
Clear Space

We want our logos to feel bold and clearly visible. They must be given room to breathe, and never overpowered by other design elements. For our logo, this clear space is established by using the “x” taken from the logo.

Logo Usage

Below is the common logo usage in application of both internal and external marketing material. Please refrain from using other colour combinations to maintain brand consistency.

Black Logo
Use the black logo whenever the logo appears over white.

White Logo
Use the white logo whenever the logo appears over partner background colours.

Colour Logo
Use this lockup only when logo appears over core brand colour or images.

Colour Logo
Use this lockup only when logo appears over secondary brand colour or images.

Co-Branding / Partner Lockup

Co-branding must be reproduced only from approved and outlined instructions from this guidebook. Don't alter the specified cobranding lockup in any way.

Logo Do-Nots

Alongside the ways to use brand logos, there are several ways how not to. The general rule is that the logos should not be tampered with in any way - in both internal and external collateral. Below are a few examples of how not to use our logo. Please do not alter the logo in any way or form.

Shapes & Fills 

Please DO NOT add patterns, fills, strokes or shapes into the logo. 

Logo Color

Please DO NOT change the colour to other than 'white' or 'black' as shared above.

Logo Modifications

Please DO NOT change the width or re-arrange the letters of the logo.

Logo Modifications

Please DO NOT change the colour or shape of the 'x' in the ALX logo (Even with intention to match a vertical/programme offerings colour).

Tilting/ Slanting

Please DO NOT tilt, slant or flip the logo to suit design needs.


Please  DO NOT adjust or change the logo in any way or form according to your needs.