Nekhi Collins - Track & Field

BEAP’s intensive program helped my Track and Field in many different ways. The Weightlifting platform helped with my power and acceleration, the speed workouts helped increase my speed and agility, and our pool classes helped me balance my breathing and improved my endurance. These are just a few of the many ways BEAP has helped me improve as a runner. 

However, BEAP hasn't only helped me grow as an athlete but it has helped me become a better student as well. BEAP has also taught me to strive to achieve higher grades. It has made me realize that as far as I want to go with athletics, all of that is nearly impossible without a strong GPA and a positive attitude towards learning.

I have immense respect for my BEAP teachers for many reasons but mainly because of their wide knowledge of sports injuries and proper diets for growing physically active students. Through the many injuries I sustained during my years of running, Birchmount’s BEAP teachers have always been very understanding and hands on with my healing process and the next steps to get me back to 100%. Another huge quality that BEAP presented was the leadership roles taken by the seniors of the BEAP program. They helped me drive ahead of my competition swiftly as most schools and competitors didn't have the resources and mentorship that I had. The mentoring and leadership enforced in the BEAP program is single handedly one of the most beneficial qualities of the program in my opinion. This program enhanced my high school experience and I'm ready to use what I've learned from it in the next stage of my life.