Career Accelerator

General career growth content

Software engineering is the process of designing, developing, testing and maintaining software applications or systems. At the most basic level, software engineers develop, deploy, update and debug software. In this article, we will break down what a software engineer does, the types of skills software engineers regularly use, and the careers you might get with a software engineering education.

Folake Adeniyi-Adeleye is an HR superstar disrupting the future of work by strategically aiding high-performing professionals and start-ups worldwide to achieve meaningful success. In addition to being the founder of Coachivate, she is also a certified Executive Coach, Life Coach and NLP Practitioner. Her experience as an international HR Leader spans over 20 years in multiple industries, including telecommunications, oil and gas, information technology, management consulting and strategic advisory. In a truly inspirational masterclass, Folake imparted some of her invaluable career advice to Fellows in The ROOMALX‘s top tech talent community, sharing secrets to career success from her work with top executives. Here are our top 10 most impactful pieces of advice from the talk.

In a world where so much is out of your control, it is easy to feel powerless — especially when it comes to the stressful experience of searching for a job. Drawing from Stephen Covey’s ‘Circle of Control’ model for proactivity, find out how you can tap into your power and influence to gain control in the job hunting process.