Resources for English Learners

The following resources provide options for improving education for students who are English Learners and their family members.

Sheltered Instruction and the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol provide a framework for teachers. Eight components are included: lesson preparation, building a background for student understanding, comprehensible input, strategies for instruction, interaction during learning, practice and application of materials, and delivery of the lesson. The process focusing on academic content and language objectives simultaneously. Teachers use interaction between student and teachers and students with peers to increase understanding.

The Institute for Education Sciences produced a Practice Guide in 2014, which describes recommendations for working with English Learners and the evidence-based research supporting specific strategies. This link is to a pdf of the Practice Guide and recommendations from the panel.

Resources for Immigrants and Refugees

The following resources are for immigrants and refugees in the Dayton area and could vital services, including access to English as a Second Language class, social services, advocacy, and other supports.

Cross Over Community Development

Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley

Catholic Social Services--Refugee Toolkit

Welcome Dayton

League of United Latin American Citizens--Dayton Council

El Puente Education Center

Miami Valley CTC's Aspire Program ESOL Classes

Dayton Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Many more organizations exist but do not have specific websites.