The documents in this section are meant to serve as templates for organizations providing 21st Century afterschool programs or other out-of-school or summer programs. Organizations should customize these documents, including position descriptions, policies, parent handbooks, flyers, etc. as appropriate for their program.

These documents are on Google Drive and can be downloaded to be changed and used. If you have suggestions for changes for other programs, please submit ideas.

Other links to pages within this Toolkit are also in the sections below. Within these pages are details and information about how to find and use instruments, forms, etc.

Click to go to see templates.

Click link to see templates.

These templates include licensing requirements and other materials.

Learning Circles is the platform for collecting data. The programs will use this data to track student progress, monitor alerts, and share information.

Evaluation and use of real-time data is critical.

Programming is achieved through Partnerships