on with people emotionally,

Speaker 1 27:58

emotionally. Yeah, because that's gonna trigger their, their way they're going to do business, you know, if they're, if they're, you know, feeling a certain way and needing a certain thing, that way, you can just understand your client better. And I actually would really, I think it'd be great for us to start a networking, something there. You know, on Mondays, I'd be great. You know, I mean, I even if it was just a few people just to get our feet wet again, a little bit, it'd be nice to connect up. We'd have to, we'll have to talk about that on the side someday, someday, here soon. Juwan. But I feel like that's in our possible future, you know, setting up a few different networking things that, you know, maybe there's more of how we want to do it.

Unknown Speaker 28:50

Right. Well, I just think it's, we come on, I think it's necessary. Yeah, I guess Obama isn't necessary, is it? You know, social media and just interacting online? I think it's worked people senses. Yeah. You know, I had a conversation with a young man about a week ago now, maybe a week and a half ago. And you know, I've never wanted to defecate in someone's cereal. That's not what I do. No, no, you come to me, saying you have a dream. You have an entrepreneur and everyone a launch. I'm going called Full steam ahead. Let's go. It's tight. But I asked him a couple questions. And hopefully listen to audience will take some, some huge clues or cues from this. As he was talking to me about his endeavor, one of the questions I asked him was, well, how many people in your phone do you know who earn over 100,000 a year? He said no one. And the reason why I asked that question is I know some people say, what does that have to do with entrepreneurship? I've always been taught and I've learned through experience, that if you are serving people who are 30,000 year guests, you're gonna

Speaker 1 30:00

by 2020

Unknown Speaker 30:04

You already know, if you're serving people who earn 100k per year guess what's your donor? If you're serving people earn 250 or 500, right? Guess what you're going to earn? The majority of time that ratio does work out. There are exceptions, but for the most part, that ratio works out. Very, very high indicator. High indicator. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And so, you know, I asked that question, because I'm listening to what he wants to market and his anticipated or expected income. And as I'm listening, I'm like, there's a huge disconnect. Right, right. And I had to kind of slowly slide that in. Yeah. You know, the next question I asked him, quite frankly, was, you know, questions related to his habits. Now, I want to know what's, what's your routine? Yeah. What do you know what you do when you wake up in the morning? Right? Yeah. What do you do? When you in midday? What do you do at night? What's your routine? Because I'm trying to tell you 90% of the time. I know when I'm off track. I know when another astronaut is on track. I know when I'm getting ready to get it in. I can see it clear as day. Oh, yeah. And I can see it because I can see that my routine. Right. You're retiring?

Speaker 1 31:19

In your mind, like what you're saying. Right?

Unknown Speaker 31:22

Yeah. part of your routine, right? Yeah.

Speaker 1 31:25

I mean, it's there. What

Unknown Speaker 31:26

are you doing every single? What? Do you have something in your routine? That you know, for the sake of just keeping things simple? Possible? Do you have something you routine health and get your head like on a daily basis? Are you doing something to get your head? Right?

Speaker 1 31:42

Right yoga, whatever it is, whatever, if

Unknown Speaker 31:45

we're writing in a journal about gratitude, writing and looking at your goals on a daily basis, reading affirmations to yourself, are you looking at things that bring you joy and give you energy? You know, what are you doing? Are those things power are your process? Right. Right.

Speaker 1 32:05

And, and, you know, are you also I think, a big part of this is? Are you doing these little things that you really enjoy your hobbies, your personal interests, you know, that you touched upon earlier? I think it really, if they're not doing but a part of the two, you know, I feel like that's a big piece. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 32:28

But what came out with my entrepreneurship? Yeah, yeah. And so this way, you know, this is an uphill fight.

Speaker 1 32:34

No, no, right. Yeah. Right.

Unknown Speaker 32:37

So number one, are you doing things to keep the head right, number two, what are you doing to become sharper, more informed, more educated, more able, than you were the previous day? Good question. Right. Yeah, I those type of questions I asked. I'll ask a person. Tell me about some type of hardship you went through. Yeah. Because if you're not a customer as a customer hard seat, and our line of work Denko both you and I deal with this? Right, right. Sometimes we got to go old school. Sometimes you got to pick up the phone. Yeah, sometimes you got a knock on the door. Sometimes you have to go to networking, old school, right? The stuff that requires work, a little bit of mental energy, exertion, and some thick skin right, picking up the phone calling up strangers, approaching strangers cold, you know, meeting people brand new right off right off the gate. That requires a certain degree of tenacity.

Speaker 1 33:36

Yeah, right. Taking rejection to

Unknown Speaker 33:38

you. And if you have not endured some difficult things that forced you to change and be flexible, that's a tough road to go. I believe I called up a Navy Seal and said, Hey, I just need you to make 30 dials a day to people you don't know. They probably say that's it, right? I mean, what else? Yeah, what else? 100,000 a year to just make 20 calls a day. Okay. Yeah. versus, versus we all know that there are a lot of people that if you approached them and said, Hey, I need you to make 20 $30 a day. That's all you have to do. If you make these 20 to $30 a day, if you follow this script that I'm giving you and you do 20 $30 a day, we can pay you 100k You know, a lot of people will say I can't do that.

Speaker 1 34:32

You're right. It's too hard. Right? Right. Right.

Unknown Speaker 34:36

So when I'm making an assessment of whether or not someone is really ready for entrepreneurship, those are some of the questions I'm asking those some of the things I'm thinking as I'm having the conversation with them and I told this young guy I said, Look, you do know you don't need to be a fool to like you're not a failure if you're not a full time entrepreneur. Right? Right. You know, You know, you're only 23 years of age, you got a lot of tread left on the tire of that woman. And the bottom line is puts yourself in an environment that challenges you where you endure some pain, some hardship. I know it sounds weird, but I tell them yes. Put yourself in an environment. That is a little bit hostile.

Speaker 1 35:20

Yeah. Can't a little

Unknown Speaker 35:23

help. Yeah, we got to toughen you up. Yeah. Good point, you got to toughen you up. You know, the other thing I told them, I said, Look, I don't care if you get a direct selling business on the side. I don't care if you start up some type of anything, but you need to put yourself in an environment where sales or even at least communicate in a value prop, where you practice that a little bit. I don't expect you to become a master at all expect to get really good at it. But you got to get accustomed to waking up and introducing what it is you do to people because 99% of entrepreneurship, you can have the best product service, you can be the greatest person in the world. If people don't know you exist, it does not matter. Exactly. You have to be able to do that you have to that has become a muscle a habit. Right?

Speaker 1 36:18

You know, releasing that releasing that sorry to interrupt you, but like, that's what, that's what people think, you know, they they put a website out there and figure well, now I'm gonna have all this business, right? No, it's not. It's that's kind of similar to, you know, art. I just opened up my doors. I'm gonna have all this business doesn't just happen, right?

Unknown Speaker 36:40

No, no, um, people's attention spans are short. Yeah. And the beautiful thing about technology, it requires less money for people to start entrepreneur endeavor. So what do you have more people doing what? endeavors and that's not necessarily a bad thing. But that also means that you have more voices to compete against. That's right. Yeah, there are more people out there. So no, it's not. It's not you build it. They will come. No, no, no, no, no. Yeah, you better have a loud, loud megaphone.

Speaker 1 37:10

It's I mean, but it's very similar to what you're talking about. Right? Like, um, you know, when when you're networking in the real world, right? You're talking to people and you're like, Hey, my name is John. Buford. This is what I do. Tell me more about yourself. You're making a connection.

Unknown Speaker 37:27

First of all, Pez back that up. My name is tuwana. Buford. So glad to meet you. What brings you in today?

Speaker 1 37:35


Unknown Speaker 37:36

what are you most excited about? What puts

Unknown Speaker 37:41

that smile on your face? You look really sharp. You look really fantastic. Really? Like how you conduct and carry yourself? Yeah, by the way, what do you do for a living? Why did you get involved with that? Why? How did you get started? Right? Oh, wow. What's really motivating you right now? What do you take an aim at over the next two, three years? Oh, wow. That's interesting. How does family play a role in these things? That's a huge motivator for me. Here's motivated for you. Oh, yeah. Oh, like what do you what do you do for reprise? And when you need to take a break? Right? Now that's how the conversation begins. There you go. I start there. It goes, let's be real danco. If I can take two to three minutes, to get some of that information from you, you're gonna like me, you're gonna start to trust me. You're gonna feel comfortable with me? Yeah. And people do business with folks. And they like trust. Yeah. And they feel like they know and feel comfortable with.

Speaker 1 38:43

Good boy. Yeah, it's, it's yeah,

Unknown Speaker 38:45

that's how you that's how you start. You start by getting to, because here's the thing. If I'm having, let's get real practical about, let's say you don't care about people.

Unknown Speaker 38:58

Right? We should go there. Go there.

Unknown Speaker 39:02

You have a lot of people who are just out here for the profit, even practically speaking. I'm not going to have a conversation with someone for 510 1520 minutes, just to find out on the back end, that they weren't a good candidate for me. Anyway, there you go. I'm not going to give my five my five second two minute five minute spiel about myself for personal look me in the face. They all that sounds great, but I don't need any of that. That's a waste of

Speaker 1 39:32

time. How do you identify those people?

Unknown Speaker 39:35

Yeah, it's a better use of my time to ask you questions. So at the very least, let's say hypothetically, I'm not interested in a relationship which I'm always interested relationship, never conversation for another time. Yeah, but but if I'm not interested relationship at least, I found out enough about each of the sigh, how much of my time which is a resource, or any other expenditures of energy I want to make in your direction. Right? Just practically speaking, it makes sense, right to kind of learn about someone before you go in about what it is that you do.

Speaker 1 40:09

Yeah, no, it's I mean that, that that's completely a valid statement. Now, relating that to social media. I feel like, I feel like a lot of businesses and a lot of people don't understand. Social media is somewhat similar to that, you know, we don't you have to engage your users. And if you're not engaging your users, you're going to have limited results, right? Like, if you're just putting out there, buy this, buy this, buy this, buy this, right, which, it's, it's a form of networking, right? You have to pull people in, you have to engage them into what you're doing.

Unknown Speaker 40:51

So I'll give you a case in point. I know five people over the last four to five years who went viral. Wow. Four, either on Facebook, LinkedIn, one of those platforms, right? They went viral. And now they're owner, second, third for occupation job. Whatever. strabismus, they went viral. Wow, this is gone. Right? Yeah. Now, I'm gonna use myself and I'm a juxtapose myself. Okay. I've never gone viral. Never. Not even close. I have some content out there where maybe a good you know, 1000 to 2000. Eyeballs may look at it. I have some times I know, I know. People are probably looking at, I know, jawaan view for his name, or my business is popping up somewhere in outer space, the internet about 1000 times. every two to three days. I do know that happening.

Speaker 1 41:54

That's not Bible. No. But that's good. Solid. Good. Yeah. Right.

Unknown Speaker 41:59

Yeah. Um, but I still have almost 3000 followers. And if you look across all my platforms together, I literally have well over 30,000 people who are checking for my content, or at least aware that I exist, and who every now and again, take a look at what I do 30,000 People who are who aren't just connections, but ask me finally my content. It's a big number now. Now, how did I get to that? It was about going viral? It was by doing exactly what we just talked about. Right? I meet you, I ask questions about you. I take an interest in who you are not about my story and why I'm so great. So wonderful. I'm so smart. And but no one cares. No. No, we care for a hot second. You're sexy for a hot

Speaker 1 42:52

second, right? Okay.

Unknown Speaker 42:56

But at the end of the day, no one really cares. They're on to the next. Yeah, right. But what I am good at is just developing relationships, simple relationships. You know, people don't sharing what I what they do with me. And know nine times out of 10, let's be real. If someone takes five minutes to share what it is they do, and you're quiet, and you're listening, and they can tell that you're intentional. danco, 99% of time, what happens? What do they turn around and ask you?

Speaker 1 43:28

They're gonna ask you what you do.

Unknown Speaker 43:30

I'm like, I'm so glad you asked right now you give me permission to go in? Yeah. Now when I start talking about what it is I do, it doesn't feel like salesmanship. It doesn't feel like I approached you and tried to cajole you or exercise some type of Jedi mind trick. Right now, it's now it's a conversation, you invited me to share. You see, I'm saying yeah, that's my objective. And that's my objective. And I'm on social media. My objective is to be nice, be approachable, be knowledgeable, be helpful. Be interested, because I know if I am those things, particularly across social media, I know at some point, people are going to start taking an interest in me, they're gonna start looking at my profile. Oh, yeah, they're gonna start looking at the content that I post and the stuff might not go viral ends up happening, they show up my inbox asking questions.

Speaker 1 44:26

And that's what you want being the business that yeah, you know, your level of business, you know, you don't you know, you want to be able to answer those calls and answer that directly. And there you go, it's in your inbox but you're doing all these things. And I think you know, we talk about so many things every every week, but we We pinpoint something in every every conversation and today I think the networking piece is an important piece that we need to we need to keep on top of our mind because our social, our social fabric right now has obviously been deteriorated because of everything that's happened. So yeah, we got to build it back up to

Unknown Speaker 45:09

is we talk about networking, right. And we talk about the ingredients that I kind of qualify as well and work on people. Look, we have to spend more time with ourselves. Get in our heads right now to have routine, you just can't think that's going to happen. Routine, like having a positive attitude is a muscle. It's such high self esteem and self concept is a muscle. Right, right. Being psychologically, emotionally and mentally healthy. These things are muscles. Yeah, there's a reason why people actually hire coaches, right? They're called psychiatrist, they're called counselors. Right? Great athletes hire what coaches great musicians hire what coaches, some of us have to be okay, the fact that look, it's a muscle and needs to be worked out and sometimes need a coach to help you work out that muscle. And we need to. And when we're networking, we need to be empathetic to the fact that some people need that, right. It's not always about the transaction for me. I just have always subscribed to the ideal that a rising tide lifts all ships. I believe that Mr. Hart, I believe if the ground is fertile, if the soil is fertile, things can grow in it, right? And you don't have to spend as much time competing. You can spend more time completing each other. That's because if a neighborhood is healthier, if the community is healthier, then my business is going to be healthier.

Speaker 1 46:49

Every time every time. Yeah, yeah. And that's what

Unknown Speaker 46:53

this is all about. So take a look. I gotta get this in about the wrap up. Let's stop talking about gaining some topic networking. This side of it is it's just time to do it. That's right.

Speaker 1 47:04

Yeah. Yeah. Get out and look.

Unknown Speaker 47:07

And be first. I mean, if people want to drag their feet, that's okay. Right. We can be first.

Speaker 1 47:12

Yeah, definitely. We'll talk more about that after the show. Maybe I'll give you a call a little bit later. John, thank you so much for your tips on networking and sharing how you share you know, it's really cool. Thank you so much. You want anything else you want to let anybody know before we let you go?

Unknown Speaker 47:29

Not at all, man. This always wakes me up, man. I love

Speaker 1 47:32

it. I love it, man. Let's go. Let's connect. That's what our conversation is about today. Have a great one out there, John. Thank you. Yep. All right. All right. That was your Buford folks. From next stop social calm. And also you can reach his information by searching Google at J. S Buford. He's a personal business coach, entrepreneur or coach of a man that has a good vision and can help a lot of people out. Check out John Buford on our webpage at Ask the neighbor.com I want to make sure we acknowledge some of the people that are supporting our show. Thank you to Lewis Tire Service, located on Eight Mile Road 317 East Eight Mile Road to 485420930 Thank you to fathers justice law 313819176 If you're a father looking for a family law attorney 313-819-9176 Thank you to Detroit bold coffee.com boldly brewed and Motown you can use the very Detroit promo code for the website if you're going to make a purchase you can get some percentages off. Also, you can click on the shop Detroit button on our website very detroit.com and get yourself a discount on different products. Thank you to one mag.tv You're waiting room media solution. Check it out, folks. We're making updates on it all the time. Thank you to tech solutions consultants.com or naked chat. He can help you be more resilient as we traverse these financial times and they are they are tricky right now folks if you are looking to have a good strategy for your finances, if you're a business and you're concerned about how much taxes you might be paying, give tax solutions consultants a call to 485663362 Rene Chetty can help you out as you guys work on the financial matters. Thank you to Troy jewelers, Troy jewelers located at between big Beaver and wattles on Rochester that's Troy jewelers, you can reach them at Troy diamonds.com. If you have an engagement ring that you're trying to create custom one you can do it at Troy jewelers. You can bring in your design and they will make you a custom engagement ring or a custom any type of jewelry. They've been in business for over 35 years folks Troy jewelry To 485280962 located between big Beaver and wattles also folks, novelty smoker.com is opening up a new location and their location is on. It is on Ryan road 28833 Ryan road opening up in February here, Warren, Michigan and their phone number 586-879-4907 novelty smoker.com You can check out their information and all the different products that they carry their wholesale and retail and we'll be talking more about them in the future. Thank you to kebab Island 58675175101 Kebab island.com Check out their menu located on 13 Mile Road just decide to Shaner 586-751-7511 That's kebab Island. Beautiful Mediterranean dishes. Also some excellent rice pudding 10% off when you mentioned ask the neighbor that's kebab island.com 586-751-7511 DJ where's that go song we're gonna pull up here I think we're gonna go to a tune here in a minute and come back after that yeah there we go alright, we're gonna play this song and we will be back two today God each other this roller coaster? If time is Golden Sun shining

Alright, DJ,

Unknown Speaker 55:18

yeah, that was hotel Eden with Golden Sun.

Speaker 1 55:21

All right, bringing you some tunes bringing you some conversation here at Ask the neighbor. Hope everyone's enjoying the day. It's Monday, January 31, the last day of January. So, DJ chunka how's everything going with your dieting thing?

Unknown Speaker 55:40

Going good? Yeah, I gotta get buried down in February here. Yeah, kind of faded off.

Speaker 1 55:45

Oh, did it? What do you mean faded off? What happened?

Unknown Speaker 55:49

I started drink a little more coke. So I got Oh, okay. All right.

Speaker 1 55:54

So pops the big enemy for you. Right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, so. Tell me about that. Like, is it? Is it that? Is it just the taste? What is it that you love about

Unknown Speaker 56:07

man? It's just you just crave one really bad sometimes. Sometimes you can't just have one. So all right. Especially after I eat a certain meal or whatever. I gotta wash it down with a coke man. Oh, man.

Speaker 1 56:19

Well, well, have you ever tried the mineral waters at? Like Trader Joe's with just a little bit of flavor

Unknown Speaker 56:28

and like that stuff you tear open? And he put Nah, no. They're basically

Speaker 1 56:33

like, mineral water with a little bit of natural flavoring. Like a little bit of raspberries. Yeah, I've had waters like that. Yeah. And they're fizzy. You know what I mean? Yeah, it doesn't have the sugar man. Like the sugar that is in the Coca Cola is like 40 grams, man. It's like 3738 grams per Coca Cola, I think is the number that I remember. And our daily intake of sugar should only be I think,

Unknown Speaker 57:00

yeah, it's like 80%.

Speaker 1 57:02

Right. I mean, it's like you're in taking your old sugar. But this is something that we were talking about earlier, about, you know, what, they're not telling us the good stuff to eat, and what not to drink from a very young age. You know what I mean? And so if we're watching TV, they're not going to say don't drink Coca Cola, because there's sugar in it. Because Coca Cola is advertising on the platform. So it's, you know, not really the truth. You know what I mean, when we're sitting there watching TV, and there's not enough of the truth about what our health should be revolving around, and more about the untruths about how great Coca Cola is gonna make us feel through the ads that are being played. So you know, I get it, man, it's it's a hard thing to get over. Oh, it's addicting. You know, I had a cousin that used to have the drink the two liter of coke every day. But yeah, right. No, boom, you know, and it happens. I mean, once you go down that path, though, it's addictive because caffeine is addictive. And I think coffees in that same category. You know what I mean? Yeah, if you're addicted to coffee if you're addicted to caffeine. Similarly and or sugar you know, a lot of times people drink coffee and they put a bunch of sugar in there, and cream and everything else and pretty soon you got a Coca Cola with cream. Alright, so you might be interested to know DJ Chubb, cuz that DJ distant lover has made it safely to Phuket, Thailand. Oh, wow. Yeah, he's in Thailand right now, and sends his love to all the neighbors and everyone that knows distant lover. He's in Thailand right now. And we will be checking in with him from time to time. Hopefully he'll be giving us a ring back. Yesterday last night, just to recap was with Rodney Pearson. From the monthly standard. We went to go to the token lounge and pay a tribute to John O'Leary, a longtime DJ here in Detroit that met some unfortunate circumstances. And we were able to just hang out and be a part of that last night at the token lounge folks, that's right. We're gonna go to the ID break and we will be back

Unknown Speaker 59:29

WNZ came has available a few good hours of airtime for a few good programs to serve their communities. Radio is better than ever, in targeting an audience that listens to what you say. Learn more about this exciting radio broadcasting opportunity by calling WNZK radio at 248557 3500 Verse is w NZK Dearborn heights Detroit Your ethnic superstation out. 690 days 680 Nights.

Speaker 1 1:00:06

Alright, welcome back to the top of the second hour Folks, you're listening to ask the neighbor. I'm your host Danko Sutter offski with DJ chub cub bringing you some tunes bringing you some conversation our phone lines are open, give us a ring 248557 3300 Looking for callers hopefully all are well out there. And thank you again to Sharon from the Grange giving us a call. You know we get nervous when we don't hear from our neighbors. So give us a ring. Let us know how you're doing what's happening. Any questions that you might have any needs that you may have out there, and I hope Alice made some great braised short ribs. We didn't get a recipe but if someone has a recipe for braised short ribs we'd love to hear it give us a ring 248557 3300 is the number we're gonna play a song and we will be back give us a call

Unknown Speaker 1:01:20

crank down the window devil man cam man when she dresses the music's too loud because too fast not big enough

Unknown Speaker 1:01:37

got three inch wide balls no ski the steering wheel the size of a trash can lid pedal to the metal 60 seconds flat at the shimmy push button meter Anna radio power bricks in a gov V 27 Polar bear

Unknown Speaker 1:02:20

and banners cheery chimney 90 Day Under the Stars was the drive in the frozen Dairy Bar she's the woman she's too far gone

Unknown Speaker 1:03:09

one heavy Chevy Queen on the road is so big it's got its own zip code doesn't matter where you've been man who you know.

Speaker 1 1:04:23

Alright, DJ,

Unknown Speaker 1:04:24

yeah, that was Debbie Smith with Chevy Impala. And that was requested by Karen and Lavonia.

Speaker 1 1:04:28

Yeah, thank you for that. Karen. And thank you to everybody listening and shout out to all the neighbors out there. Hopefully everyone's doing well. We're here 248557 3300 Like we are every day 9am till 11am give us a ring 248557 3300 Except on Thursdays, Thursdays we're only here till 10 9am till 10am. On Wednesdays we do vary Ann Arbor that we begin at 10:45am and then on Fridays we do very Detroit radio that We begin at 1030 from 1030 to 11. And during the week, we have different people that are contributing content to us calling in letting us know their opinion, letting us know what they're up to letting us know what they're doing. And for the first for first hour here on Mondays we've got you on Buford. Buford is a business coach, and helps entrepreneurs get to that next place. And he calls in between nine and 10am. On Mondays and then between 10 and 11am. We've got Jennifer Crawford that calls in normally, she couldn't call in today, but I just wanted to make sure we acknowledge all things marketplace and everything that Jennifer does, you can go to ask jennifer.com That's ask Jennifer J. E. N y fer.com. She's doing an event here all things Detroit, doing an event at Cobo Hall with the garden show the first one in a long time that's coming back to Detroit. She's working on that she also helps fulfill local local businesses shipments and fulfill those orders. So it's just really cool all things marketplace.com. And just a great, great place to check out. They have hundreds of products that are Detroit based that are individuals, entrepreneurs that she promotes. She's also giving anyone with the very Detroit promo code 10% off of any product at all things marketplace calm, and you're going to find in there, you're going to find things like the Detroit Historical Museum, and their products like I saw Vernors t shirt in there I wanted to buy then also the riverfront Conservancy is connected with all things marketplace, and you'll be able to get a 10% discount off of that merchandise. So ask jennifer.com with a lie not an I and all things marketplace calm normally she would be calling in right now. And she was unavailable. But we want to make sure we get that message out. You're listening to ask the neighbor I'm your host Danko. sotar offski with DJ Chubb ca here on 690 am WNZ K check us out at Ask the neighbor calm Also don't forget our socials facebook.com forward slash very Detroit facebook.com forward slash ask the neighbor right now we got Rodney Pearson on the line. What up Rodney?

Unknown Speaker 1:07:28

Hey, Dan. Oh, what's going on? How

Speaker 1 1:07:29

you doing my friend?

Unknown Speaker 1:07:31

Hey, great, great, man. Hey, Greg, great event last night.

Speaker 1 1:07:35

Yeah, thank you for thank you for driving. Thank you for taking me out there. And hanging out, it was really something that we needed to do. Because, hey, you know, when something like that, there's, it's important on a lot of, for a lot of reasons, right. And it's important that we acknowledge the people that we listened to for so many years here in Detroit, a, and all that they did for us. But also, it's important to acknowledge, you know, that there's a lot of pent up anger out there, man right now, I feel like somehow or another, you know,

Unknown Speaker 1:08:16

from where,

Speaker 1 1:08:17

I mean, just because we were talking earlier with John Buford, you know, just I think people unable to do their normal routines, you know, it's just frustration. You know, I think builds that's I'm not saying that's the reason for that unfortunate situation. But it's a build up, you know, there's a lot of things that were clogged on that we weren't. You know, we're not as free as we used to be. I feel like that might just hold us back a little bit. But you got to remember, we got to breathe, we got to be grateful. We have to exercise, we have to think straight. And we have to have good social connections. And I think that, for me was important because, you know, getting out seeing people hanging out. And just having some conversations with the folks like we did with Roger Bergdorf that we talked with last night and other folks that we met, you know, that social connection is so important. And I feel

Unknown Speaker 1:09:11

like it made you know, where we were, you know, we were at the bar. There were people that we were sitting next to or standing next to. And right after we left, someone came to take our place and interviewed all those people. And it was Fox two news. Oh, was it? I was watching news last night and I'm like, wow, that's where we were interviewing people that we were looking at that was standing right next to us. It was it was it was funny. It was great. So yes, so so I'll send you because I actually I taped it. And I'll show it to you. It was it was A great event it was fun. And you know there was one person that I really really want it to be there was one person that was missing and we know who it is, don't we Mike? Chuck?

Speaker 1 1:10:12

Ah yeah, I asked him I asked him I asked him to go but you know

Unknown Speaker 1:10:19

he wanted to see Chuck good there. DJ man you needed to be there well

Speaker 1 1:10:24

these were legends man Detroit legend DJs there last night from

Unknown Speaker 1:10:32

up and coming legs legendary. The dude man I mean, he knows his playlists like no one else that's right. You should have been there and all the big wigs of radio were there.

Speaker 1 1:10:45

I mean all you would have had this where the DJ chop cut t shirt that you have with the Ask the neighbor that David for you you'd be they'd be giving you cards all day long. Oh

Unknown Speaker 1:10:56

man, a DJ Chaka yo catch the next one man they'll be something else Sander

Speaker 1 1:11:02

be saying bye bye the WMC K man up on the ref.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:08

Dude, you were you were missed, man. You were.

Speaker 1 1:11:12

Also, we also did check in to see some of the other neighbors if they were going to go and we didn't see any anybody else. But we were there for sure. And it was really cool to connect up. And for a Sunday. It worked out perfect. worked out perfect. And we got to check out the games, right? We watch we watch the games to check

Unknown Speaker 1:11:35

out the games great football. tell you man. You know, I listened to your interview with Juwan Uh huh. And oh, man, that dude is on top of it.

Speaker 1 1:11:46

Oh, yeah, he's professional. And he's working hard on it. You don't I mean, he's not taken any time to mess around. He's definitely focused, goal oriented, and he's looking to help others out. That's what I love about John is he's really looking to help other people. Come up. You know,

Unknown Speaker 1:12:07

I really enjoy listening to him. Yeah, he's

Speaker 1 1:12:09

great, man. He's really great. Yeah, man. Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:12

He's really, really good.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:14


Unknown Speaker 1:12:15

how'd you connect with

Speaker 1 1:12:16

him? Well, John Buford and I were working, you know, talking about social networking. We were co working together at Spacelab Detroit, which is an excellent facility. If anybody wants co working space in the city, right on Shelby. Shelby in Congress, overlooking the downtown oh man overlooking the river and overlooking the bridge, our conference room, everything just beautiful place. What's building it's a 607 Shelby, is the address 607 Shelby, it's right across the street. If you ever saw the club trust. Okay, it's right down.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:57

Everything is so different. I've worked on that corner Congress and Shelby, which used to be the most popular corner in the city of Detroit. Right. And I'm talking 1984 which is like 30 years

Speaker 1 1:13:09

ago, right? That was a different time. That was when the Tigers won. That was when the Tigers won. That's all

Unknown Speaker 1:13:20

I am. Right. But I remember we had Emily's on the corner on one corner, which would be the I could tell you it would be the south east corner and then on the southwest corner. It was a McDonald's in there. It's now club and then on the south. On the north east corner. There was a bank and then on the north. No, I said yeah, the north west corner there was a bank and then on the north east corner, there was the Penobscot building, which still there. So Emily's Does anybody remember? Emily? Gail,

Speaker 1 1:14:02

Emily. Gail doesn't Emily?

Unknown Speaker 1:14:05

Yeah, Emily Gail still was a Detroit celebrity. Back in the 80s. Though, unfortunately, she died of cancer pretty much like Gilda Radner did another great Detroiter who was a bit more famous. Emily Gale, her brother was she comes from a very prominent Detroit family. The trout rich fram family, there's actually a street called Trowbridge, in Detroit named after her family and hen trim and yeah, and, and so her brother was actually more famous. He was MaxScale he was on the TV show Barney Miller. Oh, yeah, he played he played Wojo Whoa, it's Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. And so Emily Gail, she has the story card Emily's on the corner, rather than the corner of of Congress and Shelby Wow, it was man. Yeah, Detroit during the 80s man don't get me going

Speaker 1 1:15:10

well, how's your new edition come in Rodney the monthly standard dot news though.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:16

I it's gonna go to the publisher in about an hour. Wow. It's gonna it's gonna be online by the end of the day, man, and we're gonna have physical copies by the end of the week.

Speaker 1 1:15:31

Oh, that's fantastic.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:33

Well, when I come in on Friday, you know, you'll have a copy and they'll be in stores. Yeah, it takes me it takes me about a couple of weeks to get them all out. Sure. And then and then in then I actually restock, because they go so fast. So at certain locations, I restock beautiful, especially downtown.

Speaker 1 1:15:59

Oh, yeah. Well, that's cool, man, it's nice to see that your product is moving like that, you know what I mean? That's really it shows that your work is being appreciated and valued. You know, when people pick that newspaper up, that means that, hey, I'm taking this with me, this is something I'm going to read. I want to spend some time with it. And that, that must give you a lot a lot of reason to keep moving forward and growing your enterprise and, and sharing good information. Rodney. So this is gonna be a good issue, man, from what you've been telling me. Yeah, you've been working hard. Great

Unknown Speaker 1:16:34

issue. Oh, yeah, man. And for all the Damco fans out there, you know, your your you gotta, you know, spot it, you know, nice. advertisement. And, and so we really want to grow your show. We want people to call from all over the world. Why not? You have a great show. And people should know that you exist. You pretty much like Beaufort was talking about and and this guy would be great to actually mark it the monthly standard. I can't think of anyone better. Buford, if you're listening. Give me a call at 1-844-595-8859. I would love to talk to you and anyone else. Because what I would give to any advertising professionals would be 20% Commission, which is a lot higher than the 10 to 15% that anyone else gives in the world. No one gives 20%.

Speaker 1 1:17:45

Wow. I mean, it depends. But you know, that's out there now do give in 20% for advertising, sales, and you're looking for people. Give us your number one more time, Rodney, we got another caller following you up after you. What is your phone number, but we want to make sure that we give the phone number. Also, if somebody wants to order an issue. Is this the same number?

Unknown Speaker 1:18:08

1844. Okay, 59588859. And you can actually be a subscriber if we're not in your area. Subscriptions are $50 for the year.

Speaker 1 1:18:21

Okay, fantastic. One more time with the number if you don't mind.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:25

Want 844-595-8859 Excellent.

Speaker 1 1:18:30

Ronnie, thank you for that call today, man and good work on your newspaper and we're looking forward to seeing it.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:37

Hey, I look forward to seeing you guys on Friday and have a great week. You're having a great show as usual.

Speaker 1 1:18:43

Appreciate it my friend. Take care. All right, that was Rodney Pearson Thank you. That was Rodney Pearson giving us a call from the monthly standard dot news also right now we've got David from Detroit on the line. Good morning, David.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:57

Yeah, that made me think everything gone so much. too fast for me. You know what I mean? Well,

Speaker 1 1:19:07

I mean, if you're if you're working too much, and if it didn't work out, I gave you a call.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:14

What happened is somebody who's up in the hospital when I don't want to do all that. And people get sick. have very bad set op comes back because They brung four cases of peppers. Yeah, peppers and red potatoes. Red potatoes.

Speaker 1 1:19:36

Were back to the stand.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:39

Yeah, back to the stand and they just had to give away they just

Speaker 1 1:19:44


Unknown Speaker 1:19:46

Yeah, nice. Peppers do Wow.

Speaker 1 1:19:57

That's alright DJ chub.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:00

I've got your white coat yesterday. You ain't gonna believe it and HIV is a change in the law. You know, the Elton John song. What's that guy? His band called The Elton John song. When did you go

Speaker 1 1:20:19

DJ? Any? Any of the Jets?

Unknown Speaker 1:20:23

Yeah, Billy Jack called me All right. Okay, and he said he said he said Well he's 16 Again thank you you got a nice

Speaker 1 1:20:43

Thanks, man. I appreciate it.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:46

The guy the truck driver come down to down the Muhammad Josh produce. I think it's called not metro but then the name. He said Now you listen to this and I'm sure I wasn't. I wasn't kept up. Okay. He said. One load of potatoes from Idaho to Detroit. $16,000 Yeah,

Speaker 1 1:21:14

a whole load. That's a whole truck. That's a big truck though. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:20

2000 used to be 1600 Now it's 16,000 they want that money up front

Speaker 1 1:21:26

potatoes. For potatoes.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:31

Yup. 16 grand occurring from Idaho Detroit

Speaker 1 1:21:35

man. Oh, man. The price of potatoes is gonna everything's gonna go up big time.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:43

Do you see in Canada? No. You see right out in Canada all the truck drivers that drive now the word protests I don't blame them. If you know what's gonna happen they can't cross the border of the United States unless you're vaccinated.

Speaker 1 1:21:58

Oh no, I didn't hear that boy what a

Unknown Speaker 1:22:03

mess. Yeah, that can be a must and

Speaker 1 1:22:06

up big time mess. And I

Unknown Speaker 1:22:09

hoped about i and know that say you got good sense. She said that you you? She asked. She said I said Mary Beth he from these from old country and he knows how to cut up good food and put it as that that's what we better start doing getting getting prepared. I'm gonna say

Speaker 1 1:22:29

well, we need to start gardening. We got to start gardening. You know, we might want to you know, have our own chickens in our yard if we can. All these different things, you know that we can start doing to be ready for what? Whatever, whatever is the comp. Got to you know, you're working hard every single day. I know you're working hard every day David going here going there making sure you're trying to help people out if you can. Visiting people at the hospital. You know all these things that you're doing for our Detroiters man, you know, and you're helping people out. You're at the market. You're everywhere. You're everywhere.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:09

Keep another story before I like Go. Okay. I go over the main stage area. Somebody called me over there. He said Wait, hold on. Yes. Can pack for Wednesday on Thursday. I heard a big snow and wind in them. That's why Yeah.

Speaker 1 1:23:27

Oh, yeah. 12 to 16 inches or something. Ah, yeah, I heard Wednesday night. 12 inches or something more than that. DJ What did you hear?

Unknown Speaker 1:23:38

You got a snow shovel.

Speaker 1 1:23:40

I have a snow shovel. Yeah. Well, I have one right now but I don't know if it's gonna be big enough for this snow but it's a lot of snow. I might have to grab DJ Chuck come in. We'll have to go shovel my driveway and stuff together. You know, do some bonding

Unknown Speaker 1:24:04

to meet anybody Good.

Speaker 1 1:24:05

Well, you know, the guy from spawn the guy from sponge was there. The look? The band The look dug pulled out was there. It was just, yeah. Yeah. They had they had also enter. They had interviews from Peter Wolf from the Jay Geils Band that they sent tributes to, you know, this guy knew all these people, man. It was a big deal. This was a

Unknown Speaker 1:24:33

five years and I didn't get a reply back from Dolly Parton. I sent her out certified letter and I'm waiting for a week

Speaker 1 1:24:41

right now. All right. Well, thank you for doing that.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:45

I gave her your name, your number, your address inside the letter. I said can you please can't get this.

Speaker 1 1:24:54

I love you. Thank you. Thank you for that. Thank you for that.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:04

I got this man he said he's gonna try this out the gallery but Dobby is so busy.

Speaker 1 1:25:09

Oh no right after. I can't believe right after we wanted to talk to her she pops open this Duncan Hines thing man, you know, all of a sudden she everybody wants her on their show, you know blowing it up, she's blowing it up good for her. I love what she's doing. You know, we're gonna play like I said, we're playing a dolly song every day, man so I'm gonna keep to it till till at least March 1 to march 1. We'll play it unless she calls before that.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:43

Then we gotta head on out. I'm trying to get with that girl but she didn't show up. She didn't show up at rockins but she's got connections with the with the LA see, you know the Little Caesars arena? Oh, yeah. And she? Yeah, she's got a connection somewhere down the

Speaker 1 1:26:04

line. Well, tickets

Unknown Speaker 1:26:07

Yeah, I'm trying to work tickets. Oh, yeah. I

Speaker 1 1:26:13

love it. David's in there, man. He's all around the city. He's doing stuff making things happen

Unknown Speaker 1:26:22

I didn't know Bozo was was talking about some I said he lived in the gas core area. 50 years ago. That was a beautiful area.

Speaker 1 1:26:47

Oh, yeah. Bozo. Bozo the Clown.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:51

Yeah. When doing the gas corridor, if that's what I wanted tank down. He was always shooting the breeze. And Tommy, Tommy. They said he was too Bozo. I said no, not trying to yell at somebody. Somebody Listen, how was everybody go? Alright. Man, somebody at the east of market they used to. They used to be on the Jay Leno Show. And I'm gonna I'm gonna get out on that one. Click on next Saturday. I'm gonna come down there early and get out next door. Wow. Yeah. They said they broke through the stomach. And you said on that couch with Jay Leno and Johnny Carson. I mean on the story.

Speaker 1 1:27:37

Oh, man, that's, you know, it's a small world. And we're only a few connections from everybody out there. You know what I mean? And we are here in Detroit.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:48

You're doing the best job. And yes, go Matthew Stafford for Super Bowl. I think he's gonna do it.

Speaker 1 1:27:57

I think so. I think so to

Unknown Speaker 1:28:01

do it. So I'm not a sports person, but a Danko. Don't feel bad. I didn't make the party.

Speaker 1 1:28:09

All right. That's all right. That's all right. No, it's all right. Next time next time. Next time. Wait. It's just like you were there.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:23

Right. And Dolly Parton was dancing and coat of many colors. So Oh, okay. All right. Have a great day and get ready for the snow.

Speaker 1 1:28:34

To you stay warm.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:36

The guy for the telephone. You

Speaker 1 1:28:40

know, Ronald? Yeah. I hope he's doing all right, Ronald, give us a call if you're out there. 248557 3300. Thank you, David. You have a good day. Thank you for the call. Okay. Bye. Bye. All right. That was David from Detroit giving us an update all around the whole city. Pretty much man. Thank you for that update. You're listening to WNZ K 690 Am ask the neighbors the program. I want to make sure we acknowledge fathers justice law 313-819-9176 Thank you to Detroit bold coffee.com boldly brewed and Motown you can use the very Detroit promo code. All one word, all lowercase. On Detroit bold coffee calm and in our shop Detroit link in very detroit.com Thank you to tax solutions. consultants.com 248-566-3362 That's Rene concetti renaker Chetty can help you as an individual figure out how you're going to be with your money, what you should do with it strategize. What's your tax obligations as a business, she can figure out your valuation of your business. You've run a call at 248-566-3362 Thank you to novelty smokers.com located on Ryan Road, folks, that's opening up this week so if you are in the wholesale glass business and you are interested in products for smoke shops, you can go there and get a wholesale discount or you can be a retailer to go there and the location is 28833 Ryan road Warren, Michigan or you can call 586-879-4907 These are products for for smoker, smoker retailers. That's novelty smoker.com Thank you to Troy jewelers located on Rochester road between big Beaver and waddles to 485280962 That's Troy jewelers, located on Big B on Rochester between big Beaver and wattles. 2485 to 80962 you can look at their website at Troy diamonds.com Also thank you to kabob Island 586-751-7511 kabob Island calm and don't forget 10% off when you mentioned ask the neighbor there. Thank you to Lewis Tire Service located on eight mile 317 East Eight Mile Road 248824854 to 0930 Lewis Tire Service has been in business for over 50 years folks and half off of your tire repair when you mentioned ask the neighbor Alright guys, we're gonna go to another Dolly Parton song here DJ Chuck has got it pulled up in this is our what day now? Day six is a day six we're gonna do the research here all right, all right, man. Here's Dolly Parton we're looking for you to call girl here we go it's been a long dark night and I've been waiting for the morning it's been a long day but I see a brand new I've been looking for the sunshine you know everything's gone just and everything's gonna be alright i can't i can feel it's been a long. I can see

Alright, DJ,

Unknown Speaker 1:36:26

yeah, those Dolly Parton light have a clear blue morning.

Speaker 1 1:36:30

Alright, so we think we're at like sick day six or seven right now with Dolly 37. Day seven. Alright, so we played seven days straight Dolly Parton song. So if you're listening out there Dally, give us a ring. 248557 3300 is the number. Let us know what you guys are thinking, let us know what you're doing. You're listening to 690 am WNZ K, you can check us out on our stream, you can go to very detroit.com and click on the WNZK button and it'll take you to our stream for the station. You can check it out anytime, anywhere, wherever you are in the world on the planet, you just have to click on that w NZK button and it'll take you to the show. Well, the radio stream. And hopefully you'll be on there between nine and 11am checking out our show. If not, you can click on the listen button and click there. And it'll take you to our SoundCloud page where all of our information all of our shows are you can listen to all of our shows that something like how many hours do you figure is on their DJ chop

Unknown Speaker 1:37:30

to? Like over 450 450

Speaker 1 1:37:34

hours? So 40 hours a week if we

Unknown Speaker 1:37:38

listening to 10 hours? a month? 40 hours a month? 40 hours a

Speaker 1 1:37:43

month? Yeah, would be what? 10 hours a week? Yeah. So all right. Yeah. I mean, you guys can listen out there for a while. Yeah, you guys can binge check it out. 248 by 730 300 is the number. We're going to go to a TEDx talk. And we will be back after that. Here we go.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:07

I coined my own dictionary, definition of success in 19 134, when I was teaching at a high school in South Bend, Indiana, being a little bit disappointed and delusioned, perhaps by the way, parents of the youngsters in my English classes, expected their youngsters to get an A or B, they thought our C was all right for the neighbors children because the neighbors children all average, but they weren't satisfied with their own would make the teacher feel that they had failed or the answer and failed. And that's not right, the good Lord and his infinite wisdom didn't create us all equal, as far as intelligence concerned any more than we could for a size, appearance. And not everybody could earn an A or B and I didn't like that way of judging and, and I didn't know how the alumni of various schools back in the 30s judged coaches and athletic teams, if you won them all, and you were considered to be reasonably successful, not completely, because I found out we had a number of years at UCLA where we didn't lose a game. But it seemed that we didn't win each individual game, but the margin that some of our alumni and predicted and quite frequently I quite frequent, I really felt that they had backed up their predictions in a more materialistic manner. But I was true back in the 30s. So I understood that so I didn't like it. I didn't agree with it. And I wanted to come up with something that I hoped could make me a better teacher and give the youngsters under my supervision, whether it be an athletics or an English classroom, or somebody who's to aspire, other than just a higher mark in the classroom or more points in some athletic contest, and I thought about that for quite a spell and I wanted to come up with my own definition. I thought that might help. And I knew how Mr. Webster defined it as the accumulation of material possessions or the attainment of position of power, prestige or something of that sort where the accomplishments perhaps, but in my opinion, not necessarily indicative of success. So I wanted to come up with something of my own. And I recalled, I was raised on a small farm in southern Indiana and dad tried to teach me and my brothers that you should never try to be better than someone else. I'm sure at the time, he did that I didn't, it didn't. Well, somewhere, I guess, in the hidden recesses of mind it popped out years later, and never tried to be better than someone else, always learn from others, and never cease trying to be the best you could be that's under your control. And if you get too engrossed and involved and concerned in regards to things over which you have no control, it will adversely affect the things over which you have control. Then I ran across a simple verse that said, at God's footstool to confess the poor soul knelt and bowed his head, I failed, he cried, the master said, Thou didst I best, that is success from those things. And one other perhaps, I coined my own definition of success, which is peace of mind, attained only through self satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you're capable. I believe that's true. If you make the effort do the best if you put your cape on trying to improve the situation that exists for you. I think that's success. And I don't think others can judge that. I think it's like character and reputation. Your reputation is what you're perceived to be. Your character is what you really are. And I think the character is much more important than what you are perceived to be, you had hoped they'd both be good, but they don't necessarily be the same. Well, that was my idea that what I was going to try to get across to the youngsters I ran across other things I love to teach and it was mentioned by the previous speaker, that I enjoy poetry and I dabble in it a bit and loving. There's some things that helped me, I think, be better than it would have been, I know now what ought to be and I want to shoot me but I think I'm better than it would have been if I hadn't run across certain things. And one, was it just a little verse that said, no, no written word. No spoken plea can teach our youth what they should be, nor all the books on all the shelves, is what the teachers are themselves that made an impression on me in the 1930s. And, and I tried to use that, more or less in my teaching, whether it be in sports or whether it be getting the English classroom. And I

Unknown Speaker 1:42:29

I love poetry and all we had an interest in that and somehow and I maybe it's because my dad used to read to us at night, the coal oil lamp, we didn't have electricity in our farm home and daddy read poetry to associate always liked it. And about the same time that ran across this one verse I ran across another one that someone asked a lady teacher why she taught and she after some time, she said she wanted to think about that. And then she came up and said, they asked me why I teach and I reply, where can I find such splinting company? There sits a statesman strong, unbiased wise, another later Webster silver tongued adopter sits beside him whose quick steady hand may mend a bone or stem in the life bloods flow. And there are builder copper drives the arch of that church, he builds within that minister may speak the word of God and lead assembling soil to touch the Christ and all about a gathering of teachers, farmers, merchants, laborers, those who work in voting building plan and praying and praying to a great tomorrow. And I must say, I may not see the church or hear the word or eat the food, their hands make Roma dead again, I may. And later I may say I knew him once. And he was weak or strong or bold or proud or gay. I knew him once, but then he was a boy. They asked me why I teach and I reply, where could I find such splendid company? And I believe the teaching profession that's true, you have so many youngsters like I think my youngsters, UCLA, 30, some attorneys, 11 dentists, 10, doctors, many, many teachers and other professions and that gives you a great deal of pleasure to see them go on. I always tried to make the youngsters feel that they're there to get an education number one basketball was second because it's paying their way and they do need a little time for social activities. mochilas social activities take little precedence over the other two and you're not going to have any very long. So that was the ideas that I tried to to get across to the youngsters under my supervision. I had three rules pretty much that I stuck with practically all the time. I learned these prior to coming to UCLA and I decided they were very important. One was never be late. Never be late. Later on, I had I said certain things that I had players if we're leaving someone they had to be neat and clean. There was a nice time when I I made them where Jack Got some shirts and ties. And then I saw our Chancellor coming to school in London and the alums and and turtlenecks. And I thought it's not right for me to keep this other so I let him just add to be neat and clean. And I had one of my one of my greatest players that you probably heard of the Walton, he came in, he gets the bus relieving for somewhere in play, and he wasn't clean, neat. So I would let him go, he couldn't get on the bus, he had to go home and, and get cleaned up to get to the airport again. So I was a stickler for that I believed in that I believe in time, very important. I believe you should be on time. But I've tried to practice for example, we start on time, we close on time, youngsters didn't have to feel that we're going to keep them over. When I speak coaching clinics, I often tell young coaches in the coaching clinics, more than more or less, there'll be the younger coaches getting in the profession that most of them are young, you know, and probably newly married. And I tell them don't run practices late, because you'll go home in a bad mood. Yeah. And then that's not good for a young married medical home in a bad mood. When you get older, when you get older to making a difference, but so I did believe on time, I believe starting on time, and I believe closing on time. And another one I had was not one word to profanity, one word of profanity and you you are out of out of here for the day. If I see it in a game, you're going to come out and sit on the bench. And the third one was never criticize a teammate. I didn't want that I use tell him I was paid to do that. That's my job. I'm paid to do it Pitifully Poor, but I am paid to do it. Now like the coaches today, for gracious sakes, no, there, it's a little different than there was in my day. But those are the three things that I stuck with pretty closely all the time. And those actually came from my dad. And that's what he tried to teach me and my brothers that one time, I came up with a pyramid eventually that I'm not going to we don't have the time to go on that. But that helped me I think, become a better teacher. And this is something like this, and I had blocks in the pyramid. And the Cornerstone is being industrious and enthusiasm, working hard and enjoying what you're doing coming up to the apex.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:15

According to my definition of success, and right into the top, paint, faith and patience, and I say to you, and whatever you're doing, you must be patient. You have to have patience. We want things to happen to what we talk about our youth being impatient a lot. And they are they want change everything they think all changes progress. And we get a little older, we sort of let things go. And we forget that there is no progress without change. So you must have patience, and I believe that we must have faith. I believe that we must believe we really believe. Now Jesus, not just give a word service believe that things will work out as they should, providing we do what we should. I think our tendency is to hope that things will turn out the way we want them to so much of the time, but we don't do the things that are necessary to make those things become reality. I worked on this for some 14 years. And I think it helped me become a better teacher. But it all revolved around that original definition of success. You know, a number of years ago, there was a major league baseball umpire by the name of George Moriarty. And he spelled Moriarty with only one eye has that I'd never seen that before. But he did. And big league baseball players. They're very perceptive about those things. And they noticed he had only one eye and he's name and you'd be surprised how many also told him that that was one more than he had in his head at various times. But he wrote something that I think he did what I tried to do in this pyramid he called it the road ahead or the road behind and he said sometimes I think the fates must agree and as we denounce them in insist the only reason we can't win is the face themselves have missed, yet their lives on the aging claim we win or lose within ourselves. The Shining trophies on our shelves can never win tomorrow's game you and I know deeper down there's always a chance to win the crown. But when we fail to give our best, we simply haven't met the test of giving all and saving none until the game is really one of showing what is meant by grit are playing through and others quit. On playing through not letting up. It's bearing down that wins the cap of dreaming there's a goal ahead of hoping when our dreams are dead. I'm praying when our hopes have fled yet losing, not afraid to fall. If bravery we have given all for who can ask more of a man than giving all within his span giving all it seems to me is not so far from victory. So the phases are seldom wrong. No matter how the twists and wind is you and I who make our fates. We open up or close the gates on the road ahead near the road behind reminds me of another set of theories that my dad tried to get across to us no wine, don't complain. Don't make excuses. Just get out there and whatever you're doing, do it to the best of your ability. And no one can do more than that. I tried to get across to that my punters don't tell you never heard me mentioned winning, never mentioned winning. My idea is that you can lose when you outscore somebody in a game. And you can win when you're outscored, I've felt that way on certain occasions at various times. And I just wanted to be able to be able to hold their head up. After a game, I used to say that when, when a game is over, and you see somebody that didn't know the outcome, I hope they couldn't tell by your actions, whether you scored an appointment, they pointed out scored you. And that's what really matters. If you make your effort to do the best you can regularly, the results will be about what they should be not necessarily what you would want them to be, but they wouldn't be about what they shouldn't. And only you will know whether you can do that. And that's what I wanted from them more than anything else. And as time went by, and I learned more about other things. I think it worked a little better, as far as the results, but I wanted the the score of a game to be the byproduct of these other things. And not the in itself. I believe it was one great philosopher said no, no, this event is so bad. He said, the journey is better than the end. And and I liked that. I think that is he is getting there. Sometimes when you get there, that's almost a letdown. But there's getting there. That's the fun I liked. As a basketball coach at UCLA, I liked our practices to be the journey. And the game, we would be the end, the end result, I'd like to go out and sit in the stands and then watch the players play and see whether I'd done a decent job. During the week. I'm there again, it's getting the players to get that self satisfaction knowing that they've made the effort to do the best of which they are capable.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:00

Sometimes I'm asked who was the best player I had ever the best teams, I can never answer that. As far as the individuals are concerned, I like to I was asked one time about that. And he said, suppose that you in some way could could could make the perfect player what would you want? And I said well, I'd want one that was new way was at UCLA. And to get an education, there was a good student that really knew why he was there in the first place. But I won't want to complain, too. I don't want to realize that the defense usually wins championships him to work hard on defense and But now I'd want to play offense to I want to live to be unselfish. And we look for the past first and I'll shoot all time. And I don't know when the could pass and wouldn't pass. I've had some I've had some that couldn't wouldn't and I've had some that wouldn't could, you couldn't tell you your challenge. So I'm one that and I wanted them to be able to shoot from the outside and they want to be able to be good inside to be able to be able to rebound oil at both ends too. And why not just take someone like Keith Wilkes and let it go at that. He had the qualifications and they're not the only one but he was one that I use in that particular category because I think he he made the effort to become the best that would come. I mentioned in my book they call me coach that two players that gave me great satisfaction and it came as closest I think anyone I ever had to reach their full potential one was Conrad Burke. And one was Doug McIntyre. When I saw them as freshmen on our freshmen team we didn't have freshmen couldn't play varsity when I thought and I thought Oh gracious if these two players either one of them they're different years but I thought about each one of the time he was there who fear remix the bark varsity or varsity must be pretty miserable if he's going to make a good enough to make it and you know, one of them was starting player for season the half and the other was his next year he played 32 minutes and national championship game did a tremendous for us and the next year he was starting a starting player on national championship team and here I thought he'd never been play a minute and when it was, so those are the things that that give you great joy and great satisfaction to see one. Neither one of those youngsters could shoot very well. But they had outstanding shooting percentages because he didn't enforce it and neither one could jump very well and but they get kept good position and so they did while rebounding he remembered that that every shot is taken the assumed it'd be missed I've had to mend and stand around wait to see if it's missed. Then they go into late somebody else's in their head and they weren't very quick but they pretty good position kept in good balance. And so they pretty pretty good defense for us. So they had qualities that they came close to as close to reaching possibly their full potential as any player I ever had and so I consider them as to be as successful as, as Louis Alcindor or Bill Walton or in many of the others that we had, there was some Outstanding, outstanding players. I felt I rambled enough. I was sorry that when he makes his appearance, I suppose Shut up.

Speaker 1 1:55:24

Alright, DJ,

Unknown Speaker 1:55:25

yeah, that was the difference between winning and succeeding and that was the coach John Wooden. Alright, thank

Speaker 1 1:55:31

you everyone for tuning in today to ask the neighbor on January 31. Coming up to our one year anniversary here, march 1, we've got just the month of February left 28 days I'm thinking or is it 29? Chuck, how many days we got in February

Unknown Speaker 1:55:48

28. Usually, right. Yeah, I don't think it's a leap year. All right.

Speaker 1 1:55:54

Well, that's what we got. I want to make sure we acknowledge all the people that helped us out so far. Thank you to Troy jewelers, Troy diamonds calm is how you get them on on the internet. They're located on Rochester between big Beaver and wattles to 485280962 That's Troy jewelers been in business in Troy for over 35 years folks, check them out. If you're looking to upgrade your jewelry you can take in jewelry, that your old jewelry and make new jewelry for at Troy jewelers. To 485280962 located between big Beaver and wattles on Rochester, thank you to Detroit bold coffee, calm, boldly brewed and Motown. Use the very Detroit promo code and you will get a percentage off of the website when you're buying Detroit bold coffee.com Also check them out and Myers and different retailers like Kroger and other retailers in this Metro Detroit bold coffee.com Thank you to one mag.tv your waiting room media solution. Go ahead and download it go ahead and printed go ahead and share it to places where there's a waiting room because one mag is the solution you can also get the very Detroit from there right now as well. Thank you to father's justice law 3138199 months seven six thank you to tax solutions consultants.com Rene Carcetti can help you be more resilient as we travel through these times to 485663362 Thank you to novelty smoker.com novelty smoker is located on Warren in Warren. And just one minute I want to get their information up and you can check out their Instagram is at novelty dot smoke for Instagram, and you can check them out there that's novelty smoker.com Just south of 12 mile on Brian on the left hand side of the road. They're going to be opening up this week and we just want to make sure people know about them. That's you can check out their information at novelty smoker.com And they're on Ryan road just not that far from 12 mile like I said, That's novelty smoker.com Thank you to Lewis Tire Service located on Eight Mile Road 317 East Eight Mile Road, their phone number 248-542-0930 Let them know ask the neighbor sent you and you'll get half off of your tire repair. And thank you to kebab island located on 13 Mile Road just decide to Shaner 58607517511. That concludes our show for the day folks. Thank you and we will see you tomorrow.