Passport to Literacy

Developed by Voyager-Sopris, Passport to Literacy is an evidence-based small group reading program included in the Ohio Department of Education Evidence-Based Clearinghouse. Randomized control trials indicate its effectiveness in serving urban, multi-cultural populations. The program includes access to Reading Rangers, an online resource. Passport to Literacy was selected by 21st Century grantees.

The program uses discussion and manipulative items, like cards, word mats, books, etc. to cover literary skills. With the 21st Century grant, resources were budgeted to purchase a kit of manipulative items for students, workbooks, and teacher editions.

Information on evidence-based research supporting Passport reading programming and results is found here. The document shows the results with different populations and the foundations for the program here.

The video provides an overview of the program. The program includes training in the techniques for selected staff. Click on the word video or image to watch. This video is from the Sopris-Voyager site.


COVID Tip Sheet

Due to COVID, Passport to Literacy has developed each of their readers as e-Books. These could be shared with students during recorded videos, or online group readalongs with students. Maninpulative items like word mats, etc. could be used by students. Here is the Tip Sheet for Passport to Literacy. Click on image to download.