
binti Md Shaarani@

Md Nawi

Shalyda Md Shaarani is a lecturer in the Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). She received her Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan & Teknologi Malaysia in 2006 and later obtained her Master of Science (Biotechnology) under the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Manchester, UK in 2007. Currently, she is completing her PhD study on bioprocess engineering at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with specialization in enzyme immobilization (Cross-linked enzyme aggregates). Her research interests are in enzyme technology, immobilization systems, separation technology and conversion of waste to wealth via bioprocessing.


Shaarani, S.M., Jahim, J., Rahman, R. A., Idris, A., Munir, A., Murad, A., & Illias, R. (2016). Journal of Molecular Catalysis B : Enzymatic Silanized maghemite for cross-linked enzyme aggregates of recombinant xylanase from Trichoderma reesei. Journal of Molecular Catalysis. B, Enzymatic, 133, 65–76.

Masngut, N., Manap, S., Che Man, R., & Shaarani, S. (2017). Bacteria Isolation from Landfill for Production of Industrial Enzymes for Waste Degradation. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10, 1–5.

Jamil, N., Man, R. C., Shaarani, S. M., Sulaiman, S. Z., Mudalip, S. K. A., & Arshad, Z. I. M. (2017). Characterization of alpha-Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase from Bacillus licheniformis. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10, 1–5.

Arshad, Z.I.M., Amid, A., Yusof, F., Sulaiman, S.Z., Mudalip, S.K.A.,Che Man, R., Shaarani, S.M. (2017). Comparison of purification methods to purify recombinant bromelain from Escherichia coli BL21-A1, Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21, 958–971.

Cheman, R., Illias, R. M., Sulaiman, S. Z., Mudalip, S. K. A., Shaarani, S.M., & Arshad, Z. I. M. (2017). Effect of the cross linkers ’ concentration on the immobilization of recombinant Escherichia coli cells on hollow fiber membrane for excretion of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase ( CGTase ), Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19.

Abdul Mudalip, S. K., Adam, F., Parveen, J., Abu Bakar, M. R., Amran, N., Sulaiman, S. Z., Che Man, R., Mohd Arshad, Z.I., Shaarani, S. M. (2017). Effect of Cooling Rates on Shape and Crystal Size Distributions of Mefenamic Acid Polymorph in Ethyl Acetate. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 205.

Azman, N. A. M., Gabriela Gallego, M., Segovia, F., Abdullah, S., Shaarani, S. M., & Almajano Pablos, M. P. (2016). Study of the Properties of Bearberry Leaf Extract as a Natural Antioxidant in Model Foods. Antioxidants, 5.

Wang, R., Shaarani, S. M., Godoy, L. C., Melikoglu, M., Vergara, C. S., Koutinas, A., & Webb, C. (2010). Bioconversion of rapeseed meal for the production of a generic microbial feedstock. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 47, 77–83.

Abdullah, S., Abdul Mudalip, S. K., Shaarani, S. M., & Che Pi, N. A. (2010). Ultrasonic extraction of oil from Monopterus albus: Effects of different ultrasonic power, solvent volume and sonication time. Journal of Applied Sciences.

Wang, R., Godoy, L. C., Shaarani, S. M., Melikoglu, M., Koutinas, A., & Webb, C. (2009). Improving wheat flour hydrolysis by an enzyme mixture from solid state fungal fermentation. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 44, 223–228.