Brand Messaging and Tonality

Core Messaging

When creating communications for The ROOM, we need to be communicating one of our selling propositions. Our communications should be confident but reassuring, offering a clear solution to the pain points experienced by the employers. Understanding that our product is very niche, we must demonstrate the value that The ROOM offers, whilst at the same time being the first step of relationship building.

When reviewing our messaging, please ensure that our communications do not come across as transactional. We are not selling talent, we are building a relationship that gives you access to top tech talent. It is also important not to over-promise to our audiences. We must be genuine in every interaction.



Tonality / Language

When presenting ourselves to our audience, we must exude the following personality traits:


Not too youthful to be inexperienced, not too old to be out of touch. We are smart and knowledgeable, have an open mind and are ready to share our experience and learn from others – we never assume we know it all.


Well-spoken, friendly, grammatically correct, and passionate, not overly stuffy, formal or out of touch. We are careful with using exclamation marks, and we avoid using acronyms and slang.


We are charming, welcoming and warm, never snobby, arrogant or exclusive. We offer an inclusive environment where people feel valued and inspired.

Our voice will help define the type of content we create.


We are enablers. (access)

The ROOM exists to unlock opportunities for our customers - and find new solutions and ways of doing things. We always want our approach and voice to be encouraging, positive, and empowering – to help people find answers and be generous with our knowledge and our support. That means our copy should be about finding solutions and leading with benefits, not focussing on existing problems. It’s not about ‘The ROOM’ - it’s about what The ROOM allows you to do!


We are uncomplicated. (simplify)

We exist to simplify something that is traditionally complex and hard (finding the right people to trust in solving tech problems). So we reflect that in our tone: with clarity, directness, and honesty in how we communicate. We don’t hide behind technical terms and are straightforward about both our ambition and how we write. The transparency of our tech talent solution is reflected in our voice.


We are energetic (and resourceful)(dynamic)

People at The ROOM are dynamic do-ers. So we bring that energy and drive to our voice. Our words should feel sharp, roll fast and be smart – just like our tech talent.


We are non-conformist and open-minded (innovative)

We don’t stick to the so-called rules – if we did, The ROOM wouldn’t exist! We embrace possibility and new approaches – especially where it helps shake up old ways of doing hard things. We reflect this in our approach and voice with an enthusiasm for new ideas, embracing the future, and a strong sense of purpose and mission in our actions and communications.


Human stories / real and relatable/real impact real people.

We share real-life stories/testimonials on how our innovative solutions in developing and providing top tech talent have allowed our talent to accelerate their careers and solve global problems. We share we have enabled organizations to quickly get the right people to solve the right problems in little to no time.

Tone Values

Golden Rules

To ensure consistency across all our communications the following rules must be adhered to.

We are...

We are not...