Quinn Baronette - Volleyball

My name is Quinn Baronette, I am a grade 11 student at Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute in the Birchmount Exceptional Athlete Program. The BEAP program has helped me grow as a person by giving me self-confidence, physical and mental strength, and the ability to meet likeminded people. Because of BEAP, during quarantine I was able to develop workout and meal plans for my sister and I. At the beginning of quarantine, we set long-term and short-term goals to achieve. We did strength workouts every week day and on weekends we would go for 6km runs or do sprint workouts. This pushed me mentally and physically. I would not have been able to do this if I was not prepared by my BEAP teachers to plan workouts and meals on my own. BEAP has helped me develop amazing relationships with my classmates and my teachers. This helps me a lot in school because I know I have a large support network of people who uplift and push me to build my confidence.

In the near future, I will continue with my healthy living habits founded from the BEAP program. My habits include eating healthy and working out every day. The nutrition knowledge I was taught in my BEAP health classes will stay with me for life. In these classes we learned about healthy lifestyles and how to keep them. 

After high school, I plan to stay active and healthy by playing sports but not at a competitive level. Joining team sports will be a fun way to stay active and enjoy a positive social life with friends who also enjoy an active lifestyle.