Adam Harricharran - Soccer

BEAP has contributed immensely to my personal growth. Coming into Birchmount, I was unsure of how the transition to high school would be, however, it's safe to say that the BEAP program has made it much easier. Not only has BEAP helped me with my athletic abilities, but with my academics as well. The BEAP program fosters a supportive community where everyone pushes you to be the best version of yourself. BEAP showed me a different side of being an athlete as it taught me the importance of nutrition, taking care of our bodies, and various training principles. These were thoughts and ideologies I never took into account prior to this program. 

My current athletic goals are to maintain a positive mindset leading to better nutrition and improved quality in my training. I have no doubt that the BEAP program has been the foundation of this. From the workouts to the health lessons, I have gained knowledge that can be used effectively and shared with others. 

Overall, the BEAP program has had a positive impact on my high school career. I woke everyday feeling motivated and excited for a new workout in BEAP. When school had me down, BEAP would bring me back up! I will always consider BEAP as a privilege. It’s a unique experience which I am fortunate to have been involved in. Having won the male BEAP award in grade 10 and 11, as well as being exposed to a variety of different sports, workouts, and training techniques, I consider my journey nothing but a success! I came into this program as a soccer player but will graduate as a student athlete who gained a love for the likes of basketball and track and field. As well as this, I will graduate with knowledge of how to properly maintain good nutrition and train effectively.