Isabella Trakosas - Softball

BEAP has helped me grow as a person because it taught me that a huge part of being an athlete and reaching your goals is that you have to push yourself not only mentally but physically. My mental game greatly improved and has helped me play my sport with a much better mindset. It is also motivating to have a variety of athletes surround you that are trying to achieve the same goals and it gave me the opportunity to make many friendships. In addition to that, it is fun because it is very different from any other class, so it is nice to have a little time to escape the sitting at a desk aspect of school every day. 

My future goals are to get a scholarship to a university and study law. I want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and continue being active. The BEAP teachers have always encouraged my goals and have pushed me to continuously improve. BEAP has taught me how to treat my body the right way and how to healthily reach my physical goals. I have also learned that you can achieve anything by working hard and having a strong mindset.