Coding & More

These resources for coding and other project-based learning sites provide teachers with options for remote learning or multimedia presentations for in-person classes. These are wonderful opportunities for students to gain new skills and work creatively.

Christine Irby is already working with Wesley Center and Dakota Center on fun coding for students. These resources provide remote options for learning.

Khan Academy offers Pixar coding information and helps youth understand the processes for animation.

You can help youth learn to code as they work with the monster to understand code in one box and see the results in the second box. Students can change the coding as directed and immediately lean how to make changes to size, color, number, placement of objects.

Designed by MIT students. Scratch helps students learn to develop code by snapping together blocks with specific directions. Students can learn to objects walk, turn, make noises, and complete other tasks.

Lego League has resources for students interested in learning STEM skills in a team environment.

Microsoft provides free coding help for students. Hardware for robotics needs to be purchased. provides information, tools, and ideas for promoting k-12 growth in computer science.