College of Education and Human Development (CEHD)

College of Education and Human Development (CEHD)

The College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) has majors like Elementary Education, Kinesiology, Family Social Science, and Business and Marketing Education. They also have minors in areas like Social Justice, Sports Coaching, and Teaching English as a Second Language.



    • If you are interested in becoming a teacher, please review CEHD's teaching website here.

    • If you would like to teach K-6, you can major in Elementary Education and go on for your 5th year licensure Master of Education program.

    • If you would like to teach grades 7-12, you should major in the subject you would like to teach. You will then go on to the Master of Education licensure program in your subject area.

      • There is a program through CEHD called DirecTrack to Teaching for undergraduate students planning to teach high school subjects. This program will help you gain experience at the undergraduate level instead of waiting until the master's program.


    • Kinesiology is a popular major because it works well as a "pre-health career" major. This curriculum provides exceptional academic preparation for students interested in graduate and professional programs in athletic training, dentistry, exercise physiology, exercise rehabilitation, occupational therapy, physical education licensure, physical therapy, preventative and rehabilitation medicine, psychology of sport and exercise, sport management, and sport sociology.

    • PSEO students are able to take all of the prerequisites for the Kinesiology major while in PSEO:

      • Biol 1001: Introductory Biology (also accepted: Biol 1009 or Biol 1015)

      • Psy 1001: Introduction to Psychology

      • Chem 1015/1017: Introductory Chemistry

      • Phys 1101w: Introductory College Physics 1

      • Kin 1871: Survey of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport (only offered fall semesters)

      • Kin 3027: Human Anatomy for Kinesiology Students

All majors in CEHD are required to complete a practicum experience. This gives students real world experience before they graduate!

After PSEO

  • In the fall semester, you’ll enroll in the First-Year Inquiry course (EDHD 1525w), a discussion-based class with a seminar atmosphere focused on developing your reading, critical thinking, and academic writing skills.

  • In the spring semester, you have three course options: learning communities, community-engaged service learning courses, or freshman seminars.

  • Click this link to learn more about First Year Experience (FYE).