Brand Colours

The ALX visual identity relies heavily on the use of colour. The palette consists of a complementary range of colours that work well in almost any combination.

Primary Colours

Our Primary colours help consumers to quickly identify the brand. This is the core colour of the brand. Commonly incorporated into the background of creative assets.

Berkeley Blue | HEX #002B56 | RGB 0,43,86 | CMYK 100,50,0,66    | HSL 210,100%,16.9% 

Spring Green | HEX #05F283 | RGB 5,242,131 | CMYK 98,0,46,5      | HSL 151.9,96%,48.4%

Blue (NCS) | HEX #028ECA | RGB 2,142,202 | CMYK 99,30,0,21   | HSL 198.1,98%,39.8%

White | HEX #ffffffff | RGB 255,255,255 | CMYK 0,0,0,0   | HSL 0,0%,100%

Secondary Colours

Secondary colours highlight and compliment the primary colour or colours.

Electric Blue | HEX #27DEF2 | RGB 39,222,242 | CMYK 84,8,0,5   | HSL 185.6,88.6%,55.1%

Iris | HEX #5648b7 | RGB 86,72,183 | CMYK 53,61,0,28   | HSL 247.5,44.1%,50.2%

Tomato | HEX #FF5347 | RGB 255,83,71 | CMYK 0,67,72,0   | HSL 4.2,100%,63.9%

Gold | HEX #FBD437 | RGB 251,212,55 | CMYK 48.1,96.1%,60%   | HSL 0,16,78,2

Colour Rules

Outside of imagery, please do not use any other colours anywhere in our brand - regardless of city or location.