
In order to maintain assertive and readable communication in various media, we will be using Montserrat and Open Sans. Both fonts should be used in all web and print applications.

Headlines Usage

Use the black text over white backgrounds on both internal and external materials. Use the white text over any color or imagery on both internal and external materials.

Headlines ( h1, h2, h3 )

The ROOM headlines are set in Montserrat. When using Montserrat to create headings on embedded or printed collateral for TR, always typeset it with optical kerning, set the tracking to 0, and set in sentence case.

Note: If converting G Slides to Keynote or PowerPoint, use Montserrat throughout for headlines and body text.

Body Text Usage

Use the black text over white backgrounds on both internal and external materials. 

Use the white text over any color or imagery on both internal and external materials.

Body (Body Text Copy)

Typeset all text and paragraph text in Open Sans. When using Open Sans to set text on embedded or printed collateral for Slack, always typeset it with optical kerning, set the tracking to -10, and set in title case or sentence case (as determined by the content). 

Ideal Stack