
These courses have been used by PSEO students to fulfill high school graduation requirements. However, each high school individually determines which PSEO courses meet which requirements. Check with your high school counselor to confirm that your selected courses meet your graduation requirements.

Course Search Tips

Placement Information

Most beginning language sequences consist of 4 semesters (2 years) prior to advanced courses. Many languages offer the first semester of instruction only in the fall semester, and the second semester of instruction in the spring. Even though the title of the second semester may include “Beginning,” second semester courses generally require a passing grade in the first semester course or equivalent placement.

The third and fourth semesters of languages generally work in the same manner and are considered “Intermediate” level language classes. See the Placement Tests/Auditions page for more information. Most “Intermediate” language classes are still in the 1xxx level (e.g. Ger 1003), but some may be in the 3xxx level (e.g. ASL 3703).


Common American Sign Language (ASL) Courses 

Common Chinese Courses 

Common French Courses 

Common German Courses 

Common Spanish Courses 

Find a course that you want to take but the section you are interested in is full or wait listed? Check out the Getting Into Closed Courses page to learn how to get into closed courses.