Retention Conference  (RetCon) 2023

2. Brainstorming campus-wide - Jan. 11

Spring 2023 Convocation documents and the recorded links will be  added to SharePoint in the Online Minutes:

3. Participant Voting on Topics & Feedback- Jan. 30- Feb. 3

Question: For our follow-up sessions, please indicate your preference

Results:  Majority indicated virtual sessions (see below)

Question: Please rank these topics in order of importance where 1 = least important and 3 = most important.

Results:  The top results are:

Registration: Streamlined process for registration = 76.9%

Advising: Streamlined process for advising = 65.2%

Communication: Improved student-facing communication that 

encourages engagement = 63.3%

Technology: Helping students better understand technology that is new to them = 62% 

4.  Survey Results Shared - Feb. 6

5.  Online Synchronous Meeting for discussions - Feb. 24

We discussed the 5 steps of the Communication Process and then broke into groups to apply the steps to a commonly used student-facing communication, especially one that may need work. See video presentation below:

6.  Online Asynchronous Meeting for discussions - March 3

To provide everyone with an opportunity to explore the Microsoft Viso mapping tool, we have a helpful overview video presentation below:

Questions? Contact Marla Cartwright at